Open Buried Treasure

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Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (13)
Despite now being a third year, and knowing what halloween was about, Magne hadn't really thought ahead to ensure he had a costume for the celebration, but he'd just taken the usual sailor outfit that he wore, added a made eye patch and a fake map and he could pretend to be a pirate looking for buried treasure. he had even borrow a shovel for it. Magne walked into the great hall and went straight to the snacks, grabbing a few before continuing to wander around the hall. Just looking at what others were doing and not playing into his costume.
Camille made her way into the great hall. Unsure with her costume, but at least she had found something. Dressed up as an nurse, or healer whatever you liked. It was an suiting one with her personality though, she was caring for others too. She slowly made her way in trying not to make an fool out of herself, or land on the dance floor. Lost in some thoughts she just tried to make her way further as she bumped into someone by accident. Here we went again, she couldn't tell who it was as she looked up into the face of someon with one eye, the other was covered. '' I'm.. sorry!'' The blonde said and her cheeks turned an bit red.
Magne was bumped into as he wandered round the room, and it did cause his sword to clatter to the ground. He was a little surprised by it, but he glanced up and smile. "Oh hey Camille," he said. He reached for the sword he'd dropped. "You okay?" he asked, she didn't look hurt though.
As she saw the sword, which she hoped was fake fall down on the ground she hoped it didn't hurt anyone. But Magne was kind and thankfully he wasn't hurt, he even asked if she was. And she could breath and feel more relax again. '' Oh hey - Magne.'' The blonde replied back an gave an short smile. He was one she had met before and had been kind, so perhaps she could talk to him an bit and try to see if he could be her friend. '' I- I'm ok.'' The blonde said shortly, and before talking back thought of what she could say, think a lot an figured this was something funny since he had something in front of his eye as an pirate? '' I'm a nurse.. you have uh one eye.. where is uh the other?'' The blonde said, and added an smile afterwards.
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