Bumping into you again.

One hour later
Theo was lying next to Ana. One hand was tracing up and down her and and he was resting his head against the other one. " Are you ok?"
Ana looked up at Theo when he spoke. She had been thinking about what she had just done, wondering whether it was the right thing to do or whether she had just made a big mistake. "Yeah. I'm fine. You??"
Theo shook his head. " I dont know how you survive." His head to the door when he thought he heard something. He listened, eyes turning cold again. He looked back at Ana and kissed her shoulder blade. " Sorry about that. Thought i heard something."
Riley stood in front of the house where his brother was supposed to be living. He hadnt seen Theo in over 6 years. Now he was more or less right in front of him. He took a deep breath and opened the door. He shut it quietly and looked around. The place was huge and very modern. He walked into a room and stood on something and it made a noise. Riley froze and waited a second. He headed up the stairs to look up there.
Ana didn't hear the first noise. Then she heard footsteps on the stairs. "I can hear someone." She whispered it in Theo's ear. They were getting closer and seeing as Theo said he lived alone, she didn't know who it could be.
Theo frowned. His eyes blank. He stood up an put some boxers on and took out his wand and pointed infront of him and waited for a noise to hear wear they wear. He hear a footstep. Theo walked to the door frame and out. He froze when he saw who it was. It may have been 6 years but he hadnt change. " What are you doing here." He walked strait up to him knowing he couldnt see Ana.
Riley stood there looking at his big brother. A smile spread across his face. " Hey big brother." He laughed happily. He couldn't believe that he was really here. " What are you doing here? Why haven't you seen me yet?" Riley had loads of questions for him.
Ana slid on her top and jeans and stood by the door so she could hear the conversation without being seen. She had to cover her mouth to stop herself from gasping when she heard Riley's voice. She didn't want to see him. She just wanted to get as far away from him as possible.
Theo heard Ana on the other side of the wall. He looked at Riley with a fake smile that didnt reach his cold eyes. " Just wait here. I need to get changed." He walked in his room and put some pants on and went to Ana. " What do you want me to do with him?" He looked at her waiting for an answer.
Theo smiled then walked out and pulled out his wand again. " Riley you need to get out of my house now. Your stay is over, not that you had one anyway" He pointed his wand at him going through spells in his head.
Riley frowned when Theo pointed his wand at him and told him to leave. " But i have only just found you. I wont leave you again." He ran up to him and punched him in the stomach. " I wont let you leave again, not after last time. You made my and the rest of our lives a living hell." He punched him again hard.
Ana had to try not to make any noise when Riley punched Theo. Then the second time, she couldn't stop herself. The sound of it was horrible. She stepped out of the room. "Riley, for God's sake. Stop it!!"
Theo fell to the florr the second time he was punched. He stood back up ready to fight beck with him when Ana got in the way. Hew frowned he didnt want Ana to be around when he lost his temper. " Ana what are you doing get back in there. I can sort out my own little brother." He walked in front of Ana and pointed his wand back at Riley. " Sorry little brother but i carnt have you knowing about me." He took a deep breath. " Obliviate." He watched as the spell hit him. He bent down and touched him. " Sorry." He apperated him out to Rileys appartment then he apperated back to his own place. He went over to Ana. " Are you ok?"
Riley froze when he saw Ana. He looked at Theo and frowned. " So you come here and dont tell me then you steal the girl that i love. Your dead you hear that." He ran over to him ready to hit him when he was hit by a spell which knocked him out cold, then there was nothing but blackness."
Ana put her hand over her mouth when Theo used obliviate on Riley. She was relieved that Riley would completely forget about this. She hated him but she didn't want him thinking that she was trying to get her own back when she wasn't. She watched Theo aparate out and then back again. She wrapped her arms round him. "Thank you."
Theo hugged her back and let out a sigh in reliefe when she wasnt annoyed with ihm. " Dont worry. He has only forgotton about me and where i live. He still knows that you two have split up." He released her and walked into the room and punched the wall in frustration. " What i want to know is how did he know i was here and where i live." He sighed again then put his shirt on. He went into the bathroom to clean his hand that had spots of blood on it. " This is why i didnt see him when i cam e here. He is too immature to understand what i did." He splashed water on his face then dried himself with a towel. " Just tell me if he bothers you again ok." He smiled at her.
Ana flinched when she saw him punch the wall. She was used to people punching things because Jasper did it all the time but Theo had more strength. The sound seemed to rattle through her whole body. When he finished washing his hand and splashing his face, she held his hand in hers and kissed it. "Do you want me to make anything for that??" She put her hand on the side of his face and stroked his cheek. "I'm good at making potions and I know a few for cuts."
Theo shook his head. " No its fine. I can hande a couple of scratches. Thanks anyway." He kissed her lips then walked downstairs. " Although i could make you some food as you havent eaten in hours." He looked in the fridge for food. He took out a pizza and waved his wand and it was cooked. " Help yourself"
Ana shook her head. "No thanks. I'm not hungry." Ana's only guess for why she wasn't feeling hungry was that she was going through too much stress. She sat on the kitchen unit and watched Theo eating. She was starting to feel more at ease around him. She was feeling more comforted and less scared.
Theo ate one peice then left it. He wasnt too hungry eigher. " Right well iguess that we will be not hungry together." He laughed slightly before he opened a window to let some cool air in. " Wow its hot in here isnt it."
Ana wrapped her arms round his back and hid her face in his chest. She needed the hug more than anything. "Are we going to tell Ash about this??" She didn't know how Ash would react but she wasn't imagining any good reactions.
The frowned. " Why would tell him, he is nothing to do with me anymore. He is no longer my dad, he hasnt been sonce i was 15." He hugged her back and planted a kiss on the top of her head

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