Bumping into you again.

"I don't know." Ana shrugged. "If you hate your family so much then why did you come back here??" She didn't understand why he'd go to the place where the people he hated lived/
Theo shrugged. " I may hate them but they are still my only family and as my best mate died, where else was i going to go?" He sighed and his eyes turned ston cold again when he thought about the death od his best friend and about why he had moved away from his family in the first place.
She smiled up at Theo. "That's understandable, I guess." Ana was starting to feel faint. She clung onto Theo tighter so she could keep her balance but she still felt like she was about to fall over.
Ana was taking deep breaths. "Yeah. I am a bit." She didn't know what was happening. She had been dizzy because of pregnancy but it was different to this. Her legs collapsed underneath her as she held Theo as tight as she could. She had to try and stay standing and Theo was the only way she was going to have any hope of succeeding.
Theo held her tight. e He picked her up and walked into the living room and led her down on the sofa. " See i said you should eat more." He smiled slightly and ran his hand through her hair. He was knelt down just to the side of her. " I will go and get you some water ok." He got up to get her a glass of water before returning and handing it to her
Ana liked being in Theo's arms. He felt strong and she felt safe there. It took her a while to realise what Theo was talking about when he mentioned how much she ate. This must have been the reason she was so dizzy. She toook the glass of water from his hand and started drinking from it. Then she looked back at Theo. This was hard because she couldn't focus her eyes on him. The whole room seemed to be spinning. She looked as close to him as she could. "Thanks, Theo. I owe you."
Theo smiled slightly as her foucus was everywhere. " Dont worry about it." He stood up to leave her alone for a while to recover from what ever was wrong with her. " Im getting a shower. I feel dirty after Riley has touched me." He walked up the stairs and into the bath room before getting in the shower
Ana nodded and let him go. She led her head on the arm of the sofa to try and stop it from spinning. The past few minutes started tumbling through her head. Riley had said he loved her. Did she love him back though?? Could she love someone she didn't trust?? She led there waiting for Theo to come back.
Theo got out of the shower and stuck some clothes on. He walked down stairs and back into the liveing room. He sat on the opposite sofa and put his feet up. " How you felling?" He reasted his head aginst the arm and sighed

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