Bumping into you again.

Theo Smith

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Theo was sat in the harbour. He wasnt wearing his uaual suit, instead he was wearing a jumper with a shirt and dark jeans. He had one hand on the back of his head as he tried to figure out a starnge book he had rencently....Aquired. He sighed hwavily
Ana walked along the path without a sense of uncertainty about her. She had no idea why she had come here. She just felt like she needed to get out the hous while she still could and this was where her feet had led her.
Ana sighed and then spotted someone. "Hi Theo." She was still scared of him and found him hard to work out but she had to at least try and be friendly.Ana walked along the path without a sense of uncertainty about her. She had no idea why she had come here. She just felt like she needed to get out the hous while she still could and this was where her feet had led her.
Ana sighed and then spotted someone. "Hi Theo." She was still scared of him and found him hard to work out but she had to at least try and be friendly.
Theo looked up, quickly shutting the book. When he saw hwo it was he smiled slightly. " Hey...Ana. How are you tonight?" He scooted over to let her sit down then he put away the book for later.
Ana sat down where he had made space for her. She could feel her heart beat increase slightly. "I'm as ok as a single mother can be I suppose." She had forgotten that Theo didn't actually know about her being pregnant but she expected it was probably quite obvious by now. "How about you??"
Theo looked around at her when she started to speak. He shrugged slightly at her question. " I suppose im the same. With the whoel pregnant thing of course." He laughed slightly seeing if he could lighten the mood, this was something that he never usually did so didnt know how much it worked. " So what brings you here." He looked at her too see how pregnant she really was. He could see a bump and was a little shocked. But obveouly he didnt let it show on his face
Ana smiled slightly and looked out over the harbour for a second before turning her head back to him. "I just needed to get out of the house. My cousin's temper has gone sky high and he keeps starting fights with people for no reason so I had to get away." Ana had always found Jasper to be stressful to deal with and tended to keep out the way.
Theo nodded. " I know how you feel. I have had company like that before, although it wasnt company for very long. I moved out." He smith at the memory, the guy had picked a fight in which Theo had won. " So how far gone are you?"
Ana shrugged. "Only a month but I've spent the whole time wanting to get rid of it." Ana didn't know whether she wanted to explain all of this to him but she couldn't stop herself. Being here just seemed to make her nervous and she was just saying stuff without meaning to.
Theo frowned as he thought. " Well personally i dont think i have the right to give you any advise as we dont really know each other. But considering the fact that thats not my style to keep my opion to myself, i would say do what you think is best. If you dont want his child alone then do what is best for you." He smiled slightly supportively. This was so out of character for him it was strange, even to him. It felt like he was a teenager again compeating for the girl that his rival wanted
"I'm think I'm probably going to keep it because of the advice my sister's fiancé gave me. He was saying how I should just ignore Riley because he was a stupid tw@t who needed to get a life and I already have all the help I need." Ana shrugged. "I'm still not completely sure but I think he's persuaded me."
Theo nodded. " Well like i said. Its not my place, what ever you chose to do is nothing to do with me." He looked back over the water. " Its getting cold out isnt it. Im starting to wish that i braught another jumper or something." He chuckled slighty
Theo smiled to himself. " Another reson why im glad im dont really have family. More trouble than i need." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. " I suppose you could come to mine. I could order chinese or what ever." He looked over at her with a genuine friendly smile
Ana hesitated slightly before accepting is invite. She smiled slightly and stood up. She felt like she was about to walk into the devil's headquaters with no escape and not even a wand for protection. "Which way is it??" She still felt like she wanted to go though.
Theo looked around before pointing. " Urm i think that way is shorter. Not really sure i usually apperate there." He scratched the back of his neck when he laughed awkwardly. " Urm. So i could just apperate there i suppose it would be quicker and so much easier. Although i suppose it would be more fun to see where my tring to find where live would lad us."
Ana laughed. "I think I'm going to vote for apparating. My ankles are already starting to get sore from the extra weight. Not much fun but still." She smiled and held onto Theo's arm so he could apparate them there.
Theo miled slightly then rest his hand on her shoulder. " Off we go." He apperated then he let go of her when he felt his feet touch the ground again. He walked towards his house. He opened the door and closed it behind them. " So do you want anything to eat or drink?"
Ana gawked when she looked up at the house. It was huge. She followed him in through the door and shook her head. "Not thanks. I'm fine." Ana was still lacking in the food and drink department. She was never hungry or thirsty and only had some fruit and water out of necessity.
Theo smiled then took his jumper off so that he was just in his black shirt and dark jeans. He walked into the kitchen and got out a firewhiskey. " You never seem to eat. With a fetus inside you it isnt too healthy." Theo never called thm babyies untill they were out, the word baby makes it sound like a real thing when he didnt believe they were until they could breath the air or eat.
Ana felt goosebumps go up her arms when he stood next to her. "Yeah. Definitely. I'm not really much of a fan for spring." She smiled. "Summer's warmer and I get to wear my favourite clothes."
Theo smiled. " Yeah i suppose thats a good thing. I wear all my things all year round. I dont usually feel the cold too much." He sipped his drink and turned to lean on his front
Ana watched him as he drank from his glass then she looked away. She could feel herself being dragged into him. SHe had to try and stop herself. "Do I get a tour of your house then??"

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