Bringing Back Chase.

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Chase Finnigan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
I haven't been on Chase in aggeess. But wanna get rping with him again.

If anyone has any ideas for a roleplay that'd be great. :)
I have Collin Thomas, he's in his last year of Durmstrang; maybe they can be old friends. Like family friends is what I meant to say :p
Plus the Finnigan family could be old friends which leads to about another half million role plays, let me know what you think :)
I can offer kadi as a girl friend. I have just made her so I havn't quite decided her personality so I can shape her around Chase if you like
They all sound cool. :)

Caysi I'll reply asap. :)

Kadi - Chase is kind of interested in someone else at the moment, but if him and Kadi became good friends then maybe he'd start to fall for her? He's easy to please. :p What dya think?

Riley/Laura - Yeah yeah, sounds good. Dya want me to start an rp?

Hadan. - Sounds cool to me. :) Shall I start an rp? Or do you want to? :p
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