Bringing back a character. - Needs Roleplays.

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Troy Adams

Well-Known Member
I'm bringing Troy back, but he obviously needs rp's so I can get him started again. :)
Hii Laura. :D Troy is nicer than his brother, Dan. :p And he is usually friendly unless you get on the wrong side of him, then he really isn't that friendly. :)
I have Elise Meredith,19 years old,Scribbulus shopkeeper..Any plot will do..
I also have Kobi Clivey,16 years old,transfer student from London..
They are my two characters which doesn't have life yet..​
How bout a fling before she gets put away? :r
I just couldn't help it :p
Any one Laura. ;) Will sort it over MSN.

Kobi - I think Elise would be good as she is nearer Troy's age. :)

And Scorpia - Troy isn't the type to have flings, but if she's convincing enough, he'll give in quite easily. ;) Depends on how she treats him. :p

So that's at least 3 rp's on the way. ;) x
Oh,sure..I'll PM you for the plot or anything..
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