- Messages
- 7,769
- OOC First Name
- Mia
- Blood Status
- Unknown
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Dederick
- Wand
- Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
- Age
- 49 (2/2013)

Sometimes I get so weird
I even freak myself out
I laugh myself to sleep it's my lullaby
I even freak myself out
I laugh myself to sleep it's my lullaby
The Basics
Character's Name: Briar Rowan
-Briar: name for a spiky plant
-Rowan: A Northern hemisphere tree with scarlet berries, also called witch hazel and mountain ash.
Nicknames Bri, Rowan, and two-hoof, and wolfsbane by people she likes (the last by her brother), and by people who don't like her dog, ß!tch, wolf, pup/puppy, Fur ball etc (briar generally takes these in good humour even if the intent behind them is derogatory.) she has also been called ginger from time to time due to her hair
Character's Birthdate: I was found on February 1st and I was probably less than a day old so I was probably born on 31st Jan
Hometown: a forest in east Europe
Blood Status:(Note: Purebloods must be approved) unknown
Wand:(All the information on it you can provide) 15" rowan with essence of basilisk scales
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Hair: dirty light ginger long and usually messy.
Eyes: green
Height: average for her age but a powerful athletic build
Style: sporty and wild, more practical than aesthetic. although she is pretty attetched to her red converse.
Other Distinguishing Features: she has a rather large scar on her fight ankle/foot from her attack this is covered by a wolf tattoo. she also has a fair few light scars across her arms and legs, as these are healed by the nurse every month after they are made, they are hardly noticeable unless you know they are there. she also has a scar running down the side of her face, it is four lines caused during a particularly bad transformation. they are more visible than the scars on her limbs as he face skin is not as tough as body skin, and the nurse couldn't do as much to heal it as it was positioned in a place that may have caused some bad effects if it wasn't healed right. there is annother scar on her left arm here she bit herself during a transcormation.
Other than scars she has two tattoos. one on each foot,
A wolf on her right foot which covers up some of her bite marks, she got this for her seventeenth birthday of her boyfriend Dederick, it is there as a permanent rememder of what she is, and what they share, under that she had added the Word BRICK once they got back together.
on herother foot she had a Lion representing her house at school, somewhere where she knows she will always be at heart. this one she got during the christmas holiday of her seventh year.
She also now has a centaur accross her lower back, this represents her upbringing and family, as well as her sister Aspen
the dragon on her shoulder blade, is for her sister Madlyn who loves dragons.
possible future ones would be rowan branch/leaves, and whatever form her brother will take when he becomes an animagus.
Sometimes I fly so fast
Just to feel the danger
I want to scream it makes me feel alive
Just to feel the danger
I want to scream it makes me feel alive
A Little Deeper
Personality: Briar will always try to help others as she saw how she was helped when she was at her weakest so she feels like she is repaying Shayla for all of her years worth of kindness. Over the last few years she has started doing many things that others would call reckless this is due to her lack of risks in her life at Hogwarts, so she has to create her own.
during her sixth year she started to become a little more responsible as she decided to work for the ministry.
she is generally nice, and happy, though when she is in a bad mood people know. she is rather single minded about things and once her mind is set on something she wont change it easily.
she is used to relying on herself and therefore is a little self sure, which at at times may show as being a little conceited, this isn't intentional but it is just part of who she is, it is only in some aspects, in many others, she puts herself down in some aspects, is isn't confident in her much about herself other than her physical skills.
History: I grew up with a heard of centaurs as I was found by them when I was only a few days old and they ended up taking me in because one of the mares had just lost a foal and for some reason having me comforted her grief.
She spent her childhood with the Centaurs she learned how to hunt and fend for herself in the forest. eleven happy years later a witch turned up and after much convincing Briar got taken to new zealand where she stayed with an older witch who taught her in a few months many of the things that she would need to know in order to learn at Hogwarts, including reading, writing, as well as any human customs.
Briar doesn't know her real family

Mother: Ms Milena von Gunten, pure blood. from a rich swiss pureblood supremacist family. when she was nineteen she had a gap year and was traveling the wizarding world. on night she had a one night stand with a man a few years older than her. unfortunately she found out the next morning that he was muggle born and already married. she ran off in shame however she got pregnant, and not wanting to have an abortion. too ashamed to tell her family she get pregnant with a muggleborn she extended her gap year until she finally when in eastern europe gave birth. knowing that she couldn't keep the child she left her in the forest hoping that the winter frost would kill her.
Farther: Mr David Brown, Muggleborn, Blonde. Her farther was born in UK and grew up there. he works for the acidental magic reversal squad. though he has inherited a fair amount of money he keeps it inthe bank and doesn't use it. one night when he was about 25 one thing went to another he ended up having a one night stand with a nineteen year old. even though his wife and daughter were at home. the next morning the girl had gone and He heard nothing from her since.
Half sister: Alyce Brown. Alyce a year and a half older than Briar has no idea she has a younger half sister. She grew up in the uk and attended Hogwards Scotland in gryffindor house until she was 14 when her parents split up. After then she started misbehaving and eventually get expelled. she then went to dermstrang once she graduated she moved to new zealand as far from her parents as she can and is living of her trust fund and partying it up.
Shaiala: mother who adopted her when she was just a few days old. Centaur Shayla has had no other foals other than the one that was still born and as far as I know he was going to be named Briar so I ended up with that name and it seems to fit me.
Aspen: a centaur who in the way the heard do family is her sister, however if you follow the muggle family lines she is her cousin, either way there were pretty close when briar was living with them, and now she has been kicked out of her herd and is residing the forbidden forest in New Zealand.
Due to her early adoption she finds that family isn't blood relations so Since she has started school she has created her own family.

Madlyn Margera: her sister, a year younger than her, but a lot taller as she is half giant. they met in the forrest and they got on instantly like a forrest fire.
Iris Margera: Madlyns mother and Briars adopted mother.
Jackson Margera: Madlyn's farther, he adopted her during her fifth year. she was happy to have a popper Family at last but this was sort liked due to his untimely death.
Minoas Stratis: a boy she met in the forest and who she saved form being attacked from acromantula. she has grown to see him as a younger brother.
as well as her family Briar has made many friends at Hogwarts. these include but are not limited to
Siddalee simon, her closes friend (who isn't family)
Sui Chin Ying
Andrea Kelize
Lola Caracola
Kate Moon
Professor Icarus Stratis
and many others
Briar has two places she calls home. the first is a small appartment in london that is owned by Dederick. it is a one bedroom one bathroom one everything else room appartment, not really her ideal home but it is useful and she likes being there with dee.
the other is her property in australia. much more her taste. she and de split their time between them. though the property is the perfect place for the full moon s it is protected from intruders by many spells which can be activated and inactivated by briar dederick and some ministry officials.
okay. it is quite a large property about 100 acres. the back of the property is a woodland. and the front is a series of meadows and paddocks as well as a small orchid. with a few dams. it was designed for keeping livestock though briar doesn't, and as it is summer they will likely be a little brown. between the two there is the home. it was an old shed so it is rather tall and opens right up at the front. where the living area is. at the back there is two stories. upstairs is the main bedroom and then a couple of spare ones (one with a part giant size bed incase madlyn visits) and downstairs there is a simple kitchen and bathroom and laundry. the house isn't very particularly high tech though there is a generator out back they generally run the house on magic. behind the house is a small shed that holds the said generator, a couple of quad bikes left from the previous owners and briar and dedericks brooms. there are two large water tanks that hold rainwater off the roof and also bore water which supply the house. the entire property is shielded from the surrounding (muggle) land by either hill lines, trees or both. which means that one can fly free over the dried grass without worry so long as one doesn't go too high. wildlife on the property are kangaroos and wallabies, wombats echidnas though they are rare, as are numbats. there are several species of parakeet that live in the wood as well as magpies and crows. and briars pet new zealand falcon (who still hasn't got a name) also flies free.
To walk within the lines
Would make my life so borin'
I want to know that I have been
To the extreme
Would make my life so borin'
I want to know that I have been
To the extreme
-Good shot with a bow and arrow
-Able to speak the language of the centaurs
-Can be 100% self sufficient
-Knows a lot about plants, i.e. whats poison, what can be eaten, and even what can heal cuts and wounds
-An excellent flyer
-Good fighter, both magic and non magic
-Very fit, and a fast runner
-She is able to keep control during any physical problem or danger, quickly analysing the situation and working out the best way to eliminate or escape the problem.
-Finds it hard to relate to other people
-Underestimates risks
-Cant write very well (due to not being taught to when she was little as the centaurs thought there were more important life skills, however they did teach her english)
-Finds reading hard, (see above, but she can read and was taught a little whilst growing up)
-Full moon, due to her transformations.she also tends to feel rather tired and a little ill during the week of the full moon.
-She finds it hard to deal with emotional or psychological problems or stresses, causing her to run away from them. this is why she often finds herself camping during the holidays as the physical demands required overcome the mental challenges.
- she finds emotions hard to deal with end of. anything more complex than you can describe to a child has her mentally detaching herself, or leaving.
So knock me off my feet
Come on now give it to me
Anything to make me feel alive
Come on now give it to me
Anything to make me feel alive
Boggart her boggart used to be herself unable to move and loosing control of her body, or her home forest being cut down for human development.
Once she was bitten it became her sister, friends or the rest of society hurting her once she tells her that she is a werewolf
Briar followed the professor into the chamber. her wand was in her hand and she was spinning it between her fingers. she saw that there was just a cupboard in the room and she was pretty sure she knew what was in it. she stood there wondering what would appear out of it as the professor had left, she had faced a boggart last year during the wheel barrow race, and knew what it had been then, but now things had changed, she had a new worst fear.
after a minute or so of wondering the professor must have cast a spell or something as the door to the cupboard opened and out stepped a rather tall girl, Briar recognised her instantly. It was her stepsister madlyn. she was a little surprised that that was who her worst fear was, as she knew it wasn't the person she was most scared of, but she was the one who could hurt her most, even more than the werewolf who had bit her over the summer could. as physical hurt was nothing to briar, where as mental pain was a new concept to her, one she still hadn't learned how to deal with. however soon her friends voice started to echo around the chamber, distorted by the walls and columns. the words were not meant to be nice she knew that, but they cut her and she hoped that no one could hear what was being said. I know what you are, your a monster, werewolves shouldn't mix with normal people" the part giant was saying, apparently it hadn't worked out that madlyn would not use the word normal as she herself being part giant would also fit into the same category. "You know my Fathers Death was your fault, you were the one who knew the centaurs, you could have stopped it. I am glad you didn't come back over the holiday, and i never want to see your betraying face again" the girl continued. before going back to her old attack about her newest identity, one she herself was still getting used to. "werewolves are scum, should be shunned from society. forced to live in caves, and love off scraps that others throw away" by this point Briars blood was starting to boil. a chain of remarks had built up in her brain and she was just going about to shout them back. when she remembered where she was, the exam. she took a breath and pictured her sister how she usually was before they had fallen out. "Riddikulus" she said, and the girl shut up and started smiling the way she had always know her friend before the events of last year. she remembered when they had met in the forest, and the many conversations that they had had. she chuckled at the memories, and she felt the boggarts grip loosen and it faded back into the cupboard. Briar shoot the door before heading out of the room. she hoped that Professor Styx hadn't been able to hear what the bogart version of her friend had said as she didn't think he knew about her, and if he wasn't already aware she certainly didn't want him to find out. she had been shaken and she hoped that no one would find out about her affliction as she didn't want them to sat those things to her. she hadn't wanted to be bitten, though if she was able to relive that night again she would probably still ask Dederck if he wanted food again, she would just be cautions and leave earlier and find a better way up the cliff.
after a minute or so of wondering the professor must have cast a spell or something as the door to the cupboard opened and out stepped a rather tall girl, Briar recognised her instantly. It was her stepsister madlyn. she was a little surprised that that was who her worst fear was, as she knew it wasn't the person she was most scared of, but she was the one who could hurt her most, even more than the werewolf who had bit her over the summer could. as physical hurt was nothing to briar, where as mental pain was a new concept to her, one she still hadn't learned how to deal with. however soon her friends voice started to echo around the chamber, distorted by the walls and columns. the words were not meant to be nice she knew that, but they cut her and she hoped that no one could hear what was being said. I know what you are, your a monster, werewolves shouldn't mix with normal people" the part giant was saying, apparently it hadn't worked out that madlyn would not use the word normal as she herself being part giant would also fit into the same category. "You know my Fathers Death was your fault, you were the one who knew the centaurs, you could have stopped it. I am glad you didn't come back over the holiday, and i never want to see your betraying face again" the girl continued. before going back to her old attack about her newest identity, one she herself was still getting used to. "werewolves are scum, should be shunned from society. forced to live in caves, and love off scraps that others throw away" by this point Briars blood was starting to boil. a chain of remarks had built up in her brain and she was just going about to shout them back. when she remembered where she was, the exam. she took a breath and pictured her sister how she usually was before they had fallen out. "Riddikulus" she said, and the girl shut up and started smiling the way she had always know her friend before the events of last year. she remembered when they had met in the forest, and the many conversations that they had had. she chuckled at the memories, and she felt the boggarts grip loosen and it faded back into the cupboard. Briar shoot the door before heading out of the room. she hoped that Professor Styx hadn't been able to hear what the bogart version of her friend had said as she didn't think he knew about her, and if he wasn't already aware she certainly didn't want him to find out. she had been shaken and she hoped that no one would find out about her affliction as she didn't want them to sat those things to her. she hadn't wanted to be bitten, though if she was able to relive that night again she would probably still ask Dederck if he wanted food again, she would just be cautions and leave earlier and find a better way up the cliff.
Now that the secret is out and she got plenty of support from her friends and housemates it will turn into a friend most likely Madlyn or Minoas, all covered in Blood and left for dead after being attacked by a werewolf (herself)
Briar thought that the first one was a good one to start as any and as she entered the next room. She wasnt even worried that she didnt have her wand with her. she had practiced windless magic until she had it so down pack that she was able to do it at near second nature. And she was thinking of getting herself a ne wan anyway. She saw four cupboards. And decided that the one labeled A as it was as gooda one to start as any other. And she had a good feeling about it. she stood a few meters away and opened the door soundlessly with magic. Hoping that nothing to dreadful would come out. Soon she saw a familiar head ducking out. The hark hair sticking to the girls face. It wasnt sweat or water that was making the hair stick, it the red of her sisters blood was smeared across her face. Then a large body followed the clothing that was covering the body was wrapped and through the holes Briar could see lots of deep scratches that were somewhat familiar. They were the marks of a werewolf attack. Briar felt her heart stop. She knew that it was a Bogart and her sister was probably in some other exam but it was certainly Briars worst fear, her attacking anyone she loved. She concentrated hard on the spell and closing her eyes she focused on the spell. Trying to be able to get it non verbal. When she opened her eyes she saw that her sister was gone. In her place was her brother who was just as scratched and stumbling over until her was on the floor. Minoas she said stepping forward towards the boy before remembering that it was only a Bogart. She concentrated again. This time remembering that she had to concentrate on something funny. Redicalous she said looking as Minoas eyes opened and his face lit up. The scars faded. Im just joking wolfsbane, the look on your face classic said the boys voice though it didnt quite sound like him. Briar let out a chuckle Good one min she said but before the words came out the Bogart was gone. Pleased with her success she headed towards the exit.
There was a squeak that alerted her that she was not alone. And she saw that it was a suit of armor. Quickly she cast two spells almost simultaneously both non verbal. The first one a strong protago and the second one was stupefy. A this seemed to stun the creature for a moment. Then she silently put the body bind in it before pushing it over. just then the door sprang open and briar left the chamber collecting her wand glad that she had finished the defense against the dark arts exam
There was a squeak that alerted her that she was not alone. And she saw that it was a suit of armor. Quickly she cast two spells almost simultaneously both non verbal. The first one a strong protago and the second one was stupefy. A this seemed to stun the creature for a moment. Then she silently put the body bind in it before pushing it over. just then the door sprang open and briar left the chamber collecting her wand glad that she had finished the defense against the dark arts exam
Dementor the night of her werewolf attack, the pure terror as she tried to rin away and climb a cliff to get away, and then the pain when she was bit.
patronus memory when Jackson Margera asked her if she wanted o be adopted by them. her time spent with Dederick on the boat when they started going out.
Patronus form a wolf
Briar entered the practical exam room a little relieved about the theory part, it hadn't asked awkward questions like the potions one and she wondered what the practical component was. although she had never been a studyer like the ravenclaws she was good at spell work and subsequently was feeling rather confident. "Hello" she greeted the examiners smiling slightly at them. as she waited for her topic. she wasn't particularly surprised when she was asked to cast a patronus. thankfully she had had a lot of practice casting them as often when she was on night patrol she would cast one and have it keep her company.
the ad to think of a happy memory and one sprung quickly to mind. she had used tit one many times for the charm. she closed her eyes and tried to capture the feeling of the boat beneath her, the smell of the salt and seaweed i the air, the sound of the seagulls and waves lapping the side of the small boat she was on. and most importantly she thought of the compony. that was what had made the memory happy to her. she was sitting next to her boyfriend-at-the-time. the boy she still knew she may love but was unlikely going to see again however at this moment they were sitting side by side watching the sin set and the stars come out. "Expecto Patronum" she said and opened her eyes to see a silver mist hanging before her. she frowned and let it dissipate.
She closed her eyes again this tome focusing on a different memory. this time she felt sot light of the sunrise and the grass she was sitting on. beside her was her best friend who would soon be her sister and next to them was Madlyns dad. they were talking and she he was just asking her if she wanted to join the family at that point she focused on the spell casting it non verbally. opening her eyes this time she saw a familiar shape coming from her wand, the form of a silver wolf. concentrating she made it do a lap of the room before coming to a stop by her side. she scratched its ears before she let this one to disbanded and waited to be told to leave. once told to to so she turned and left the room feeling like she had done okay.
the ad to think of a happy memory and one sprung quickly to mind. she had used tit one many times for the charm. she closed her eyes and tried to capture the feeling of the boat beneath her, the smell of the salt and seaweed i the air, the sound of the seagulls and waves lapping the side of the small boat she was on. and most importantly she thought of the compony. that was what had made the memory happy to her. she was sitting next to her boyfriend-at-the-time. the boy she still knew she may love but was unlikely going to see again however at this moment they were sitting side by side watching the sin set and the stars come out. "Expecto Patronum" she said and opened her eyes to see a silver mist hanging before her. she frowned and let it dissipate.
She closed her eyes again this tome focusing on a different memory. this time she felt sot light of the sunrise and the grass she was sitting on. beside her was her best friend who would soon be her sister and next to them was Madlyns dad. they were talking and she he was just asking her if she wanted to join the family at that point she focused on the spell casting it non verbally. opening her eyes this time she saw a familiar shape coming from her wand, the form of a silver wolf. concentrating she made it do a lap of the room before coming to a stop by her side. she scratched its ears before she let this one to disbanded and waited to be told to leave. once told to to so she turned and left the room feeling like she had done okay.
Amortentia earth, the forest after rain, wood smoke, and something sweet that she can't put a name to.
Five words Strong, Fiery, Nice, Instinctive, Fast