Bree Needs Peepz!

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Bree Devine

Well-Known Member
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Soooooo. Bree needs some peeps.

Bree Devine is a tough, confident girl on the outside but on the inside she's a softy. She was forced to act tough after her mother died and her father got married again. She couldn't give in to the bully. A horrible woman, her step-mother is. And her father has to go along with whatever she says. And Bree's step-mother hates her step-daughter so she decided to send Bree to Beauxbatons, all the way in France while her step-mother spent time with her father in New Zealand.

Bree Devine acts tough and confident to all people until she gets really close to them and reveals her soft side. She isn't really soft, but better than what most people see.

Things I'm looking for:
[ul][li]Friends (Bree: :) )</LI>
[li]Enemies (Bree: :mad: )
<LI>[li]A Crush (Bree: :o *gasps*)[/li][/ul]And suggestions are welcome. So, please post. I'm begging you! *puppy dog eyes*
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