Closed Breaking you in

Ewan Wang

conflicted 🍲 7th year; mahoutokoro
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
There was no way it had been an entire year since Ewan had joined the school. It had flown so fast that the Gryffindor had barely had a moment to process being a "newbie" let alone be welcoming more students in that would soon be taking his place as a fresh faced first year. He'd not been sure whether or not to attended the sorting ceremony, but it seemed that decision was made for him, and the second year had been more or less forced to watch as the new starters were given their houses. Of course there was no one there that he recognised, but as the new Gryffindors made their way across the hall to their seat at his table, Ewan knew that it would be daunting for some that had no idea what to expect.

Ewan didn't like that. He didn't like that people here were expected to make the school their home for the next few years and yet the sorting ceremony was such a formal event. How could it feel homely when it felt as though you were being paraded in front of the school and judged immediately, before anyone including the hat got to know who you were? As soon as he was able, Ewan set himself up outside the Great Hall, hoping to make the first years feel more welcomed on their way out the ceremony. Before they had a chance to check out their common rooms, he wanted to make sure that they felt as though they could relax, have fun even. Whenever a small student that he didn't recognize walked past, he was ready to throw a water balloon straight at their robes. Regardless of whether they were dressed in their newly purchased robes or were soon headed to their first lessons of the year, Ewan wanted to make sure they were broken in the best way he knew how; the fun way. It wasn't long before another student that fit the bill came out the great hall, and aiming towards his next target, he launched a water balloon straight at her torso, hoping for it to explode on impact.
Artemis Vasilakis was so happy to be walking the campus - no, the grounds of school! She already explored a little of the gardens, and had painted a small flower on a small canvas for her big brother. She could not wait to hand it out to him! She tucked it safely into her bag as she walked into the castle and only to be greeted by a water balloon right to her torso. Water soaked her shirt and part of her skirt. Artemis stared down in utter shock because these robes were expensive! Her brother paid so much galleons for them because her parents could not afford it! Luckily, it was just water. Artemis finally met the eyes of the person responsible. "Now, that was very rude. These are new, thank you." Artie sighed as she reached into her bag, hiding her own version of a 'water balloon.' If there was one thing she could not stand, it was a bully! She wasn't sure just how far her own payback would go, but she unscrewed the top cap of her tube of pink paint. She strolled up to the second year, and squeezed, hard, on the tube to make it splatter on his robes for payback. The worst part? The paint had glitter in it.
Ewan felt no guilt as the water balloon hit his target, soaking the girl in front of him and covering her uniform. He was grinning at her by the time she made eye contact, and while he assumed not everyone would find it fun, he was quite confident that given time, she would come to appreciate what he was doing for her. "Relax, they'll dry! It's just a bit of water," a small laugh escaping him as he thought it was a bit of an overaction to water. The girl was beginning to approach him, but Ewan quickly realised that she had something quite literally up her own sleeve, "woah woah," he tried to back away from her, hands raising in front of him as her outstretched hands came at him quickly. He thought he'd gotten away with whatever she had planned until suddenly a burst of pink paint came shooting at him through the air, landing on his shoulder. "What is that?" he asked, taking one hand and accidentally smearing it even more into the fibers of his clothes, the sheen it gave off was worryingly unmoving. His hand now covered too in the pink glittery paint, he knew that it was on. "Oh and you call me rude?" he laughed, approaching her with a sticky paint covered hand, attempting to wipe it straight back on her.
Artemis absolutely loved when her paint hit its target. She was full of glee and thought that she was right. She knew that payback was often given - with a little interest of course. Artie smiled, a little too confidently, "That is Sleeping Beauty. Lovely color on you. I think it suits you well!" Artemis screwed the top back on, but then he laughed, which caused her to look up and let out a squeak. He was coming right at her! And she didn't know any spells to send him off. She backed up and took out another tube, this time it was green with glitter. "I'll hit your face if you try to come at me with that. These are my nicest robes! My only uniform set!" Artemis forgot to read the bottle that would clearly say that it would wash off with water, so no staining would occur. "And yes, you were rude! I didn't have a water anything to throw at you in return, so you were being just a big ol' bully." Artie had some other choice words, but then she would have to wash her mouth out with soap.
Ewan couldn't lie, it was a great colour on him and if he wasn't pressed into wearing his robes for the sorting ceremony, he certainly could have pulled off something a little more colourful. "You mean, you don't think it looks better on you?" he continued to tease, heading over towards the first year with his arm still outstretched. He was about to wipe it on her robes when he spotted another tube on it's way out. "I'd like to see you try and hit my face," he turned to pick up another water balloon, tossing it in his hands in preparation to throw it back at the girl with the glitter. If she was going to arm up then so would he. Ewan was about to launch the balloon when it burst in his own hands, covering his trousers and shoes with water, and he glanced down exasperated. "I beg to differ" she certainly did have something to throw at him, even if it wasn't as conventional. Instead of reaching for another balloon, Ewan figured his best move was to try and stop the paint from coming at him a second time, so he closed the gap between them and wrapped both hands over the end of the tube, determined not to let her turn him into her personal canvas.
Artie shook her head quickly in response, "Nuh uh. Not at all." Artie could admit that pink was such a lovely color for her and she could most certainly use it more - just not in paint form. Maybe a pretty skirt instead! At least when he saw her armed, he armed himself with another water balloon. Was this turning into a water - paint war in the entrance hall? It was possible, but she didn't back down either. She wouldn't! She watched him toss the balloon back and forth until it burst on him, covering him with water. Artie could not help but laugh at the absolute karma it was. But now he was too close, and had her tube of paint in both of his hands. Artie tried to look intimidating, but failed miserably, "If you stop with the water balloons, I won't paint the word 'bully' on your head." Artie knew that this was a good deal, and he should take her up on it. If only she had siblings in the school to back her up, but alas. "You should take the offer because I keep my word. I'm a Hufflepuff for a reason."
It hadn't been Ewan's intention to start some sort of balloon / paint fight in the entrance hall, but he had no complaints that that was the route this was taking. It had been his intention to break in students though, so seeing the first year laughing was a success in his eyes, even if it meant he was covered in paint in the process. Ewan did his best to shrug despite how he was tightly gripping the paint tube, "Paint works just as well. Paint whatever you want," he didn't really mind where it ended up, there was nothing that a bath wouldn't fix, he hoped. "So you're a Hufflepuff huh?" Ewan raised his eyebrows. It would have been obvious if he'd been paying attention to the colour of her robes, "You'd better do the right thing then and let go."
Artie narrowed her eyes as he seemed to be testing her. If only she had it in her to say the paint was permanent, but she did not. That would be lying, and lying was very bad. The Hufflepuff glanced over her robes and asked, a little rudely, "Mean and blind? Wow, you hit the jackpot!" Artie was getting frustrated because he had not let go yet, which she had no qualms in getting him soaked in paint, though this tube didn't have nearly as much as the last one since she used it on her painting today. "I'm not letting you take this from me. This was a gift from my big brother!" Artie thought about using him as an excuse, like a threat, but since her brother was well beyond school age, what was the point? "So, please let me have my paint back so I can take it, and my painting up to my new room." Artie figured she should play nice, since his toes were in clear stomping range, and she could resort to that if need be.
“I’m not trying to steal it!” Ewan chuckled, although he did hope that her brother, whoever that was, wasn’t about to come around the corner at the worst possible moment to discover the scene he’d put his sister in. He let go of the paint tube, taking a full few steps backwards in case she was going to try and fire at him again. “Be my guest, take them away!” he added, hands up on the air to show he’d surrendered. He didn’t completely trust that she was going to just walk away mind, and kept himself poised and ready to grab another water balloon if she even thought about attacking. “Go on then,” he nudged, wondering if she really would just leave. Was it mean to go after a first year? Probably, but wasn’t that was being a first year was for? Getting stuck in and meeting new people, breaking the ice and making the place feel more homely instead of a random castle they’d been dropped off at?
Artie was not sure if she should believe him. But to her surprise, he let go of the paint tube, and took a few steps back. Artie was a girl of her word, and put her tube of paint back into her back and slung it over her shoulder. She even had a sense of victory over the Gryffindor. An older Gryffindor too! Maybe he would change his ways and not be mean to people. "Thank you. And I will stay true to my word." Artie double checked her surroundings to make sure that she did, indeed, have everything. "Goodbye then, Gryffindor boy!" Artie glanced around the room and remembered where she was going, and then walked in that direction.

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