Breaking the Rules

Clea Everett-Price

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
With just a hundred dollar on her pocket, Clea decided to sneak out of her new room and break free. It's been only a week since her uncle and aunt adopted her and now she's sneaking out of the house. The blonde was completely bored and wanted to wanderlust for the day, her late grandfather allowed her to do that as long it comes with a permission. She knew that her uncle was different, he might not allow her to wander alone. So instead of asking any permission she decided to sneak out, through her window which obviously fit her petite figure. Clea's room was located at the third of the house, so it was a dangerous thing for her to jump. Then again she needed to try, after all she isn't afraid of height. Clea slowly hold on to her long maroon drapes and slowly climbed down. The draped helped her up to the third floor leading her to the second floor, one more floor to left and she pushed her self aside landing on a bunch of golden bush. It somehow hurt and Clea even got a splinted on her thumb, though she didn't cared she took a bit of the splinters head and pulled it away from her thumb leaving her thumb bleeding for a while. She got her handkerchief and wiped the blood away, bending her knees and lowering down her head and back Clea quietly ran away from the mansion. Next she saw her aunts car and opened the luggage and went in. As she felt the car stopped she wondered where the hell she was, there was a train station nearby and Clea approached it and bought a ticket. London was now her destination.

The trip lasted about four to five hours, which made Clea sleep on the train. When she awoke from sleep she noticed that her money was missing. "S--*" she exclaimed and searched every part of the train who stole her money which sounded quite stupid as there was no way she would find the thief. Clea held her arms shaking, asking herself on how on hell will she go home now. The train finally stopped and she got her back, wearing her beanie and entered a new city. It was London and it was beautiful like she imagined. Though the thought that she lost her money made her more and confused that while she was walking she noticed that she was now lost. "What could possibly go wrong...again?" she hissed and went on walking until she bumped a man. The force of was quite hard that made Clea fall on her knees and on the street. She was after all hungry, she even missed lunch due to her sneaking. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, Sorry!" Clea stated before even covering her mouth. She was too weak to stand up that she remained sitting on the ground as different strangers were looking at her.
Fresh out of the choke hold hell he had been dwelling for six years now, Dederick Micheal Cullen was a free man. He graduated, with not so perfect grades and missed the ceremony of his last day of school as students at Drumstrang. Though he didn't go, the school probably wouldn't have mind the man's absent. He after all been difficult in every way possible, his curse, his lack for the school overall. He did them a favor by not showing up and save his mum a trip. She suspected he didn't pass, so he went along with her scenario. In due time he will tell the truth, she may not like it but it be to late when he does. And instead of going to visit her, he reached the outskirts of London, traveling by disapparating, his boat was outside of town somewhere it can't be disturb. In a town full of push overs and wankers, Dederick intentions were humorous and of course fuel on some food.

He had money in his deep set pockets, money that muggel cried over. He took the trip to an outside pub and use the muggels funds for his meal. A simple burger or two company by a big jug of soda pop sat right in front of him. This crap better feed his appetite than what he ate in the forest, animals all kinds would cross his path on a full moon. He preyed on them, though likely the next day, the taste was horrible. Dederick enjoyed the tender meat and gulf it down, he sat recline into his chair, watching innocent muggels walk by, none knowing his secrets and his curse. In the muggel world, everything was better relax than his world. He even grew a little jealous sitting here, and was disturb from his relaxing scenery by a girl who practically ran into another man. The man scowled at the blonde, as Dederick was amused by her clumsiness. "Better watch your step sweets, don't want to fall in a bad direction" he advice, he was being funny and serious at the same time. With Dederick, you can never tell what's funny about his looks.
Clea was used to this scenarios, being embarrassed in front of many people. The rude man didn't even offered to help her but rather yelled at her and decided to leave. Clea on the other hand was still sitting on the floor feeling dizzy from her fall. She never thought Londoners were that rude enough, the girl decided to stand up but she was too weak that her legs didn't respond. Until she heard a voice of another stranger,"Right, I'll try to keep that in mind the next time I fall." she replied sarcastically without even looking at the stranger. The blonde remained sitting on the ground, gaining a some strength to even stretch her legs out. Good thing her denims were a bit thick, slowly she stretched her legs even though it was painful that ever. Random thought came entering her though and some questions like. "How on earth can I get home? Will my uncle beat me up? Seriously was this a bad thing? Was breaking the rules worth it?" she thought holding her shaking hands near her neck.

What was next for her to do, minutes passed and Clea decided to push herself upwards. Finally the girl was now standing though the fact that her legs were still shaking, she remained holing on to a sign post that stated no parking. She remained the grip on her hand slowly adjusting to her weight, just last month she discovered that she had acute gastroenteritis that was soon be leading to ulcer. Back then when her grandfather was alive he would scold Clea for not eating enough food or rather not eating at all. She was used to the pain that her stomach was giving her, and now here she is again hungry and weak if only someone would spare her a piece of bread to eat, if only someone noticed her that she was now weak. Clea felt that she was one of those beggars who would beg for food, though from the looks of it she dind't looked like that at all.
Dederick took her reply as an open invitation to a rude conversation, however this afternoon he was feeling really peachy. The mood swings and all may have to do with the fact he was done with school, he felt utterly joyous on the inside. "No problem" he said in her response. "You seem lost little lamb? Did you lose your way home?" he asked. He sawed in her face, she look fatigue and pale. Like if she was about to up chuck her food or something, or he least assume. He could be wrong, hasty, he finished up the first burger right in front of her. "What's your name girl and why are you here?" Dederick ask.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's short I will get better at replies once I figured out his crazy mood :3
Clea glanced back at the boy giving her a weird look, it looks like the boy wanted to tease her. "As matter of fact yes, I'm lost obviously." she responded using hand signals. A tone of irritation and sarcasm mixed in her voice, of all the people she would meet why on hell was she here with a stranger who seems to think she's a kinder garden. Clea tried to lighten up even though she was feeling weak, her body was slowly giving up though her mind was still boosting up. She noticed that the boy was holding a burger, the blonde ignored the image and the smell if the food with all her might. "It's not a good idea to give out names to a stranger, like I said I'm lost and I don't where is" she pointed out still being sarcastic yet realistic.Even though she was already seventeen and a year to go before she turns eighteen, it was still wrong to give out your names to strangers especially to a boy she had only met a few minutes ago.
Dederick darkly chuckle, "With or without a name, I can still hurt you. Doesn't matter, so whoever taught you that is wrong" he pushed the metal chair besides him, and gesture for her to sit join him. "And no I'm not going to hurt you, I have no intention causing anymore trouble for myself" he shove the other burger, indirectly in front of her and passed over his soda. It was half way through, he simply did enjoyed the muggel beverages. It was a good choice, ever since he develop a minor drinking problem, a muggel drink was like water to him. "So how you get here in London and how did you manage to get fawking lost?" he continued railing away with questions. The blonde, very lanky looking one, didn't look like the girls from the streets. The one who stood around the corner to cash in some money in exchange for some fun. A lot of them did that here, hence why London was always busy during the days and nights.
The boy somehow looked suspicious, still she ignored her thought and tried to hold on to the pole. Just yesterday her uncle warned her that she was never safe, ever since she was born up to her parents death. Remember no one should no who you are Clea.. Uncle Feo reminded her everyday. Was her life really that complicated? or the people in her life are the ones who's making her life complicated. Either way she was here alone, beside a stranger who seems to match her sarcasm. "I suppose." she whispered. Clea saw the gesture of the boy wanting her to sit, she turned her head and looked at her arms that were shaking. It was the best thing to do, Clea then let go of her grip and went to sit on the chair that was offered to her. "I guess he's pretty much harmless." Clea thought and fixed herself. Good thing there weren't any wound nor torn fabrics. Upon hearing the boys' word Clea gave a smirk then glanced at a different direction.

Until she heard a sound of something headed towards her, it was the boys leftover. Now, Clea wasn't any other girls, she was used to any food as long as it was edible. Being raised in different foster homes made her humble and thankful for any food she had to eat. "Thanks." she answered back while biting her lips. Clea slowly reached for the burger then took a small bite, there was a smudge of ketchup on face. Reaching for a clean tissue, she wiped of the ketchup and looked at the boy in front of her. After swallowing the food she felt her stomach stopped errupting, "I kinda snuck out. Uh Funny thing, it's my first time here in London so I guess that explains why I'm lost." she answered back. Clea could feel that the boy was watching her, who can't? After all she's way to skinny these past few days. She even remembered the look on her aunts face when she saw her niece looking pale and skinny.
Dederick sat strangely still, listen to her few exchange of words. He didn't get much out of her, most she said was snuck out and that at instant got his attention. The girl, pale and lanky, look the same age. How was that sneaking out? He didn't understand it, that's just call walking out. So he predict, and picked a wild guess at her dilemma, she was meant to be hiding? Or her parents were stupid and just incredibly over protective of the young blonde, he contemplated she maybe in a tough rough patch. Right, it's not my problem, so I care not. He sunk lower into his chair and look away from trouble, well he did like problems, he was the man for it, so maybe this could be a little adventure?

"And you thought coming here to London was a good idea, eh?" his posture slump, he elbow the chair and turn his careless attention right at the blonde. "Nice, what your going to do with your bit freedom, party have some fun?" he smirk, for him she was bit of prey and he was the beast. Or something like that, he didn't bother to metaphor the situation. He was boy, she was girl, that was basically it, and he was bored, adventure the town? He thought so, he lean forward, hasty to be too fast about it, he waited to see why she was here anyways, that was more interesting than having fun.
Now, Clea wasn't used to meeting strangers too often. Though somehow today was different, he was with this strange looking boy who seems to be interested in her life. The blonde wasn't after all that talkative, only a few words came out of her mouth. Chewing and biting the remaining burger, she didn't cared what it tasted like as long as it was edible. Then she stopped and noticed the boy was observing her, glancing at her arm she understood what the boy was thinking. Clea was pale, thin and a bit unusual. Judgments, were always following her from time to time if only they know the truth beneath her whole appearance. After several minutes Clea finished the left over and pushed the plate away from her.

"Sorta." she replied the folded her arms on her chest waiting for another question to shoot out of the boys mouth. "You mean what am I going to do?" she was confused for a second with the boys grammar. "Uh no." Clea replied. The boy obviously liked playing games and now Clea was the game for him. Boredom does strikes anytime, morning, afternoon and evening, anytime of the day really. She leaned slowly to the chair she was sitting on and waited for more questions to come.
Jesus this girl was a piece of art work He could rather be talking to the brick walls right now, and they have far more interesting things to say. "Uh, no? What the hell kinda answer is that?" he stated more than ask. "You ran away from wherever you came from and now that your here you don't know what the hell your going to do?" he shook his head in pity, not pity more like stupidity. "Looks like I'm wasting my time here, good look blondie your going to need since you know.." he didn't finish his thoughts out loud. Daft? He stood up to leave, he usually had no where else to go, but he somehow found somewhere to be. he thought of a bar, no it be useless. He would jump any day for a drink, today he wasn't up for disappointing his mum.
Clea sensed the boy misunderstood her, who would. It was better to leave, rather than wasting her time with a stranger who seems to underestimate her. She didn't replied but rather gave him a teasing smile. Clea watched the boy leave, covering her mouth as she was near to laughter. The boy obviously needed help with his words, "It's Good Luck, not look." she told him and gave another yell. "Luck!" she corrected. "God that was pathetic." she thought to herself hoping that the next guy that she will meet would be perfectly capable to speak English. Clea didn't stopped the stranger but rather remained sitting on the chair waiting for the door to close.
Dederick turn around and flip the girl the bird. "Piss off idiot" he snuff and truly left without another word. Why did he ever take pity on the stupid git? Exit right.
As she thought the conversation ended, Clea was wrong. "Funny, obviously he likes to use the word that describes him the most." she hissed. There was nothing wrong from what she said a while ago, the fact that she only corrected the boy's words. She watched the air-head leave the shop. Seriously she was just being polite, sadly the boy didn't accepted his fault of being a wrong grammar person. After the boy leaved the place Clea could feel her legs warmed up and decided to went to the nearest phone booth to call her aunt, she decided it was the right thing to do.
- - - END - - -​

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