Breaking the mould

Joshua Chase

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Joshua sat in the common room. He was bored out of his mind and he wasnt really in the mood to go out and actually find someone to talk to. Because it was so warm outside of the castle all the other students would be out around the grounds, probably swimming in the sea or what ever. Josh didnt know nor care really. He was too hot and bothered, even in a vest and some pale green shorts. He just didnt want to go out side for today, he didnt want a sun burn like he usually got.

With a sigh he laid down on the sofa, putting his hand behind his head. He shut his eyes and began to think of home. He thought about his dog at home, Max. He would be one now, still a little puppy. Josh opened his eyes again. He decided that he didnt want to think about his family any more. He stood up and made his way over to and open window and sat on the ledge next to it so that the breeze would keep him cool
Veronica had been having a great day swimming in the lake in the summer and she was having the time of her life. It was about four in the evening when she made her way back into the castle and changed into some light colored clothes. Running a comb through her damp hair, which smelled of her favorite stawberry shampoo, she made her way into the common room a little tired because of the swimming that she had been doing. She had got a good tan on her hands and her nose and although it looked funny Ver was enjoying it because it was rare for people in Bulgaria to get a tan.

Chewing on some mint gum she smiled as she spotted a familiar face in the common room. "Hey Josh" she said with a bubbly grin.It had been almost a week since they had talked and Ver had become very good friends with Josh and Ken that she almost missed talking to them on daily basis when her schedules were tight. "How are you?"she asked as she went to stand beside him and looked out of the window. The wind blew making her damp hair fly into his face. "Sorry" she said as she tied her hair into a messy bun and then offered him some chewing gum.
Joshua was looking out of the window at the other student outside. There was a good view of the trees here as the sea was on the other side. Josh wanted to live somewhere with trees when he left school. Maybe the forest of dean in England. He had been camping there when he was younger and he had liked it there.

Joshua's attention was turned when he heard a familiar voice in the room. When he looked around he saw Veronica, well just before he got a face full of hair. "Pffftt." He said blowing out hair and brushing it off his face. He opened one eye and looked at her and smiled. "Oh no worries. Your shampoo smells nice." He commented opening his other eye. "Did you have a shower or have you been swimming. I think a lot of people are doing that today. Swimming i mean not showering." He chuckled
Veronica laughed as Josh commented on her shampoo. "Strawberry's my favorite" she said with a grin. When Josh asked if she had a shower or had been swimming she said "Well...both actually. I had been swimming and then just had a shower." She wondered why Josh wasn't out enjoying the sun like the rest? Was he a winter-always person? "I see you are inside the castle? Swimming not your thing?"she asked because swimming was one of her favorite hobbies.

Joshua smiled at her. He liked Strawberry too. One of his favourite foods. Not that anybody really knew that, he always said his favourite food was something like steak and chips, it seemed like more of a manly food than Strawberries. "Well at least you know you really are clean now." He said with a chuckle."Me oh no too many people out i mean im a people person dont get me wrong but i dont want to share a lake with tons of other hot and sweaty people." He said with a shrug. "Not that your not a hot and sweaty person. Well definitely how anyway." He said with a grin as he practised his flirting. It had been a while since he had actually flirted with a girl
(Sorry I didn't have internet for the past week :erm: )

Veronica laughed as Josh said that at least she was clean now. Veronica was always clean she did like to get dirty a few times but she wouldn't stop having fun if the fun was associated with getting dirty she would just have a good bubble bath and do her manicures and pedicures after that! She nodded with a grin as he said that he didn't want to get in the crowd with too many 'hot' people. Although Veronica did have the urge to ask him by which meaning was he using 'hot' but she just let it go.

She grinned back as she heard him say that she was definitely hot.A compliment, she thought wondering if Josh was actually flirting. From a gay, her mind reminded her however she did say "Thanks" for his compliment. "So then what have you been up to lately?"she asked Josh wondering if he was still seeing Will, the guy whom he had last mentioned to her before he had broken up with Ken.
(Dont worry about it) :)

Josh smiled as he watched Veronica laugh. At least i amuse her. He thought to himself as she thanked him. He wasnt as used to chatting girls up as much as he was boys. Girls assumed he was gay because he has boyfriends, it did make flirting with girls more fun because they thought that he didnt find them attractive s it was more harmless. Although times like this when he wanted her to know it was true it did kind of get in the way.

Joshua shrugged with a grin. "Dont need to thank me im just saying the truth." He said shifting his position on the ledge as a breeze blew though his hair. He pursed his lips as he thought before shaking his head. "Oh tat was over before it started. Just a quick thing. I think it was my way of getting over Kenny. Im single again." He laughed before talking again. "Besides im getting bored of guys. I have ad a few too many boyfriends in a row now. I want a break from them. Im looking fr a girl friend now." He said sighing at looking at his nails. "You know any girls that wasnt a good looking boy friend." He said joking around with the good looking part.
Veronica put her hands on the window sill and put her weight on them. The breeze against her skin felt good and she was glad that it was wind in the summer unlike the freezing winter breeze. She grinned as Josh said that he was just saying the truth. "I see" she said as she understood that he just had a one time thing with Will. She raised her eyebrow as she heard him say that he was looking for a girlfriend. "A girlfriend?" she asked with a smirk wondering if that was something normal.

"Have you had one before?"she asked curiously. She looked at Josh and she had to agree that he was handsome with a good charm. "There will be someone interested in that handsome face. I'm not the ideal match maker" she said with a slight chuckle as her gaze turned to the window again and all of a sudden out of no where an owl came soaring at her and its feet scratched into her cheek as it flew on. "Crap" she said as an instant pain rose on her cheek and she could feel hot blood flowing from her right cheek. Her dress was precious and she didn't want it ruined with blood stains and her face! Ugh! It would take weeks for this to heal, she thought as few tears made way down her eyes due to the pain.
Josh chuckled ad looked at her with a raise eye brow. Of course he didnt expect her to know he had had girl friends before, not to many people knew this but he knew what he wanted, and it was a girl. smile crossing his face and he thought abut Veronica. She was a girl. They were close, they had chemistry. The could be together easily. "Yes a girlfriend. YOu know a person to date who isnt the same gender as me." He joked. "Of course i have had one before. I do like girls as well you know." He said with a smile.

His smile soon turned to shock as an owl flew past ad cut her face. It took him a second to register what had just happened. QUickly he jumped up. "Oh dear merlin urm." He said thinking quickly. "Blood." He said quickly before taking his T-shirt of and screwing it up and placing t to the cut to soak up the blood. "Ok uh hold that there while i get my wand."He said thinking again where he put his wand. He ran over to his bed and picked his pillow up and took his wand from where it should have been. He ran back to Veronica and pointed his wand at the shirt. He reached forward and removed it from her face. He could sill see the blood so he knew it was still open. "Episkey." He said clearly. It was a spell he had learned in class the other week. good thing too as he watched the sell take affect. "How do you feel?" He asked her caringly
Veronica smiled a little happy to know that Josh has been involved with a girl before but at the moment she could not ponder over that. She was almost dazzled to see Josh shirtless and for a minute the pain her cheek seemed to disappear. She would have sat there looking at his muscular figure and abs but she was brought back to the reality as he dabbed the blood with it. "Uh...thanks" she said with a smile still not being able to get her eyes off him.

She wondered why Josh had to leave her alone in this tower to go take his wand. She tried to wipe the blood from her cheek but it kept flowing and was staining her dress and she couldn't ignore the fact that he was at the moment roaming shirtless in the corridors and she had his t-shirt in her hand. In less than a minute he was back and she continued staring at him as he did something and the skin on her cheek stretched or something she could feel it but not describe it. "Ouch" she said feeling foolish to behave so foolishly infront of him. "I don't know..." she said feeling her wound where she could feel the blood clotted and thick skin quickly covering the cut. "How do I look?"she asked him hoping she didn't look terrible.
Josh knelt by her side to make sure that she was ok. He leant over and shut the window to avoid any more injuries. He used his thumb and wiped away some of the blood from her cheek. The cut was nearly gone now so there would b no fresh warm blood for him to worry about. He gave her a half smile before he spoke. "You look perfect, stop worrying about it." Joshua said calmly looking her dress and pointing his wand again. "Your dress on the other and may need a clean." He said with a chuckle. "Scourgify." He said softly as he watched the dress get cleaned. "There we go. Good as new. Where would you be without me." Josh said ruffling her hair up playfully.

(sorry its rubbish)
(I think its cute :p )

Veronica waited a little mesmerized by his touch which was so soft and gentle. She had never felt this way before when she was around Joshua but now all of a sudden she was feeling self conscious. She smiled back, a little too big smile when he said she was looking perfect. Of course he meant that in a normal way, she reminded herself as she came out of the fantasy world that had just been formed.

"Thanks" she said as she watched the blood being sucked up and her dress being stain free again. She felt highly aware of his hand ruffling in her hair and she had to admit that she liked it however she wasn't going get carried away. "I'll probably be in the hospital wing and staying there the whole afternoon instead of spending such a beautiful day with you" she said with a smirk.She had forgotten she she was still holding his t-shirt in her hand and even if she would remember that she had very less intentions of giving it back because she preferred him shirtless!
Josh returned his wand in his back pocket of his jeans as he figured no more magic was needed, well he hop not unless another owl came and attacked her face. When he looked back at her he couldnt help but smile at her She seemed so pretty to him now, he liked her before but not like this.

Joshua shrugged at her thanks. "WEll i couldnt just let you bleed ll over where i was sat. You may have got blood on me." He joked and he taped her arm with his. He wouldnt have minded if she had got blood on him but he liked to joke around sometimes, all the time in fact. "WEll if you had been in the hospital i would have gone it to visit dont you worry about that. Besides you dont need to worry about that because im her for you." Josh said to her as he put his arm around her shoulder.
Veronica was reacting slow today especially from a few minutes because he was shirtless and her senses were running wild as butterfly fluttered in her stomach and therefore she didn't catch his joke. However when he laughed she smiled and then later figured out that he was joking with her. She could feel her cheeks brighten when he taped her arm with his and she hoped he wasn't noticing this. "Really? That's nice" she said with a smile when Joshua said that he would have come to visit her if she would have been in the hospital wing.

When he put his arm around her shoulder she could feel his warmth against her body and she was feeling shy especially thinking about the fact what would people think if someone saw them like this. She thought it would be rude to move away so she sat there feeling him beside her and the silence was scary and she decided to talk before she would get more nervous. "So have you thought about what you'll do after graduation?"she asked him a little curious but sad that she would not be able to see both Joshua and Kenneth once they graduated except in the holidays.
Josh hook his head when she asked him if he would really visit er. Of course he would, he wouldnt let a girl he liked lye alone in bed in some hospital wing with no one to talk to. "Course i would. Wouldnt want you to get lonely would i?" He grinned as he rubbed her arm furthest away from him with his hand. If her face had not been bloody he my have seen her blush but as he couldnt tell what was on the skin and what was under he let it go. She probably wasnt even in to him.

Joshua thought for a second the shrugged. "I dunno maybe work in the ministry but i still have my seventh year to go. Kenny was in the year above me, i just happen to be one of the oldest in my year so yeah." Josh said as he looked down at her. "Didnt you ask me that last time we saw each other?" He asked thinking back to last week in the great hall
Veronica nodded with a smile when he said he wouldn't want her to get lonely. He was being very nice and Veronica was wondering if that was just normal behavior or was he feeling the chemistry between them the way she was. She couldn't know but she allowed herself to go with the flow, she would wait for a sign, maybe it would come and if it did then she would react the way she felt on receiving it.The idea of them being together seemed great to her but she didn't know how others would take it. Infact she didn't know if she herself could accept the fact to think about Josh when he had been with guys before. It felt weird in one way but great in another.

Veronica had been thinking that Ken and Josh were in the same year and now she came to know that it wasn't so. She laughed when Josh asked if she had asked him the same question last time. It was really funny how she had been asking this question to almost everyone because she herself had been thinking about career choices lately. "Yeah, I'm sure I did" she said with a grin. "I like to keep knowing whether you still think the same way about it or not" she said with a smile. "Just staying updated with your thoughts" she told him with a smirk.
Joshua smiled as he listened to her talk. He had not really put much thought into what he wanted to do when e left school. He wanted to know what grades he to first before he started to plan thing like jobs. He knew that could lead to disappointment and he wouldnt want to have to go through that. "Well i think its good hat you like to keep updated on me i you like to know my thoughts then look in a mirror." He said with a smile as he looked away again hitting himself mentally for saying that. "Gah sorry shouldnt have said that." He said looking forward an taking hi arm from around her and stuck his head in his hands
Veronica wasn't a great fan of being talked to in such a way but surprisingly she didn't mind it today. She wasn't completely hopeless like some other girls who had no work but to check if there lipglow was on or not but she did like fashion and dressing up. With a little frown she watched him apologize and then put his head into his hands. "Its okay" she said not quite understand why he had said that. "At least my looking in the mirror helps me attract more guys than you do" she joked with a smile trying to make things lighter.

"You are allowed to joke with me and mock me if you like" she said with a grin and placed her hand on his shoulder and ruffled his hair. "Not many people get that chance" she added with a smile making sure that she knew that Joshua was special.
Joshua smiled back at her as she tried to lighten the mood. He was grateful for her efforts nd she didnt seemed too annoyed by what e had said so he didnt dwell on it any longer. "Oh well we will just have to see about that one now wont we." He laughed as he followed her lead with the pick me up mood thing

Joshua looked at her confused and shook his head. "Why would i mock you?" He asked her wondering why she had said that. Josh didnt like mocking or poking fun at people, he wasnt that sort of person. "I guess im going to be one of those people ho dont get the chance." He said smiling and poking her arm with his finger.
"For can't be a gentleman all the time" she said with a smirk and then laughed. Joshua was really good person and she was glad that she had him for a friend. Whether it would be anymore than that she didn't know only time would tell. "Hello...I just told you that you have a chance if you want to" she reminded him with a smile. "What a memory you have" she said shaking her head playfully with a tone of sigh.

"Do you often forget things or is it because I am around?"she asked him in a flirty manner because she could no longer wait to know what was going on in his brain which he might be shy to reveal. She would just have to bottle it out if there existed anything for her.
Josh laughed and looked at her with surprise on is face. He hadnt forgotten he just didnt ant to say anything. "Hey i never forgot. I have a pretty good memory the last time i checked.....Wait when was that." He said with a chuckle. "I just dont want to hurt your feelings and i can be a gentleman all the time, only when i feel like it mind." He said as he bit his lip and thought about his next line. "Yeah my mind gets really scewwiff now that your around. I tend to forget myself when im around pretty girls that i like.' He said hoping again that he didnt over step the line but she had flirted with him and he sorted of jumped on that.
Veronica laughed when he talked about having a good memory. The part of him not wanting to her her feelings made more butterflies dance in her stomach and she blushed. "That's understandable" she said with smile on Joshua's answer. His answers were not crossing the lines that would show her his thoughts but she would keep trying. "Pretty girls...thanks" she said with another smile in Joshua's direction.

"What makes a girl and a guy good looking in your view Mr.Chase?"she asked with a grin wanting to know what he saw in both the genders and how he rated them. It would be really interesting to hear his answers especially when he had dated both the sexes.
Joshua smiled at her and shrugged. It was true he found her very pretty but he guessed that she knew she was good looking. He pursed his lips at her question. "Please call me Josh." He joked before thinking about how he would answer her question. "Well if is first impressions i look at the looks. With guys i like then to have sort of baby faces. Well built so thy have a little muscle on them and they arent thin. With girls i think i like girls with long lowing hair. Im not a lover of girls that wear a lot of make up, it sort f hides their true looks and i dont like it. A little make up i like. Anyway. I like girl thin but not too thin, they have to have a little met on them you know." He said as he thought about the sort of things he looked at when he fist looks at someone. Of course he didnt just go on looks. "If its something like personality then i like bubbly girls with energy and i like them loving and then i know they will be nice to me and i can return that. With guys its the same really. I like them with nice personalities. Not self loving." He said sighing then looking at her. "What about you." He said to her
Veronica smiled as Joshua said that she should call him Josh. Well that was what she called him in his head and diary. She heard him talk about muscular guys and long hair and little make up for girls. Veronica wore make up when she went to parties or stuff like that but on normal days she just had her favorite eye make up that included mascara, eyeliner and eyebrow pencil because she considered eyes to be the most beautiful feature of one's face. She grinned when he said he didn't like too thin girls. Veronica knew a few too thin girls that would diet all the time and then end up looking like skeletons she didn't like that either.

"Wow! Your opinion matches with mine alot Josh" she said with a smile. "Never tried girls so I don't know on that part" she started with a joke but as all her friends knew that Veronica did see a few quality in even girls before being friends with them. "As for guys...they should be a little good looking, not a model face which smiles all the time,then they should be know able to punch someone if needed" she told him. Veronica was not the total violent type but she wasn't even a total peace person. If someone tried to mess around she would like to see a punch or two which she would hardly be able to give owing to her lack of physical strength which he desired the guy whom she liked to have. Zac as she had noticed did have the strength but he hardly used it only once did he see her punch someone 'lightly'. "They should have good sense of humor, they should be easy to make conversation with and not too shy and they should even have a little ranking personality that makes them stand out from others" she explained Joshua.She wondered if she was fitting in Joshua's energetic and bubbly list because he definitely had all the characteristics which she mentioned in him.
Josh listened to Veronica describe her type of guy. He agreed that they had the same sort of type. He thought that she had more or less described him, but that could just be his male ego getting the better of him. Never the less Josh did have a big ego and a lot of confidence so he cold speak his mind. "Well if thats your type then i guess your sat next to your own personal pince charming. Im funny, stand out from the crowd. You know im always going to be there or you. Im good looking, if i do say so myself. Im quite muscular, and we talk easily.' He said swallowing hard as he took the plunge. He leant across to her planted a kiss on her lips. He could feel his temperature increase as he id that. He pulled quickly, his heart rate increasing. "Please dont slap me." He said looking at her sorrily

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