
Praneil Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Praneil was sitting in the great hall. it was the start of the year and Praneil was sitting in the dining hall eating breakfast and flipping through that days version of the indian daily prophet, as it had just been delivered with the rest of the morning mail. he took a mouthful of the pan au chocolette he was eating looking around the room for someone to talk to. the news was interesting but people were better.
Sofia was a bit of a nerd when it came to keeping up with the news and current events. If she didn't read the paper daily, then the young girl felt far too ignorant for her own liking. But today, her copy hadn't arrived, having probably been lost in the post. So when she noticed that a student near her had a copy, Sofia decided to see if she could borrow it. "Hey, can I - Oh, that's not in English, sorry," she said upon closer inspection, turning back to her breakfast with just a touch of embarrassment.​
Praneil looked up as he heard someone come up and start to ask if she could borrow his paper. "It is hindi i am afraid, but if you are desperate to hear the indian news i can have a go at translating for you, but i don't know much english so it will have to be into french. I'm Praneil by the way." he said. He thought that everyone in the castle spoke French and almost everyone had French as their first language, he was one of the few that grew up with a different language, and he was pretty sure that he was the only one at the school who spoke hindi, or sanskrit. "So where are you from" he asked, guessing that she wasn't local too.
"No, I can wait until tomorrow. Thanks anyway," Sofia smiled, sure that whatever had held up her paper today would not be repeated the next. "I'm from the US. New York, to be specific." English was Sofia's first language, though she was able to communicate with this boy in French just as well. She also spoke some Spanish and Danish because of her parents, but that only came in handy when visiting grandparents or cousins. "Are you actually from India, or is it just your family?" She was very curious about the world, but had never been to India. She pictured it to be a beautiful, cultural place; albeit with it's share of poverty, if television was anything to go by.​
"Is okay, todays storys are pretty dill anyway, so little has seemed to goen on today that they are reporting the results of the muggle cricket match, but then again a couple of the players are wizards, India seems to be ahead incase you wanted to know" he said laughing. wen she gil said where she was form he was surprised. he hadnt thought she was from amarica, that was pretty cool. "I want to travel to america and new york when i finish school, I want to go all around the world and see different wizard communities" he said. he knew that it was common thing to do and he wanted to do it too. "i am from india myself, and i go back their during the summer holidays, my mother comes form india too, but my farther spent some of his childhood in england." she said more than answering her question. he took a couple of apricots of a fruit platter nearby, he liked the French apricots, they were sweet and juicy, especially this time of year. "Do you want one?" he asked offering her one.
Sofia laughed with the boy, as he described the sporting news that she didn't usually follow. "To be honest, I don't know much about cricket. Quidditch is more my game." She nodded as he talked about America. New York was her home, but there were great things to see all over, like the music in New Orleans, the art in San Fransisco. "I suppose I'm not technically American. My mother's from Denmark and my father's from Spain. I was born and grew up there, though," Sofia clarified. By blood, she was fully European, but her accent and upbringing disagreed. "Oh, cool. England is awesome. Have you been to Diagon Alley?" She herself was quite well travelled, with London being one of her favourite places. This boy seemed quite smart, he probably knew a lot about the Wizarding world. Sofia politely waved away the apricots. She much preferred her bowl of berries.​
"cricket is pretty big in india in the muggle world, and that has kind of crossed into the magic world. especially when playing against england or australia. but i agree quidditch is very good too, i hope i am in the quidditch team this year. Do you play? he asked. despite his build he played beater, however he also enjoyed playing keeper, or chaser. "i think that spending most of your life in Americas makes you american if you want to be." he said flirting slightly, he couldn't help himself. His farther had mentioned diagon ally many times. "I haven't been there but it will be the first stop on my world trip, then through europe, before moving to america, i have heard there is a strong wizard hub in salem, and then i want to cross to new zealand as it will be summer there. then up through asia and back home i guess" he said taking a sip of his fresh orange juice, hopeing that he wasn't rambling.

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