
[Can you think of a conversation topic, I am fresh out of ideas]

Aiden nodded and said, "Lemon is okay, I'm not to fond of Lime though..."
//For this one? Or another one?//

"I've never had Lime. Isn't that the funny looking green fruits?" Alyssa asked trying to picture what a lime looked like.
Alyssa never really remembered what fruits she'd eaten before, she could've eaten one before and not have known it.

"Do you know when the Second Task for the TriWizard Tournament is going to be. No one had really been talking about it, so I'm pretty much clueless about it." Alyssa aked.
After watching Alyssa and the other boy converse for awhile Henri decided that he should go and 'officially' meet Aiden. He wondered what Alyssa really saw in him. Usually she couldn't stand Gryffindor's.

Henri proudly strode over and sat down across from Alyssa. He gave Aiden a hardened look, but decided to to appeard rude.

"Hi guys. I hope it's cool if I sit here." Henri muttered.
[For this one :p]

"Its sort've like a lemon just green," Aiden said with a small smile then was about to answer Aly's second question when Henri came over to them. "Feel free," Aiden muttered coldly.
//Looks like Henri fixed out problem. :huh: //

Alyssa looked at Aiden, to she turned to Henri. She wasn't sure why but she could feel tension begin to rise. Alyssa had never heard Aiden or Henri sound so cold. To anyone.

"Uh..guys?" Alyssa asked worriedly.
Henri's eyes narrowed with anger at Aiden's tone. Henri placed his arms on the table and attempted to stare Aiden down.

"Why aren't you sitting at th eGryffindor table?" Henri sneered. He took a quick bite of what appeared to be a piece of toast before he returned to staring ta Aiden.
Aiden glared back at Henri and said with anger and coldness, "I can do what ever I want..." Aiden glared coldly while taking a sip of his coffee.
Aiden stared at Henri with complete irritation when Henri knocked his coffee out of his hands.

"Really, then why don't you fill me and Aly in on them I'm sure she is dying to know your feelings for her," Aiden said cooly.
"I.....I...." Henri started but felt that he had nothing to say. Instead Henri grabbed Aiden's arm and pulled him foward. His dark eyes werr burning with anger.

"I don't know what your talking about." Henri growled in Aiden's ear before he roughly let Aiden go.

"Why do you care? Do you think she's better of with you insetad?" Henri sneered once more and gave Alyssa a small glance before he returned his glare to Aiden.
"Oh don't lie, you know that isn't a very 'attractive' trait in a person..." Aiden said with a smirk.

"I think she would be better of with me, to be quite honest, I don't think she needs someone as hot headed as you are," Aiden said with a cold glare.
"Stay out of this Alyssa!" Henri snapped as he resisted the urge to pull his wand out on Aiden. who knew that if he did he'd get himself into trouble, which is something he really didn't want to do.

" Be quiet!" Henri roared, he didn't want Alyssa to find out like this. "Alyssa would be better off in Azkaban that with you!" He snarled.
Who the hell does this fool think he is? He is scum! Aiden thought bitterly.

Aiden saw him snap at Aly and he raised his brows, And this guy likes her, what stupidity! "I will do no such thing," Aiden said coolly, hoping this would piss him off even more. I'm assuming he doesn't know any spells so its lucky for me that I have been taking martial arts for five years! "The only one I see here that deserves and probably will go to Azkaban is you!" Aiden roared.
Aiden smirked and pulled hid his wand in his work robes sleeves and quickly muttered, "Protego." Then he stood up and said clearly and ending with a rude smirk, "The only one I see here that deserves and probably will go to Azkaban is you!"
Alyssa immdiantly stood up and took Henri's wand from his hand. She then turned to Aiden and snatched his wand away as well. Once she had taken both their wands she slammed the them down on the table.

"Stop fighting!" Alyssa wiped her eyes so they couldn't see that she was crying.
Aiden then saw Aly stand up and take both of their wands and he looked over at Aly who was crying and he gave her a soft hug and said, "I'm sorry Aly, I didn't mean it." Aiden knew the end part was a lie but he didn't mean to hurt her at all.

[I am going to be on and off for a little bit, this is interesting so yeah :D]
Henri lowered his gaze but still continued to glare at Aiden. He felt bad that he had hurt Alyssa. But he wasn't about to let Aiden get away so easily just because Alyssa didn't want them to. He would make sure to apologize to her later.

Seeing Aiden hug Alyssa made Henri's skin boil with anger.

"Don't touch her." Henri warned lowly.
Aiden turned his head and spat in a low voice, "What are you going to do about it?" Aiden turned his head back to Alyssa really hoping his apology was enough.
Alyssa glared at Henri for a moment. But then she turned to Aiden.

"It's alright. But you guys shouldn't be fighting, especially after me." Alyssa's eyes softened at the two of them as she sighed loudly.

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