Breakfast of Champions

Mike Goulding said:
players and positions

Bruin - (Referee, Beater or whatever else is needed)
Andy - -------------- keeper
Katalina - Chaser, but will play whatever is needed
Kiera- Chaser but will play keeper or beater if absolutely needed.
Amy - Chaser
Ellie - Seeker (but will play chaser if needed)r
Harri-Seeker or chaser
As the note came past Andy again she glanced at it before handing it on, she smiled and said,
"looks like being a chaser or a seeker are the prime positions. no-one really wants the job of keeper do they?" she looked about her and decided to change her choices, "there's no point in everyone fighting over the same roles. I'll try out for the seeker and chaser positions sure but for today, I'll go as keeper."
She put a line through her first choices and wrote down the keeper position.
Cyndi took the paper from Andy and looked at it. There was a nice long list of names and Cyndi was happy about it. She was surprised to see that not many people wanted to be Beaters, since she thought it was an exciting position. Cyndi took a quill and put her name down.

players and positions

Bruin - (Referee, Beater or whatever else is needed)
Andy - -------------- keeper
Katalina - Chaser, but will play whatever is needed
Kiera- Chaser but will play keeper or beater if absolutely needed.
Amy - Chaser
Ellie - Seeker (but will play chaser if needed)r
Harri-Seeker or chaser
Cyndi- Beater, but will play whatever

When Cyndi was done, she passed the paper over and grabbed herself a piece of toast.
Grande had been quietly eating his apple and listening in to the conversation. He took the note and wrote down his name before passing it on. "This will be so much fun" Grande said smiling.
players and positions

Bruin - (Referee, Beater or whatever else is needed)
Andy - -------------- keeper
Katalina - Chaser, but will play whatever is needed
Kiera- Chaser but will play keeper or beater if absolutely needed.
Amy - Chaser
Ellie - Seeker (but will play chaser if needed)r
Harri-Seeker or chaser
Cyndi- Beater, but will play whatever
Grande - Chaser, can play anything that maybe needed.
Out of Character

Alright, I'm going to post the thread tomorrow and we can post game actions slowly at first (i.e. whenever you are on) and then maybe try and find a time on the weekend when most of us are on and try playing it in real time. It will be a little boring for the Seekers at first, but should give everyone a chance to get used to the way the posting works.

The teams for now will be as such (we can play with 5 aside, but I'll add in others as they ask to play):

Golden Lions

Seeker - Harri
Keeper - Andy
Chaser 1 - Katalina
Chaser 2 - Amy
Chaser 3 -
Beater 1 - Cyndi
Beater 2 -

Scarlet Eagles

Seeker - Ellie
Keeper - Bruin
Chaser 1 - Kiera
Chaser 2 - Grande
Chaser 3 -
Beater 1 - Mike
Beater 2 -
[ooc; um, am I too late? I'd like to add my name too]

[color=660000]Jolly hurried into the Great Hall on the right time. She had gotten up late and was a little angry her roommates hadn't woken her up. She saw Bruin sitting there on the Gryffindor table and hurried straight to him. People were passing around a parchment on which they had written their name and Jolly instantly knew it was for Quidditch try-outs. She took the parchment and added her name on there as well.[/color]
[color=660000]players and positions

Bruin - (Referee, Beater or whatever else is needed)
Andy - -------------- keeper
Katalina - Chaser, but will play whatever is needed
Kiera- Chaser but will play keeper or beater if absolutely needed.
Amy - Chaser
Ellie - Seeker (but will play chaser if needed)r
Harri-Seeker or chaser
Cyndi- Beater, but will play whatever
Grande - Chaser, can play anything that maybe needed.
Jolly - Seeker or chaser (she'd go for beater but then she's really really small. So seeker or chaser sounds good)[/color]
"Morning Jolly, you finally decided to wake up then" Andy smiled at her, "Sit down and have some breakfast first, we're trying to sort a small in house game that's what you've just signed your name too".
Andy drank the last of her pumpkin juice and smiled again. She was looking forward to this immensely now.
[color=660000]Jolly glared at Andy and sat down beside her. "Some friend you are, didn't even wake me up," she muttered, still slightly sleep. She made to take the jug of pumpkin juice but instead put her hand in Andy's cereal. "Crap! I am sorry," she said, shaking herself slightly to get some orientation. "So when's the mini-game?" she asked, successfully pouring herself some pumpkin juice.[/color]
[color=660000]Jolly stuck out her tongue at Andy. "Yeah, you are right," she admitted after a while. "I still can't sleep at this blasted school! Why God, why?" she murmured, gulping down her pumpkin juice at full speed.[/color]
Cyndi listened as Jolly and Andromeda talked. "You should try sitting by the fireplace for a while before you go to bed. It always relaxes me enough so that I can get a good night's sleep." Cyndi reached for another piece of toast and began to munch on it.
[color=660000]Jolly nodded. "I just can't adjust to a new place so easily," she shrugged. "Will probably get over it in a couple of months...or maybe years," she added uncertainly, looking worried. Another girl, Jolly knew her name was Cyndi, had a suggestion to make. "That's a good idea, I'll try it then," Jolly said with a smile.[/color]
Mike was listening in to the sleeping conversation while munching on some marmalade toast. " That's a good idea" said Mike. He had never tried sitting b the fire, before going to bed.

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