Breakfast for two, maybe ?

Alexander Fields

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Alex began his way down towards the great hall, it was a little late, so he was hoping that he would still be able to get his breakfast when he arrived. He pushed the door's open to see a near vacant great hall, there where a few kids here and there, not quiet as many as there usually was. He began to make his way over towards the vacant Hufflepuff table and sat down, in front of the plate where he usually sits every morning when he is eating his breakfast. he began to think what he would like to eat, this morning. His plate then filled with rashers of bacon and the goblet filled with orange juice. H picked up his knife and fork and slowly began to eat his bacon, making sure he kept it in his mouth for a while to savour the extraordinary flavor that the house elves where able to keep in it.
Zazuka was really unfoucused that day because of something or another that she had dreamed. Again she couldn't remember much of what she dreamed during the night but it then again it was probably for the best. She was passing the Hufflepuff table when she collided with one of the few people that where there. "Sorry." She said dreamyly a bit after the person passes then got up to straighten up her skirt. She took a seat to get her head back on straight. It seemed that the fall had made her a bit dizzy. It wasn't until she heard the sound for a fork on a plate that Zazuka she was sitting in front of someone. Zazuka pushed on the bridge of her glasses before smiling sunshine at the boy. "Hello there your new." She said happily.
What was with people and thinking he was new? He thought to himself, it was a joke. Had he blended in that easily and no one noticed him." Um no actually, I'm not." He said with a smile. It annoyed him how not even a single person recognized him from, previous classes." I'm Alexander Fields." He said putting down his knife and extending his right hand to the girl that was seated across from him. It was a shock to see someone that wasn't in their house sit at there table, but he didn't mind. It was pretty much empty.
Zazuka tilted her head while she put her dainty hand in his. "Are you sure? I never forget a face." Said the Ravenclaw fifth year. "I could have just been distracted as I often am. Anyway I'm Zazuka Bones happy to meet you." She said her smile again seeming to give off pure sunshine. She grabbed a plate of french toast and started to nibble on the ends her eyes seeming to go else where for a moment before bringing herself back for a bit. "How early is it?" She asked. It was usually packed in the morning with students that needed to eat and run off to their classrooms for the day.
" It's very nice to meet you Zazuka." Alex said as he looked around for a clock so he could tell her the time, he didn't find one so he looked for a shadow from the sun. " I think it would be around ten thirty or something like that." He said hoping that he wasn't to wrong, with the answer he just gave. " What house are you in, I have never seen you sitting at this table before?" It was true he knew she wasn't a Hufflepuff, and judging by how nice she was she wasn't a Slytherin she was more likely to be a Ravenclaw.
Zazuka searched her brain for why she would be down here so late in the day. Then realized that she didn't have class today. It was her only free day on her calender which was really saying something about who much she liked to study. "I usually sit at the Ravenclaw table as I am a Ravenclaw fifth year. Though I don't usually stay here too long. Too much energy going in too may directions." She said as she tossed at black curl that had gotten in her face. "Hufflepuff would be a clear deduction but what year if you don't mind me asking." She said with a bright grin on her face.
" Thought you would have been in Ravenclaw, but I thought you would be a little bit older, maybe a sixth year." He said as he took a sip of his orange juice. " I'm a seventh year." He liked it how people couldn't pick what year he was in, even though he was one of the oldest kids that was currently enrolled at the school. " Are you from around here?" He asked, and by here he meant New Zealand. He didn't think she was, but some people have moved over for the time they are doing there schooling here.
Zazuka laughed into her hand. "I will think that's a good thing if you thought I was older. Then again did turn 16 the month before." She said with a kind smile on her face. She was happy to meet someone new even if he was really all that new. Zazuka would be anything that Andy, her best friend had meet him first but still she liked it. "I'm was born and raised for a while in a small town called Willow's Rain surrounded by wood near the heart of New Zealand." She said though she wouldn't say exactly where it was because in Zazuka's opinion no one with magic needed to go to such a place.
" Ok that's pretty cool, Well I'm from Australia, Inland Australia, pretty much the middle of no where." He said with a smile. He loved Australia with all his heart and knew it was his home and nothing else could change it. " I reckon it would be nice living over here, at least here there's no snakes." He said remembering what his forster parents had told him, when he first started at Hogwarts.
Zazuka nodded. "It's nice but to most that have come from loving homes nothing compares to it. Hogwarts is my home so I don't have much to miss except maybe for when the winter holiday comes around and I have to leave." She said with a soft sigh. "I've never been to Australia except to visit a friend. What's it like where your from?" She asked leaning forward a little bit. She smiled brightly as she always did when she was about to learn something.
Alex nodded in approval, he always wanted somewhere he could go where he was loved and looked after. " Well where I come from it's very hot, dry and quiet. It doesn't rain much where I come from. Most of the place there are no tree's and there are little plants called Hudson paires that dig into your skin at just the lightest touch and the tips of them are like harpoons. You think it's bad, them going in." He said as he picked up the goblet and drained it. The one thing he loved about people, that weren't from Australia was how they wanted to know what it was like it was strange, maybe it was because of the kangaroo or something like that. " There's not really many kangaroo's out on the farm, its more emu's. There everywhere."
Zazuka smiled wide. "I have never been outside New Zealand outside of trips from the school but that sounds cool. I would like to see these plants really. They may have a property to them that I could use in potions. I love to travel but that will have to wait until after my seventh year. Emu those sound like real sweet hearts." She said with a sigh. "Where I would love to visit is Ireland where my best friend is from. She says it rains there everyday. I love the rain." She said her voice getting a bit dreamyer. "Sorry about that." She said apologizing for spacing out again.
Alex remembered how when he went over to Ireland on his birthday and went into a pub, there where so many fights it wasn't funny. A person would get bashed and then helped up by the attacker and get a beer bought for them. " Ireland is a good place, but the pubs are wild." He said, talking from experience. " Well me personally, I've always wanted to go over to Italy and learn the culture and learn how to cook. I suck so bad in the kitchen I could burn water." He said laughing at his inability to cook.
Zazuka giggled into her hand. "I promise I'm not to much better at cooking myself which is strange since I have a flare for potions. Italy, there is a place with a lot of history. Rome would be a good place to go too but I'd have to be careful touching a few of the things I'm afraid." She said with a sigh. Her sensitivity to violence had gone down over the short time she had been practicing but she could still get a vision of the past at a moments notice. "Oh well now I would not like to get into any fights while in Ireland but it would be interesting to take in some of the sights I would assume." She said her voice seeming to drift off again.
" Yeah, the weirdest tourist attraction is kissing the blamey stone, Its a stone that is over a cliff face and someone has to hold your legs so you can kiss it." Alex said remembering how funny it was seeing as people could stand on the ledge and kiss it, but that was forbidden. He didn't really understand why she couldn't touch things. " Why can't you touch things?" He asked sounding kind of dumb.
Zazuka laughed into her hand some more thinking of people actually kissing a stone at the edge of a cliff. "Oh how funny that would be to watch." She said crossing her arm across her stomach. She calmed down enough to answer the rest of his question. "I'm a Seer in training. I feel more than I See really but still that's what they call me. There are times when something has left so much of an impression on something that I can pick it up even after it's been over and done with for years now." She explained. Zazuka could touch things everyday, she just had to be careful what she touched until she got better at blocking from things like that.
" Do you get to see, everything that the thing has experienced and would it work on a person?" He asked wanting to see how well she could do it. He wanted to know whether she could find out what he ate for breakfast yesterday, just at touching him. If she could, that would be very cool. "... back to the blamey stone, if you kissed it you would see ever single person kissing it." Alex said letting out a soft laugh.
Zazuka shook her head. "I'm not that good yet. The event had to be somewhat epic for me to get a picture of it right off and my skills do not work on people very well either." She said. It was completely true, she could feel whatever strong emotion was going through Andy's at the moment and she didn't even have to be in the same area. "I probably could if I really wanted to but then again there would be some lips that I really wouldn't want to See." She said as a joke.
" Yeah it wouldn't be to good, I think if I ever go back. I'm not going to kiss it." Alex said with a smile as he ran his wand around the top of his goblet, filling it with some more orange juice.' SO how does one become a seer, does it take a lot of time and hard work or can someone be born with the ability?" He asked curiously, even though he was a seventh year, there where some things in the magical world that remained a mystery to him.
Zazuka looked up. She was trying to think of way to explain what she was going though. "It's a bit of a mix of both. There are people that take lessons and study hard and they do just fine as for others like me have been given what they call a gift since birth. Sometimes that gift is more like curse though." She said with a sigh. She didn't know if he would be interested in knowing just what it was like to be cluttered with so many images and voices of the past that your head feels like it was about to split in two or what it was to know something about someone before they did. Zazuka decided that it was best to keep it light and very simple.
" Yeah, it would be good if you had a choice to be anything you want to be rather then just what you are born as." Alex said as he took a sip of his newly refilled goblet. " So what is it like when you see all the things from the past, is it scary?" He asked, wanting to know what it was like. He would hate to touch some thing that someone touched only moments before they died, and watch them die. He wouldn't know what he would do if that happened to him, if he was in her position.
Zazuka nodded. "Sometimes. There are things that make the blood run cold once discovered and things that are best left buried with time. I deal with it though." She said putting the brightest smile on her face. She looked at the enchanted sky and smiled a bit brighter. "I must go. There is work I need to catch up on and my plants need to be tended. Happy to have met you Alexander." She said finishing off her food and bowing her head slightly at Alex.
" Nice to meet you to." Alex said as he nodded his head. He then took a sip of his orange juice and began to get back to eating his breakfast. He was happy that he had a conversation with Zazuka, he had leaned some cool things about the wizarding world that he hadn't known before.

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