Break the mold

Kenny shrugged and placed the money on the counter. "My parents are loaded, I get given money that I never spend, might as well use it on someone who needs the money more than me." He smiled at her and took his change from the woman behind the desk before pocketing it and picking up the bag. "Where next??"
"Yeah, sure." He grinned at her. "I know a good place unless there's somewhere you want to go??" He started walking out the shop with her looking round the street, wondering whether there was any better place than the one he had in mind,
Kenny led her to the cafe that he knew and sat her down at the table. "What do you want??" He looked over the menu and chose what he was going to have then looked back up at Jade.
"Coming right up." Kenny smiled and walked over to the desk to order. Then he went back to the table and placed Jade's food and drink in front of her while he sat down with his butterbeet and burger and chips.
"Nope." Kenny shook his head as he started eating his burger. "I'm completely available." He smiled at her deciding not to mention that his last relationship was with a boy.
"They may line up but they don't get the chance." He grinned cockily. "I just got out of a relationship actually. It wasn't working out for me. Didn't feel right." He shrugged. He had the thought that as soon as he got with the right person it would feel right. "You're bound to have guys lining up at your feet. A beautiful girl like you could never be lonely."
Jade shrugged with a slight smile. " Well i suppose thats true but i think it is good to be single sometimes. Time to yourself you know, i like to have breaks from relationships after a while to stretch my wings out again." She sighed lightly as se didnt like to lie to anyone. She felt bad to Dan but still sh felt like she needed a break from him anyway, and Kenny was just the thing as he was sweet cute and seemed into her. " Well it is getting pretty late you know Kenny. I dont really feel in the mood to be lonely tonight. Want to keep me company." She giggled as she said the words. She never really invited anyone back to her house, it felt odd now
"Sure. I can't let a pretty girl like you go lonely and I wouldn't want you to walk home alone with all these bags. You could get attacked." He smiled as he made excuses up as to why he was happy to walk this girl home. He would use them later on when he had to explain to his parents why he wasn't there or in school. He stood up and picked up the bags. So, where is the young ladies home??"
Jade smiled widely when he agreed to come to her place. It seemed that her day was just starting to get better now which was something that she was pleased with as good days were hard to come by right now. She stood up before walking out the shop with some of her bags. " Well i live about a ten minute walk away from here unless you would rather apperate there because of all these bags. Might get a bit tiring after a while." She knew it would get tiring for her that was for sure but at the moment that was the least of her worried as she was with a cute boy, something she always loved
"You can if you want but I'm under age still." Kenny shrugged. "I can cope walking anyway. I've got muscles and these aren't too heavy. Believe me, it's lighter than the bags my mum carries around with her when she goes shopping. I swear, to carry those bags she must have the muscles of a boxer." He laughed at the thought of it, knowing that it wasn't actually his mum who carried the bags. It was him and his dad.
Jade laughed at his comment out his mum. He seemed so sweet, Jade decided to put up with the discomfort and just walk. " Cool. Well i will walk with you and if you thats heavy just be grateful im not in a shopping mood because then i think i would have lost you under a mountain of heavy bags. Im terrible sometimes." She giggled as she spoke knowing every word was true. It seemed that when ever she was in a shopping mood that every store that she went in seemed to have a huge up in their profits, just because of her buying everything
Kenny walked along side Jade and couldn't help but smile. She was a great girl and he was surprised that she was kind enough to put up with him. Most of the time, if he tried to flirt with an older woman, they pretended he didn't exist or threw comments about how he needed to search for someone his own age-that of course was the polite version. Jade was different though. She was accepting him for him. No matter how old. "Is that the reason you don't have any money then??" He grinned cheekily as he continued to walk with her. It wasn't a very long walk to Jade's house so he found it easy, even with the bags.
Jade shook her head and gave him a playful push. " No that is not the reason i have no money. I do have money, just not alot. If you really want to know the reason its because my family got killed recently and i didnt have a job then and now i need to get a job which is what im looking for." When she got to her place she opened the door and walked inside closing it behind them both and heading for the kitchen and placing the bags on the table
Kenny walked into the kitchen with her then when he got within a metre of the table, he started putting on his drama queen act. He started acting like the bags were too heavy for him to carry. "I can't...go...much...further." He laughed then put the bags on the table. "I'm joking." He grinned. "This is a nice place you got."
Jade laughed at then then got a glass of water. " Thanks, i did it up not so long ago so it is pretty new." She said looking around the house. She felt a little awkward now, not knowing what to do. Jade didnt know weather to let Kenny make the first move or if she should.
Kenny grinned. He could see his opportunity and he was going to take it. "Do I get a tour??" He was hoping the bedroom would be in this grand tour. He liked Jade and could see him with her but he didn't know whether she would want to go that far with hi,/
Jade nodded with a smile on her pretty face. " Of course you do, duh." She giggled, placing her dup down and beginning at the nearest room. " Ok well this is the living room" She hinted inside for Kenny to look in and around. Once he had looked around she began again around the house. " This is the guest room and just through there is the rooms bath room." She waited for him to look around that room before she walked down the hall to her own room. " And this is my own room and it has it own bathroom just over there." She smiled and watched him look at this room as well. " So what do you think Kenny?"
Kenny smiled as she showed him round the house. "It's a great house. Smaller than what I'm used to but I like it." He shrugged and looked away from the room to look at Jade. He was used to an enormous house which his parents bought. It was either that or Durmstrang and both of them were huge. "How long you lived here then??" He leaned against the door post. He didn't want to walk into the room until he was invited in. It just felt rude.

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