Break the mold

Jade Clifton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jade walked around the Harbour with bags in her hands. She had just done some clothes shopping as she would be needing bigger clothes for when she actually ot bigger. She was starting to get a bump now and she was starting to feel the extra weight. She went over and sat down on a bech to take the load off her feel. She placed her bags down on the floor and sighed as she wrapped her arms around her stomach.
Kenny had his hands in his jeans pocket as he walked. He was still finding it weird being single. He had spent so much time with Josh that he now had no idea what to do with himself. He saw a pretty girl up ahead and smiled. She looked like a complete shopaholic. He walked over to her and sat next to her on the bench. "Need a help carrying bags??" He was always up for giving a female a hand.
Jade looked to her side when a boy spoke to her. He was cute. She smiled at him. " Oh uh no im fine thanks. Im just sitting down for a bit. Im starting to feel the extra weight when i walk around." She giggled as she stoked her Stomach. She didnt care who she told about it any more she was just happy about the whole thing. " Thanks for the offer though, not many people ask to help."
Kenny smiled. "Oh. You're pregnant. Cool." He hadn't noticed the bump before but he could see it now. "Who's the lucky man??" He realised he was being nosey and rude so he held his hand out. "Sorry, I'm being rude now. I'm Kenneth Hickman-Vallender. You can call me Kenny." He gave her a charming grin.
Jade decided not to mention Daniel at this point. He wasnt important right now. " Oh theres no lucky man. Im single. I know how modern of me." She laughed. " Well im Jade Clifton. Nice to meet you Kenny. This little guy in here is Ryan." She laughed again. Jade had only recently thought of the name and decided that she liked it.
Kenny smiled. "Baby boy." He wasn't an expert on pregnant women as he didn't have any siblings. "Ryan's a nice name. Did you think of it yourself??" Kenny kept his smile on his face as he spoke. He didn't know why but he couldn't get rid of it.
Kenny laughed. "That's because I saw a beautiful girl and decided to sit next to her." The flirt is back. Kenny had always been a flirt but that had all changed when he went out with Josh.
Jade giggled as he flirted with her. " Well i suppose thats a reason to be happy. Also you know this pretty girl will be as big as a house soon." She looked over to him with a smile on her face. He seemed too young to be caring about kids yet
"With a good reason." Kenny shrugged. "I'm glad that it's because you're pregnant. Think about it, why would I care that you're getting big because your pregnant. I would if you were non-stop eating but not pregnant." He smiled at her.
Jade laughed and nodded. " Well i suppose that makes sense. But believe me im not the sort of person who eats non stop. Although i do eat ice cream non stop if im upset." She giggled. " So Kenny do you go to school then?" Jade thought that he looked quite young so he may have gone to school
"Yeah." Kenny shrugged. "I'm a sixth year in Durmstrang. It's a good school but there's not much to do in free time so it can get quite boring." He looked over at her. "What about you??" He thought she looked about seventeen or eighteen.
My parents are loaded and they buy me anything I want. I'm happy being spoiled." Kenny shrugged. "You must be greatful having your friend there to help you." He decided not to raise the topic of her parents in case it upset her.
"Any shops you want to go to?? I'll pay and I will carry bags for you. A pregnant woman can do with all the help she can get and I am your help for today, maybe even tomorrow and the day after that."
Kenny stood up and picked up the rest of her bags. "Where ever you want. Clothes, shoes, jewellery. And I promise to give an honest opinion and anything and everything." He smiled at her, ready to follow her to whichever shop she decided to go to.
Kenny imagined the jumper on Jade. "I like it. And grey is a good colour for you as well." He liked simple yet fashionable clothes. That's why he was so into plain jeans. They were simple yet fashionable.
Kenny smiled as he watched Jade going round the shop. "Love the shirt but personally I think that dresses are a disaster zone for pregnant women." He liked the dress but he always thought they looked terrible on girls who were pregnant.

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