Closed Break Free

Knox Ivers

Inner Eye owner | Trying to grow up
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knox was ecstatic when he realised he was no longer in trouble for sneaking out. It had been months of being cooped up in his hometown, only able to leave and visit somewhere more interesting when either of his parents were with him, and knowing that after all this time he was finally able to leave the house alone without finding himself in more trouble was nothing other than exciting. He was restless, his mind full of ideas of what he should do as he arrived to Brightstone, soon settling on the idea to visit Tākarokaro Park. Knox was hopeful that he would either run into one of his Hogwarts friends, or make a new friend he could live vicariously through while he was there. However more than anything, he just couldn’t wait to make the most of his newly regained freedom. Freedom that allowed him to find an escape from his repetitive day to day life of being home schooled, freedom that gave him something to look forward to.​
Feeling as if he didn’t have a care in the world, Knox eventually stopped his stroll through the park as he noticed a nearby tree. Deciding that the tree was a perfect place to make a base for the rest of the afternoon, Knox didn’t hesitate to climb it. He weaved through the branches, using awkwardly placed footholds until he reached a branch strong enough to support his weight and high enough that he had an amazing view of the park. Satisfied with his venture, Knox sat down on the branch and looked to his surroundings, absentmindedly pulling stray leaves from branches and allowing them to fall to the ground meters below him.​
It had finally been Brightstone Weekend, and Samantha couldn't wait to get out of Hogwarts and do some exploring of her own. Once Samantha arrived at the park, she had decided to walk around the park. As she was walking around the park she noticed a tree near by that had leaves falling off the tree and something strange that was slightly hanging off it. Samantha decided to walk closer to it and looked up at the tree to see what was there. She then noticed that a boy was sitting up in the tree. "Hello" Samantha says with a shy smile. "What are you doing up there?" Samantha says curiously, while slightly playing with her fingers with nervousness.
Knox continued admiring the view from his spot in the tree, and smiled to himself at how peaceful it was to finally be left to his own devices and feel free from the confines of his home town. When he heard someone talk from the ground below him, he was admittedly a little surprised since he was so distracted by the view of the park, but he was happy to have company, even if the girl seemed nervous when he looked down. Waving at her, and keeping a smile on his face, Knox answered her question. “I’m looking around, obviously!” He said, half joking. Wanting to make the most of meeting someone new and in an effort not to waste his free afternoon, Knox quickly grabbed onto another branch for stability, and reached down to offer the girl a chance to climb the tree and join him. “It’s not that scary up here, you can see really far. Come on up!” He exclaimed, hoping she would join him and he would have the chance to make a new friend.​
Samantha laughs a little when he tells her how about how he was looking around. The view of the park was beautiful. She smiles at the boy and also decides to climb up the tree, using the branches and using his hand for slight support until she reached the branch that he was sitting on and sat next to him. She looked around the park, the view of the park being slightly better than down on the ground. "So, what made you decide to climb up this tree and look at the park view?" Samantha says with a smile.
After helping the girl climb the tree, Knox settled back down, sitting on the same branch as before and swinging his legs freely below him. He shrugged at her question, trying to show that he wasn’t really sure why he chose to climb the tree, other than the fact he wanted to, and he simply could now that he was out of trouble and had the freedom to do so. “I dunno, I just saw the tree and felt like I wanted to climb it.” He answered. “Oh, I’m Knox by the way!” He quickly added, realizing in the midst of meeting the girl and asking her to join him, he had forgotten to introduce himself. “What’s your name? Do you go to Hogwarts?” Knox then asked, wondering if this girl would be another potential Hogwarts friend he could live vicariously through. At least until he could convince his mum to let him return to Hogwarts himself.​

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