Brave Reds

Signy Forstrom

giggly | hard worker | farmer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 9 1/2" Rigid Beech Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
4/2031 (18)
The hufflepuff had been wondering around for a while, it was a pity this school was so big or she would have a much easier time finding people. However, having gone outside she was pointed in the direction of the gryffindor boy she was looking for. Bumping almost literally into him as she reached the beginning of the gardens, "James Cade!" she said startled a little, "You are James Cade right?" she asked, hoping that it was him. She knew his face from quidditch, and was sure it was him, but she could be wrong about it.
It was Valentines day and James was looking forward to the dance that night because he would be able to go with Maddie and finally show her off as his girlfriend. In the meantime however he had things to do during the day, one of them being Quidditch practice. He was now heading back to the castle via the garden when he bumped into a young girl who seemed to have been looking for him. "Yeah I'm James Cade,"
Signy was pleased that she had been able to find the boy. He was likely busy and she was glad to just be able to find him. She took out the rose and held it out for the boy to take, "I have a rose for you," she said gesturing a little with the rose in her hand and holding it out to the boy. It was a beautiful red rose, "Someone loves you," she commented with a faint smile on her face before she reached down and took the note, "Here's the note that goes with it," she said, hoping that it was a good note, a note of love he wanted to receive.
Dear James,

I cannot believe we are finally here, together at last. You are my best friend, my lover and my one and only. I love you so much.

Yours, forever, Maddie.

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