[!BR] Bittersweet Symphony

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Melodie Lowe

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Butternut, 12 ½", Wood Rose
It was just another night for Melodie Lowe as she tucked her son's into their beds, placing a kiss on each of their foreheads before retreating to the lounge and slumping into the comfort of her worn sofa. To say she was exhausted was a understatement, motherhood wasn't what it was cracked up to be and she realised that now. She wasn't the naiive nineteen year old pregnant to a monster anymore. No, she was a woman, and mother of two, and a teacher. She had responsibilities, but she was the first to admit that she wasn't coping. Since the attack it was sleepless night after sleepless night, and knowing that her attacker was in Azkaban did nothing to help settle her restless heart. That night was no exception as the brunette settled down to watch another pathetic reality show, anything to keep her mind off the inevitable. Pulling a blanket around her thin shoulders, Melodie took a deep breath in and listened the quiet breathing of the twins, she promised herself she would never let anything happen to them, she knew if they came to harm she would never forgive herself, they had been her rock, and now she would always be theirs.

When her eyes began to close over she knew it was time to go to bed and try to catch at least an hour of sleep. So the Professor reluctantly pulled herself from the couch and made the trip to her bedroom, and not bothering to change out of her sweat pants and tee shirt, she crawled under the sheets and closed her eyes to the world. Her breathing soon grew deeper and it appeared as though she had caught sleep for at least a little while, if there was anything motherhood had taught Melodie, it was that she had to sleep when her children were sleeping, because it was not likely she would manage otherwise. As silence fell over the house and the woman rolled over in her bed, none of the family could have known what would happen that night, what terror would enter the household and likely change them forever. For if the mother had known, perhaps she would have stolen one last kiss from her son before he was gone. Perhaps if she had known, she would have been able to prevent him from entering the apartment.
Gregory waited silently and patiently outside the home of one Melodie Lowe. Tonight was the night for him to finally get the payback that was all too late for Melodie. Chase was in Azkaban, and it was her fault, as far as Gregory was concerned. Slowly but surely, all the pieces fell into place, and Melodie drifted off into a sweet, unsuspecting sleep, and when she woke, her life would never be the same again, and she would be frantic. Gregory walked over to her front door, needing no spectacular entry, and drew his wand. "Alohomora." He said, making sure not to wake anyone. This was going to be a quick thing, in, and then out, far before anybody else had the chance to sneak up on Gregory and find out when he was doing here tonight. Nobody could know it was him, and he would not be stupid enough to leave any traces that would tell somebody that it was him.

Gregory crept through the house silently, as if he was a thief, and that wasn't far off. Melodie had taken Chase from Gregory, so now Gregory would teach Melodie what it felt like to lost a son, and never know if you will get them back again. If Gregory had his way, if Melodie ever got this child back, he would be as cold hearted as Gregory was, and that was hard to top. He was willing to leave everything behind for this one shot at getting back at the person who had forced him to grieve over the loss of his son, for where he was, he was as good as dead, if he wasn't already from the Dementors. Gregory stopped outside the room, which he knew belonged to Aiden Bomonti Lowe. As he opened the door, he heard a slight noise behind him, and he stopped to investigate what it could be, if it was anything important, that was.

Slowly, he began to realise that it had just been the ticking of one of the clocks throughout the house, and not somebody creeping up behind him, ready to expose him to the sleeping mother in this house. Gregory decided to press on, and entered the room, seeing the now sleeping son of Melodie lying there on the bed. So innocent, so carefree, little did he know his entire life was now about to change. As Gregory stood there, he was reminded of what Chase had been like when he had been young, and carefree, and didn't have any of this Death Eater in Azkaban poop going on in his life. He sighed, and bent over the crib of the baby, reaching down to pick him up, without thinking of what would happen when he did. Slowly, he pulled the top of his hoodie over his face, so that nobody would be able to see his face.
Even though his mother had put him to bed, Aiden Lowe was adament that he wasn't tired, after his bath he struggled against his mother's weak arms and refused to put on his pajama's, instead deciding to start up a game of chase with his brother Lucas. But after running around the room and screaming at the top of his lungs, the two year old discovered that maybe he was just a little bit tired. "No mummy, want to play with Lucas" he protested as he was lowered into the crib next to his brother and a kiss was planted on his forehead. "Say goodnight Aiden" his mother said, looking down on the crib. Folding his arms and pushing his lower lip out he mumbled "Goo'nigh mummy" very reluctantly, before rolling over onto his side, and falling asleep in a matter of minutes.

Aiden began to stir as he heard footsteps in the nursery, he rolled over and pulled the blanket up over his body and tried to tell himself there were no monsters in the house. He thought about waking his twin brother, but he would only think he was acting like a little girl if he knew he was scared of monsters. But Aiden wasn't completely wrong, as the man present in his room was something alike to a monster, and little did the toddler know that he would do anything in his power to gain revenge. As he was scooped up from the crib his tiny body shook and he began to stir once more. His eyes slowly opened and he was faced with the monster he thought he had only dreamt. A quiet whimper emerged from his lips, that was the only sound he was brave enough to make, for somehow the two year old knew that if he made a sound, it would only give the man reason to silence him.
Gregory watched the baby look up into his eyes, and stopped for a second as he realised that this made him as much as a monster as the people that took Chase from him. So was it really right for him to do something like this? Should he stop? Should he keep going? Was he doing the right thing? Was he doing the wrong thing? A million and one thoughts flooded through his head as he thought about what was going to happen next, and whether or not the baby would dare scream for help. Gregory would take this baby's life if he screamed, and then take the other baby as his hostage. He was not going to leave this house today, without causing some kind of damage to Melodie Lowe, and this time, as Chase had done, it would not be physical or mental damage, which could be gotten over, it would be emotional, and that would hurt her the most.

Gregory smirked at the baby. "Little baby, say a word, and I blow your head off. Got it?" Gregory asked rhetorically. All the baby would have to do was nod as he understood the sentence, and severity of this situation. Gregory was no friend of his mothers, and he would make sure the baby realised it sooner or later. He started towards the door, ready to leave all of this behind, and leave Melodie to grieve the loss of her son, and the loss of something that meant so much to her at the same time. She would understand Gregory's pain, and she would understand that he hadn't come here to muck around, he had been here on a mission, and he wouldn't dawdle when that was finished with, as it was now, except for one minor detail to iron out. He needed to make sure that the only memories that were left of Aiden, were in her mind.

Gregory took out his wand again, set with the last task of the day, and that was to extinguish any evidence that he had been anywhere near this apartment, and there was only one way he knew of to do that; the old fashioned way. He smirked yet again, and pointed his wand around the house, at all of the photos of Aiden, and wiping them clean of all memories of him with a flick of his wand. Then, he walked over to the door frame, and turned back to look at the apartment and how clean it was, and untouched, and there was only one thing that Gregory could think of doing to make life even more miserable for Melodie, and that was making use of fire, a mans best friend. "Incendio." He said, flicking his wand around the apartment. As it alight, a dark look took over Gregory's face, and he turned and apparated away, with the baby in his arms still.
Though Melodie Lowe had fallen asleep, it was only a light slumber. The slightest of noises would wake her up, the cries of her children especially. But that night as she stirred in her sleep, what she didn't know was that all of her worst nightmares combined could never be as horrifying as what she was about to awake to. The mother awoke to the sound of footsteps in her apartment, though they were faint, the room had fallen silent and it was as though they echoed through her head as did the beating of her heart as it increased rapidly. Sitting bolt upright in her bed, Melodie threw the covers off of her frail body and tiptoed across the room, her nose twitching to a smoky smell coming from inside the apartment. Her first instinct was obvious as she rushed into the nursery, her breathing becoming more rapid with each step. Her eyes franticly darted across the two cribs, and her stomach jumped inside of her when she noticed that once was empty. "Aiden?" she whispered as she leant into the empty crib and pulled up the blankets in case the two year old was hiding beneath them. "Lucas, where's your brother?" she asked sweetly, trying not to alarm the little boy. She scooped him out of his bed and rushed out into the living room where the smell began to grow stronger and the warmth was apparant.

A flash of light was seen and in a split second the brunette began to back away, holdng her remaining son closer into her chest. "IZAAK!" she called out, as she began to search for the fire extinguisher. She was rushed and frightened and as the flames began to lick against the curtains she could not seem to see the extinguisher anywhere. "Izaak help!" she called out as the smoke alarm blared and Lucas began to cry tears of fight. Reaching for a nearby blanket, Melodie used all of her force and threw it at the orange flames that were running up the curtains and turning the once white ceiling a shade of grey. "It's okay baby" she hushed as she kissed the little boy's head, hoping that help would arrive sooner rather than later. What kind of a monster would do something like this? There was only one person that came to mind; Chase. But how he could have done any of this while he was locked up in Azkaban was beyond Melodie's knowledge.

It had been almost a year since she had been attacked and miraculously recovered, yet Chase continued to torture her, every moment of her life. Not only had he hurt her but now he was hurting everyone around her. Tears began to roll down the veela's pale cheeks as she watched the flames die down slightly, but they continued to consume the apartment. Grabbing the phone she quickly dialed 000, her hands shaking as she held the reciever up to her ear. "F-fire" she mumbled as she blurted out her details and willed the fire truck to arrive as quickly as it could. Melodie held her chest, feeling it rise and fall. Each second felt like a lifetime, she just wanted her life back, for all of this to be over. For Chase to be gone forever. But most of all, she wanted her son back, safe and sound.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
t e a r s - s t r e a m - d o w n - y o u r - f a c e - w h e n - y o u - l o s e
s o m e t h i n g - y o u - c a n n o t - r e p l a c e - t e a r s - s t r e a m
- d o w n - y o u r - f a c e - a n d - i - w i l l - t r y - t o - f i x - y o u -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
it had been months, long and tiresome months since izaak had been able to take comfort in
a good, peaceful nights sleep. he had been having a recurring nightmare, just one, that sent
him into fitful slumbers most nights of the week. but this nightmare wasn’t really a nightmare
just a horrific encounter with reality – the night of the car accident. over and over again he’d
find himself immersed in the shattering glass, the steaming bonnet, alexis’ name screamed
out in the silence and her ghostly white face, a vision that would forevermore haunt the once
so gleeful lover and wake up only to find himself in the deep dark shadows of the night. And
tonight was no exception, in fact tonight seemed more vivid than most. in his subconscious,
izaak was able to recall every last breath of the final conversation between the lovers in the
comfort of his chevvy, but one thing more than most. “i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life
with you”
and then her kiss, her sweet short kiss that had izaak known what it would have
caused, never would have instigated it in the first place. his feet slamming against the brake
pedal, the screeching tyres along the bitumen, the shredded grass, the busting glass and
then that face, her face, the one that made him cry out in his sleep. but there was something
else, something that had never been present before. the smell of smoke, of burning and
though izaak knew somewhere in his subconscious that it didn’t smell at all like a petrol fire,
he hoped that the car might explode so he’d never have to met his eyes with that haunting
image of her face ever again. his name was called long and hard while he was waiting for
the engine to bust itself on him and it stirred the young man groaningly from his sleep, when
it was called a second time he was wrenched quite unwillingly into reality only to find not the
shadows he had grown used to taking solace in but a dangerous, orange, flickering flame.

it took izaak a second to realise what was happening and leap from beneath the doona even
in his slumberish state. it took only two to grab his photo of alexis from beneath his pillow
and to usher a trembling kobe from the corner of the glowing room. “melodie!” his voice was
suddenly one of order, one of calm authority when he was feeling anything but on the inside.
though izaak knew he needed to get melodie and her sons as quickly from the apartment as
possible. sprinting out to meet her as she stood there amongst the flames, calling 000 whilst
cradling one twin to her chest, where was the other? his azure eyes, now freakishly aglow
with spitting flames, darted to the fire blanket on the ground, to the twins room and then all
the way back to his friend. a few long strides later and he was by her, grabbing steadily at
her shoulders and guiding her quickly out the door. the flames were growing taller, the room
was rising in heat, time was of the essence before it was too late. he needed to act and he
needed to act quickly. “where’s aiden?” izaak asked her in a voice that barely beat the loud
crackling of the horrific fire, pushing open the door and hoping she’d go through it without
putting up a fight. he was the quickest and the strongest of the pair, he was also the one
who had less to lose, izaak would jump right back through those flames if she thought her
son was in there. “melodie.” there was a desperation, a pressing urgency in izaak’s voice
now as he stood hesitant at the doorway with his azure eyes begging all that he could of his
traumatised friend as she held her screaming son in her arms.

Aiden nodded weakly in reply to the monster, he didn't really understand what was going on, but he was scared and just wanted it all to be over. The two year old burrowed his head into the man's chest and a tear rolled down his cheek as he watched him draw his wand. He had seen his mummy use her wand plenty of times, but he had never seen her make such a scary and bright light with it. As Aiden clung tightly to the man he heard his mother call out and it made more tears roll down his pale cheeks. He didn't understand where he was going, was this man his father? He didn't get a chance to call out for help as Gregory apparated from the house and to a place that the frightened boy wasn't familiar with at all. "Daddy?" he whispered.
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