Boys will be boys...

James Killian

Growing old is an awfully big adventure
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
10'' Rosewood with Unicorn tear core
12/2014 (39)

Under haunted skies I see you
Where love is lost your ghost is found
I braved a hundred storms to leave you
As hard as you try, no, I will never be knocked down

The days were getting colder with each passing day and as winter was drawing closer James was not looking forward to what the season had to offer as he had never been a fan of cold. James was on his way to the dining hall to eat dinner and study a little as it seemed that this year the professors where cranking up the work load much to his classmates disapproval however if they wanted to get the jobs that they wanted when they graduated the extra work was required. Jamie had been thinking about what he wanted to do after he graduated and much to his dismay he still had no clue what so ever while most of his friends already had a good idea what they wanted to be already and the year was still early yet. However his professors in Herbology and Potions suggested that he goes into a career with more emphasis on plants and animals as his grades in both of their classes were top marks while he was barely passing transfiguration and D.A.D.A. James loved nature and found that their was a level of natural magic that existed free and untainted when he was emersed in nature, it was nothing that had any real power but it was real to him and at the end of the day that is all that really mattered. James made his way down stair and as he made his way down the corridor that lead to the dining hall he passed a window and looked out across the grounds. All the leaves where turning deep gold and amber as the days were getting darker he had only a few weeks left to actually enjoy his morning runs outside before he had to dress in heavy layers or seek a new shelter from the cold to get in his exercise James groaned as he rushed on to his destination.

James entered the dining hall and was assaulted with the loud chatter that was always unbearable this time of the day as everyone made there way down for dinner. James found an empty seat at one end of an emptier table and as he placed his books down and sat food appeared before him which some how it managed to know that he was a vegetarian as the meal was a spinach salad with fresh strawberries and cashews with a light raspberry glaze sauce and a glass of one hundred percent fruit juice and another glass of water. James opened up his herbology book and began to read the chapter that was required to be read by next lesson. However every once in awhile he took a look around at the crowded room as he looked at his fellow school mates. it was odd how so many of them looked like they where straight out of some high fashion magazine but that could be that so many Veela live in the area and thus so many had the rather desirable blood heritage. Jamie however was not from the area but from Japan much to everyone's confusion as his nationality was in fact Japanese but he was far from Japanese in appearance. It was due to the fact that his parents had dual citizenship and so that explained his fair complexion . It did not bother him much and in truth he found the supermodel look to be overrated and thought himself rather plain and uninspiring at the end of the day. That is when one of the quidditch player walked by drawing out of James a sigh of desire realizing that he had just did that a loud he looked around nervously hoping someone did not catch it. That was the last thing he need was for it to get out that he was gay he had enough to worry about in his life than to half to feel judged and made fun of for it.

James had always known he was gay but was not flamboyant about like others were but that could be because of his rather strict upbringing and his own goal never to fall in to a stereotype. However due to his small size and lack of muscles not to mention his love for books he seemed more like a cute book worm than a rugged quidditch player. He secretly snuck out to watch the teams practice as he brought his sketchbook and drew one of the boys that he had a mad crush on since he arrived in France. That was also another secret of his and that was he loved to draw and was not half bad though he was also his own worst critic if ever there was one. He had taking to drawing when he was younger and would doodle away every spare minute that he could manage to find choosing to draw plants particularly cherry blossoms in spring and old temples. He was in love with the old ways of the country he grew up and so he took to drawing mesmerizing throw backs to the ancient remnants that still existed today. someone sat down next to him which caused him to come out of his slight daze and get back to reading his school books and eating his rather tasty salad.
Praneil entered the great hall. it was dinner time and he was pretty hungry. he made his way along the tables trying to find somewhere he could sit down that wasn't in the middle of a large group of friends, of near a pile of first years. Eventually he found a spot near a boy who seemed to be a little younger than himself but not annoyingly so. he had spent the afternoon in class, studying potions, and then charms, he was good at both of those subjects and he could probably really do well if he bothered to work hard, which he didn't; he was far more interested in exploring the surrounding towns and cities than actually working, it wasn't as though he needed to be the top of the class he knew that he would eventually work trading potion supplies, and plant parts. so as long as he knew what they did, and what they were buying and selling at he would be all set, and a few spells would be useful too. "hello, do you mind passing the spaghetti?" he asked pointing towards a dish of spaghetti Bolognese. he realised a little loo late that the boy seemed deep in thought, and she hoped that he hadn't startled him. he looked at the book the boy was reading and realised that it was the herbology textbook. Praneil read the name of the plant that it was open on and tried to remember what it was worth. if he was remembering the right thing heave generally cost two knuts each, but if sold to the correct seller they could sell for anywhere up to ten leading to a pretty good profit.
Lilith was tired and hungry. She had been out on the Quidditch pitch all afternoon. Entering the Great Hall, Lilith realized that she was still in her Quidditch gear. Stopping for a moment Lilith had to make up her mind. She could go back to her room and change or she could sit down and eat and than change. While Lilith stood there trying to decide just what she was going to do. Her stomach let out such a loud grumble that Lilith knew she really had no choice but to eat. Looking around the Hall. Lilith wondered just where to sit. The table for the captions was a choice but Lilith had an issue with one of the captions. She would not name, names but soon very soon she would have words with the girl and Lilith was sure she would get her way. Looking around the place, Lilith spotted Praneil. Her heart started to beat a little bit faster. It had been a few days since they had last hung out but it had felt like years to Lilith.

Walking over to the table Lilith poked a first year in the back of the head who was just sitting there talking to her friends in a really loud high voice. "Move it midget." Lilith told the girl, for a moment it seemed like the girl was going to question her. But thankfully the girl took one look at the uniform Lilith was wearing and she jumped out of her seat so that Lilith could have a seat and get some much needed food into her body. Sitting down next to Praneil, Lilith grabbed the bowl of salad that was in front of her. Putting a half of it on her plate Lilith took a few bites. Finally not feeling like she was going to die. Lilith turned to Praneil and the boy that Praneil had been talking to. "Hey there Praneil. Long time no see." Lilith said a light pink coloring crossing her cheeks. Sticking her hand out Lilith offered it to the boy. "I am Lilith Koshiba. Who might you be?" Lilith asked a cheeky grin on her face.
Not in his wildest dreams would he think that a quidditch player would grace him with their presence but to have two of them join him was worthy of him fainting but for the sake of appearances he decided that it would be best if he remained conscience for the conversation that he was not dragged into unwillingly of course but he could not appear rude either. Jamie's first course of action was to pass the rather carb-tastic bowl of pasta to the young man who after the arrival of the young woman he had deduced was name Praneil while the girls name was Lilith. Jamie took a moment to size the two of them up as first impressions were always the most crucial in any form of would be relationship whether it was romantic or friendly, the first on the block was the Young man or rather older man Praneil. Jamie noticed when the young man looked at his herbology book and was surprised that all the book got was a thoughtful glance as many people he knew did not care for the subject as they often found the class boring and dull. His dark skin tone told Jamie he was not a native as rude as that may sound but in a world were magical children could go to whatever school they wanted it was not that big of a surprise. He seemed thus far nice however the same could not be said about the girl.

Lilith was clearly the one in charge and seemed to exude confidence though she used that to push around those she felt superior over point and case the small exchange between her and the girl who she stole the seat from this was something to watch out for in Jamie's eye as it was his biggest pet peeve when the weak were bullied by the strong. Lilith was beautiful in her own way and with a last name like Koshiba Jamie could assume that she too was not a native but then again he could be wrong which was possible. Jamie took a sip of his juice before he closed his book so that he could focus on the conversation at hand and after all of his things where out of danger of misguided foods he turned to Lilith first as it was she who introduced herself first. " Hello Praneil and Lilith, My name is James but you can call me Jamie." James offered his hand to both people in case they where the hand shaking type, however Jamie could not help but wonder if he would be treated with respect now that he had introduced himself. He was often times given an odd look for having an effeminate nickname which he prayed that neither of the two quidditch players would notice and make fun of as was common. Jamie decided instead of looking like an idiot he would take another bite of his salad in case the two acquaintances would like to chat amongst them self rather than associate themselves with the likes of a little bookworm like him.
Lilith watched James as she continued to eat. Practice today had be harsh. She knew that she was pushing herself more than she needed to but at the same time she really wanted to be first pick for a professional team. Time was running short and Lilith was starting to feel the pressure not to mention her older sister being pregnant she was a mess. Finishing the salad Lilith reached for the huge bowl of tofu that was in front of her. Glad that the house elves had started putting it on every table. Lilith would have to make her way to the kitchens and thank them. Finally after eating a bit more. Lilith was starting to feel like her normal sunshine self. Spotting the first year girl that she had buggered out of her seat. Lilith let out a high pitched whistle and motioned for the girl to come over. Whispering a apology into the girls ear. Lilith was rewarded with a smile before the first year skipped off to do whatever it was first years did.

Taking the boys hand Lilith took note that he went by Jamie. "It's nice to meet you Jamie. Sorry you had to see me like that. I tend to get cranky when I am hungry and tired. Being caption is harder than I thought." Lilith said as she let go of his hand went back to eating. Her amethyst eyes taking everything in. Cleaning her plate for a second time. Lilith took a long drink from her water before looking at the younger boy once again. "So are you new here? What about Quidditch, do you play? Where do you come from if you don't mind me asking?" Lilith fired off questions quickly. Realizing that the boy might not be used to someone as upbeat and happy as her. Lilith blushed and than grinned sheepishly. "Sorry about that. My sister calls me a little whirlwind and I guess she is right." Lilith said her voice going a little high as she said these words as well also sort of fast.
Praneil looked around when he heard a familiar voice. "Hey Lilith how are you, i haven't seen you around for a while." he said watching her take the seat of one of the first years. he could tell that she had been training, and was probably rather hungry. he took the food of the boy and realised that he had better introduce himself. "Thankyou. I'm Praneil, Praneil Patil, Nice to meet you James" he said shaking the boys hand before helping himself to the meat and pasta. he took a few mouthfuls as Lilith apologised to the first year. then couldn't help smiling as she bombarded Jamie with questions. "Lil, let the boy breath.' he said letting out a slight chuckle, he hoped that she didn't mind the shortened name, but he thought it sort of suited her. he smiled when she said her sister called her a whirlwind and guessed that she was right. he quite liked that aspect of her but he was sure that others would find it intimidating. and he thought that this quiet looking boy looked like the latter. "where have you been, i haven't seen you in a while" he asked, they had been hanging out quite a bit hand he had grown used to her company, but a few weeks ago she had disappeared for a while and he couldn't find her anywhere.
Never Judge a book by its cover was the lesson that came to mind as Jamie watched Lilith apologize to the small little first year girl for being rude which much to the first years delight was the right thing to do as the little girl rushed over and told her friends about it who all looked jealous and elated for the girl for having spoken to someone older. Jamie was impressed as it was a rare quality for someone to realize that they were wrong and to actually move to make it better by some sort of action or means and as such Lilith earned a few kudos points in his book. She then turned to him and explained that sh was cranky and hungry which was not reason enough to be so mean but Jamie took it for what it was and that was an apology and so with a slight nod of his head he accepted the apology in time to be officially introduced to Praneil who shook his hand with the right amount of grip to earn him a smile. Jamie was about to return to his meal when the young captain decided to ask him several questions in quick succession causing him to feel slightly overwhelmed as he was not prepared but luckily Praneil came to his aid and scolded the girl slightly which bought Jamie a precious moment of pause to gather his thoughts.

"To answer your first question as well as your third question in respects, no I am not new here but have been attending Beaux for several years but as I spend a great deal of time studying I am used to the question now and believe me it is rather common though slightly cliche when meeting someone." Jamie said being slightly analytical which was one of those slightly annoying quirks about him as he a thing of over thinking things. However if he did not over think he felt lost and unsure of his responses and had a fear of making a fatal mistake that he would be forced to live with the rest of his life. Jamie allowed a moment to pass before he went on to answer the next part of the questions. "I moved here after my first year, transferring in from Hogwarts in New Zealand were I was sorted into Gryffindor house, but now I live here in France now with my soon to be adoptive father Tillian Angel. However to take my answer one step further though I was actually from Japan though I do not look like it as my parents where dual citizens between France and Japan." Jamie said as he took a drink of his juice.

"As for Quidditch, no I do not play at all as I am afraid of heights and just barely passed flying lesson but beside that I find the sport barbaric and cruel as I know the origins of the game and simply can not approve of animal cruelty in any given circumstance what so ever regardless of recreation or not." Jamie responded curtly which board lined rude but though he was a secret fan of the sport he found the start of the game awful and injustice also he did not go to school so that he could play games but to become a skilled wizard and that meant the only thing he would be focused on was his studies. besides he had a huge crush on one of the boys on the team and did not want others to no that he was gay and so if that meant scaring away his friends so be it he was just nt ready for that step.

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