Boys night out

Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member
Andrew was very bored of his regular routine which consisted of going to St.Mungo's, getting lesson from Dervish Green, teaching Alexa Venturino and helping at the Poison Ater. It was about time he relaxed a bit. He wrote an owl to his friend, Link asking if they could hang out sometimes. Andrew had never visited Ireland before but he had read a lot about it. If Link was going to agree to the plan, Andrew was soon going to spend a weekend in Ireland.Soon enough he received a reply from Link saying yes and he informed his fiancée Adira of his plans. She warned him to not to anything naughty and kissed him goodbye. Andrew had told Link to invite any other friends he had so it would be more lively.

Andrew apparated to Dublin on Saturday night looking forward to have some fun and refresh himself from all the work he had been doing. He also longed to catch up with Link whom he hadn't seen in a while. They were meeting at one of the most famous places in Dublin called Temple bar and as soon as he apparated to the street which was so lively he grinned as he waited for the others.
A tame Link was waiting for an old friend near a pub called the Temple. He had lite a bit of hash in some small white linen paper and was smoking a few of it on his own while the man waited for his friend to show up. It kept him calm as if he were light almost like air, kept him in a different place, dissolving his entire surrounding around him. He did this frequently when he was an Ireland, almost all the time he would do this by himself. A few or lesser time with someone he didn't know. In this case he was doing alone, his friend should be showing up about now. He pass word to Try to come join them, the man's been keeping tab with his new acquaintance. Troy didn't send word back about visiting him. He's probably hiding too after the fire they cause, oh well next time.

A batch of party goers were parading around the cobblestones, making a scene of the night. Link watch, as a disagreement broke out between to men rough housing between themselves. Watching intensity, Link hadn't made eye contact with the man who just apparated away from everyone else view. He was still pulling a deep drag of his hash, as the fight continue between both overly large men. A thought of executing both, sounded more fun than blowing fist. If it weren't for what he was taking in, he would already react to it for his own amusement.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's rubbish
Troy had received the message from Link about meeting him outside the temple tonight. So he had decided to go along, he knew he hadn't replied, he had just simply forgotten too, but he thought it was best to tag alone anyway. He hadn't a clue what to expect, but he was pretty sure that'd be worth it.

Removing his hat and tucking it into his pocket as he approached Link, he gave the fellow Death-Eater a slow nod once before standing next to him. "Link..." He said in a tone that was suitable for someone of this nature. "It's been a while..." He paused. "But as you can see I got your message..." He said as he watched Link smoke. "Got any spares?" He asked, he had never really smoked before, but in Troy's eyes it was worth a shot, and it would fill some of the awkward silence's, as they appeared to be waiting for someone.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's rubbish, am being rushed to go out. <_< :p
"Troy, my good man.. Good to see you came" he spoke towards the lad who appeared right at his side, Troy greeting Link with a nod. Pulling out a silver case with a few hash rolled already for the night, he pass one to Troy for him try out."Its laced with tobacco man, grew it myself" he stored away the case back into his pockets. So Troy was here but no sign of Andrew nowhere just yet. "How's it been with you? Heard your in training now" Link spoke after one more drag of his hash. After the cats of crime they made happen in New Zealand, there had been no doubt in his mind Troy was going to be rejected from the ranks. "glad to know I taught you well"Link smirked. When he was down, it had been one of the few nights he regretted, but when he was around his friends he laugh about it and poke fun of the terrorizing they cause.

"Where just waiting for that bast@ard brother of mine to show up. Nah, he's not my brother but it's what I consider you both now that we speak the same language" the scene died down a little after both men were escorted out the street, they had been fighting about some brad in the bar who was seen flirting with some guy. "Silly little muggels and their constants bickering over trash" he laugh. It was a joy to see them fight across the street while they waited for Andrew, it was always a joy to see them fight about nonsense. He will never regret hurting muggels, his past spoke louder to him when it came to muggels. They deserve whatever human disaster that happen to them. It's their fault, if they weren't so quick to judge and all...maybe he had more feelings towards them when they got hurt.
"Cheers." He told Link as he handed him a roll-up. Troy whispered 'incendio' behind his teeth to light the end of it before popping the other end inbetween his lips. The first puff made Troy choke a little, but once he had gotten over the awfully strong taste it left in his mouth, he began to enjoy it. "Nice one man...and life's been's's nothin' I can't handle." Troy said with a small chuckle before puffing out another blow of smoke. "And how about you?" He asked, knowing that the last time they had been together, Link had persuaded him to set that shop alight.

Troy let out a laugh as some fighting muggles were taken out. "Stupid Old Muggles eh?" He replied to Link, still being weary that he hadn't know this guy long. But Troy was pretty sure that the whole 'fire incident' had left a pretty good lasting impression on Link; leaving Troy in his good books.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry to keep you both waiting for ages
Andrew was standing in a corner in the darkness watching everyone on the street. He watched in amusement at the muggles fight over crap and he chuckled. As his eyes wandered to other two men who seemed to be enjoying the scene as well he recognized one of the faces to be very familiar and that of none other than that of the man whom he had been waiting for, Link Black. He took it that the other man was a friend of Link's and he gave them a smile as he walked towards them. "Hey Link man, how have you been?"he said as he gave link a friendly handshake. "I suppose he is one of us" he said with a grin as he looked at Troy. "I am Andrew Bruke" he said introducing himself.

"Sorry, I didn't spot you guys earlier. Was too busy enjoying the crazy scene but I guess that's not a good way to spend an evening, is it? Wasting it on muggles" he said and laughter followed his words. A few muggles had taken charge and were separating those who had been fighting.
OOCOut of Character:
No Worries. :)

Troy watched as a figure in the distance approached them. As he spoke, he guessed it was who the pair of them had been waiting for all this time. This guy didn't seem so bad, Ryan had been one of the moodier Death-Eaters, but Link was alright, and it seemed like Troy would be getting to know Andrew pretty well on this dark-night. "Good to meet you Andrew..." He said, holding his hand out for the guy to shake. He had debated whether that was the right thing to do or not, but he had shaken Link's hand, so why not?

Troy laughed as Andrew made a joke about muggles. He wasn't going to say too much just yet, he didn't want to step out of line, after all, he had only just recently been accepted into the Death-Eaters, he didn't want to mess it up whilst he was still in training. He would speak more later, when himself and Andrew were more familiar with each other, and when Troy know how to speak to Andrew. This kind of common-sense avoided brutal pain in the Death-Eaters world.
"Andrew, been waiting fo you for a while mate"Link greeted the man just the same. "This is the man I was trying to get to meet you all before our last meeting with Anthony. Got accepted right after our little game of fire" Link introduce Andrew to Troy. It had been fun that night, chaos and fire was all he could really remember, other than that Link telling Troy it was time he met someone else worth meeting after their little fun with fire.
"So besides watching these damn muggels, rough house who else were waiting for anyone else?" he asked Andrew more since Troy was Link company. He invited Troy to get familiar with the death eaters who were also in training.

"How's New Zealand going? I haven't been there in ages. I hate visiting when there's nothing going on really" he walk towards the pub, pushing open the door to let both the guys in following him. He like having his kind over, mainly these two. He saw Andrew as a brother and Troy as a good friend, despite their small history between both men. It didn't matter, if the guy rub him the right way that there's no point in disliking him. It was what he could do that matter and what he could do for the rest of them when time is needed. Troy will be tested, not just by Julian but by everyone else. Link mainly, Link hated liars, he wanted to know the guy was with him and just following him like if he had too. He wasn't forcing it's all about having heart when it came to Link.


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