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Izzy Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
SO this is Izzy, She is third year Huffelpuff.
Her Biography:
Izzy is extremely shy but once you get to know her she opens up and easily lets you into her world of music and fun. She enjoys a few sports but isn't part of any teams and she most definitely can't play quidditch, she would go along and be part of the game by cheering he team on. She can be impressed easily by some compliments that people give her and instantly know a guy that she would have a chance with from a guy who just does things for fun or because someone says ou should do this and that.

I would rather the Person was in hogwats but wouldnt mind if you were elsewhere.

Thanka s Alex
Steven is a fun, smart guy, who will do anything for his girl. Steve will be starting school at HNZ in September.
AHH i saw this after i had posted in your topic, should we start something now and have them as old friends who send letter to each other, or should we just have them meet when he joins school?
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