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Kaitlyn Dunmore

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Heya all!

Kaitlyn recently became a ghost, and now wanders pointlessly everywhere.

She would like a boyfriend, whether they are a ghost or human. It would be 'Love at first sight!' Even though she was... Dead.

Thank you guysss

See, now if she was alive, Ruki would be interested. But .. dead .. not so much. xD

How would they even, you know, do stuff.

I doubt that matters in forbidden love.. and I'm sure if they loved eachother to the end... that wouldn't even have to matter....
I think I have a guy going spare somewhere..
Of course it would be a weird relationship but meh.
Love is love even if it's love with the imprint of a departed soul.
I haven't really got any boys.. I have plenty of girls who would be interested xD
i have a ravenclaw first year guy :p muhaha.. no you may not have him.. your my sister!
i have a 19 year old guy too.. just.. no xD
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