Closed Boyfriend Plus Work

Lorelai Kaster

deadly • the secret you want to keep • skilled
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Whippy Cypress Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Lorelai was annoyed. She and Land had planned to spend the whole day together weeks ago which had her prepping for the whole thing yesterday. She'd gotten her nails done, trimmed her hair, and even went so far as to have a spa day. All she could be relaxed and ready to spend time with her boyfriend. And then an owl showed up in her apartment just before she left. An owl that she practically glared at. Reading the pristine letter, she could feel her irritation grow. She was definitely going to have words with her boss regarding any last-minute requests like this because he knew she hated that. Even if the deadline wasn't going to be for a few days yet, she now had to spend the day studying a person rather than cuddling with her boyfriend on the couch just so she could be ready. Merlin, she hated her uncle. She apparated straight to her boyfriend's apartment.

Lorelai arrived just outside of the door before using her key to get in. "Babe?" she called out into the apartment as she walked in. "Change of plans! We're going out!" She hoped he didn't mind. This would be the first time that she would be actively involving him in her work - or at least an aspect of it, but it couldn't be helped. She wanted to spend the day with him like they'd planned, but the pesky request that her uncle had sent was time-sensitive, so she had to at least get some work done today.
Land had given Lorelai a key to his place almost immediately after they'd started dating because he'd never seen the point of anything else. He was an open book for the most part and if she wanted to walk right in, why should she have to wait for him to open the door? Still they were magical so it wasn't like it was going to matter much anyway. He heard her calling out to him and he scratched Peggy's ears, the chocolate Labrador snorting at him from her position on his lap. She couldn't hear him, but she could feel him so he always tried to make sure she was aware of his presence at all times. He tried to make sure he wasn't making any sudden movements as he carefully lifted her face off of his thigh and turned to see Lorelai walking through the opening. "Are you read-... change of plans?" He raised an eyebrow in wonder at what the change of plans might be, since they'd scheduled the whole day to mostly include playdates with Peggy, or at least that had been his plan. "Okay, I mean I can quickly get changed if you have something specific you wanna do," he said, shrugging. It might be good to get Peggy out of the house anyway, and if this was something they could bring her to do that would be good. One of the good things about Peggy was he could take her to his job sites, because it wasn't like the sound was going to scare her off since she couldn't hear it.
Taking off her heels as she walks into the house, Lorelai makes a beeline for the chocolate labrador on her boyfriend's lap, making sure to keep herself in front of her so she can see her approach before placing a hand on her head and scratching behind her ears. "Hello darling," she tells Peggy before grinning at her boyfriend and giving him a peck on the lips. "Hey baby," she said before looking at him critically. He was all dressed to stay at home and that was just unfair. She really hated her uncle at the moment. "Sorry we can't stay home as planned, but what do you say to a bit of lunch at a nice little outdoor cafe and bringing Peggy to a dog park?" she says as she continues to run her hand on Peggy's head. She's such an adorable little thing that Lorelai couldn't help but love her. It would be a little complicated, bringing both Land and Peggy to where she would potentially be doing some research, but this would only be preliminary work anyway. She just needed to confirm some of the information that her uncle had sent over and then she and Land and Peggy could enjoy the rest of the day. She just really hated that the job had come today and in her line of work, time was always of the essence.
"That sounds like a good idea," he said, scratching Peggy's ears. She was such a ball of energy too, she was going to love going to the dog park. "I don't mind changing plans, we can go to the cafe, is it fancy for lunch? I know they don't like jeans for dinner," he said, standing up to go and find some appropriate clothing. It kind of sucked that they couldn't just stay in like they planned, but it Lorelai said she needed to do it he wasn't going to question it. She had her own life that she was entitled to live, he wasn't going to begrudge her that, what would be the point? He quickly stepped into the bedroom and rifled through the clothing he had laying about the room. Maybe he could find something decent to wear in the week's worth of laundry he had just lying about. Some of it was used as bedding for Peggy and he skipped over those because they would definitely need some freshening up before he could wear them. He found a pair of clean skinny jeans and yanked them up before heading back out. "This shirt is fine right?"

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