Bottle Blonde

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Alyce Ellison

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So Alyce is a character that I made shortly before my real life took me away from HNZ for a while. Not much has been done as for her development goes. So she has a sister, with no friends or other relations. She also has went through a dramatic hair color change since then, going from black hair to blonde.

So what I'm really asking for is for friends, enemys, crushs, maybe even a boyfriend.

Some things about her are Alyce is home-schooled, she is outgoing. She knows latin, spanish, and english. SHe is from Hounduras and was very popular in her old crowd. She's not stuck up or shallow. She's true to her friends and would take a bullet for her closest friends. (And not like the arm or the leg either.)

So I know this isn't one of my more interesting post but, thanks for reading... Please reply if your interested or PM me if you want. I really don't care which

I can offer her Willow Paradox. She's a firecracker that doesn't take smack from anyone and if your her friend is the kind of person that will push you aside and take your enemy on for you. She's a Drumstrang though and has a talent for the dark arts even though she thinks that they're trash. Willow is also the leader of a still unnamed band too :D
((This is one of my other characters))

That would be great. Alyce likes to stand out and would have no problem becoming quick friends with someone like Willow. So do you want to start something now. I don't mind if your too busy, or if you wanted I could start something?
If she ends up going to school at Hogwarts, then I'm sure Jade would welcome her, and they could become friends, otherwise I don't know how its possible that she could know Alyce. Jade lives in NZ you see. So what do you think?
I could offer Embry as a boyfriend if you like. I dont really know much about him as he was given to me buuut i do know that he is a nice kid and he is very loving. He is loyal to any girl he dates and he likes to joke around every now and then and have fun
I can offer Veronica as an enemy.

She is friendly with most of the people except a few Japanese in her school in her school therefore one or two more enemies or dislike people would be good. I don't know what Veronica would have against Alyce...maybe the fact that she has tried to dye her hair blonde and become someone who she isn't or something....that's lame but just a thought. So what do you say?
That sounds great you two. Alyce needs a enemy. And she has been really lonely without a boyfriend, so it works out perfectly. So should i start or do you guys want to, i don't mind either way?
I have Katheryn Kingsley who could be a friend if you like! She's a seventh year Puff.
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