Boredom and Sunlight

OOC First Name
Jace was a boy who tended to get into trouble, he didn't really care about getting into trouble, it's not as if he walked around thinking of ways to piss the teachers off and get into some sort of punishment, just for the reason of getting into trouble and being entitled a troublemaker. He didn't, trouble just seemed to come upon him. But today he was working hard on not getting into trouble, so he'd grabbed a book, one of his favourites Ranger's Apprentice, and sat against the think trunk on an oak tree on campus, thinking that no sort of trouble would be lurking in the bright midday sun. As he lost himself in the words and pages of the book, his eyes roaming over the crisp paper. The book was old, and he found himself being careful with turning the pages. His mother had loved book, loved everything about them, and so he knew where his love came from. The seventeen year old had also inherited his looks from his mother, thankfully getting nothing of his father in his appearance, for then he would hardly be able to look at his own reflection without wanting to throw something. The day was too sunny and bright to think of things like his father, so he focused again on the book.

He'd seen Alleara reading this book last Christmas, reading it intensely as if she were trapped in the story, and that had joyed him, he'd been telling her to read it for a long time and each times she'd said that she wouldn't like it. He'd laughed and walked into the room and she'd looked up at him, looking as if he'd court her red-handed. Now, as sat on the soft grass, his legs stretched out in front of him, he couldn't seem to merge into the story. He looked up and around himself. The grounds were quiet here, trees colouring most of the campus, and only few student spotted around, reading, talking, studying or just doing what ever, the sky over head was cloudless and the sun shone straight down, making the grass glow a bright green. The teenager couldn't see the Durmstrang Castle from where he sat, unless he twisted around to look in the other direction, and further down the campus was the lake. Jace didn't feeling like moving, he knew that he should probably be studying, but he never did. He'd just work his was through exams and tests, it was quite easy. He contemplated going to look for Alleara, but decided against it thinking that she would probably want to be alone seeming as it was the anniversary of her parents car accident. So, he just sat there, his book discarded on his lap, and stared at nothing.
The teenager didn't much like to be bored, but he was enjoying the quiet and shade too much to go inside. He sat, thinking, for a moment before deciding to go down to the lake. After sliding the book into his back, he set of down the hill, throw the thick shroud of trees to the lake. As he walked into the enclosed forest of trees towards the lake, his eyes glanced over the sunlight flittering through the leaves and the vines twinning up the tree trunks and the thick roots which peeked up from the ground.

The lake was wide, flowing so far that he could only see the small line of green on the other side. It was blue-green and flat like a mirror, and Jace was too bored for perfection, so, bending down and picking a stone from the ground, he threw it and watched as it skipped across the water, making ripples as it went. Jace was use to being alone, he'd spent most of his childhood alone, but today he wished he had someone to share the sunlight with.
The day was bright, which was unusual for Durmstrang, and the Durmstrang teen just wondered. He felt cheeky and in a teasing mood. Zack C.James was known for his good looks and charm, and everyone loved him for that. The girl went crazy, the guys got friendly and the Professors were in complete adoration. After all he was the perfect student, cute, charming, well mannered, had good grades and an excelled mind. A quick learner is what his mother would say, but a smartass was all his bestfriend called him. Jace Vendalwood was Zack's bestfriend, and that was a surprise to everyone. Jace was the loner boy that didn't talk to many people, and Zack was the outgoing boy whom everyone loved. It was like complete opposites, but it worked. Zack told Jace when we was being a creepy loner and Jace told Zack when he was being a smartassed showoff. It worked. And quite often they got into all sorts of trouble together. It was the one thing that Zack didn't do for popularity, he and Jace simply did it to pass the time at the ever boring Durmstrang Institute. It was fun, for both them and the other students, though the Prof didn't exactly smile upon it.

Today Zack had a tingling feeling in his spin, and a smirk just would ravish from his face. Today was the perfect day for some good old fun. If Zack thought about it, he could pin point exactly where Jace was. Probably being a loner, and probably down by the lake. As Zack wondered in that direction of the lake, he wondered what brilliant pranks they would pull today. It needed to be big, and hilarious. Maybe the Ancient Runes Classroom, or the green house, or...No, he thought as his grin grew wider, The Great Hall was the perfect place. As he approached the lake, he spotted Jace sitting against a tree with his back faced towards Zack, looking like a lone as usual. Zack smirked and jumped out, greeting his bestfriend with no surprise. Jace just sat there, looking bored somehow. "Come, my boy! We have amany a things to plan!" He exclaimed, grinning mischievously at his bestfriend. "Come! I say, many thing to plan before lunch! Many things indeed."
Jace stared at the water, at its clear perfection, and remember how much he loved the quiet. That Quiet soon ended when someone jumped out in front of him and Jace looked up to see his bestfriend smirking down at him. Zack C.James was his bestfriend for years now, and the older boy felt not much older than Zack, but sometimes he was annoying, but he was still Jace's bestfriend. Jace listened patiently as Zack went of about something that seemed to blur in Jace's ears, and Jace got the startling feeling of someone watching him, and when he turned his head to the side, he saw no one there, only trees and water. He turned back to listen to Zack, just hearing him finish and stood up, dusting dirt off his jeans. "Plan what?" He asked, and Zack only grinned. That Grin Jace knew all too well, Zack was planning something, and it was sure to be good. But he still couldn't get over the feeling of someone watching him, that tingling feeling in his spine and the fine hairs standing on end on the back of his neck. But there was no one about but the two.

"A Prank?" Jace questioned, startled by the appeal the idea held to him. Anything to get his mind off things would have done, but when he got into trouble with Zack he seemed to forget everything. But he knew that Alleara wouldn't like it, but at the moment with the excitement running through his veins, he didn't really care. "What do you have planned?" Jace smirked as Zack told him the plan, and began to move back into the forest with his bestfriend, leaving the lake behind him.

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