
Luke Mcpeak

Well-Known Member
Luke was just so bored out of his mind he could die as he walked through Obsidian Harbor he thought about home.
Jessame Rose had found Obsidian Harbour without too much trouble. The little brown-skinned girl forced herself to look confident ans she wandered around, taking everything in. If she was going to live among these magical freaks, she'd have to get to know what their world was like. And now was a good time, as school was in, so there shouldn't be too many people around.

Jess was surprised when she saw an older boy walking down the street in the opposite direction. He looked like he was about high school age. I thought it was impossible to wag from a boarding school, she thought. She didn't want to attract his attention, so she looked at her worn sneakers as he came nearer. However, she was curious. Apart from the few people she'd met at the meeting a month or so back, she didn't know any witches or wizards. She thought she was being subtle, looking at him from behind her thick hair, trying to see any physical difference from the normal kids she knew. She always felt invisible if she hid her unusually large, dark green eyes behind her mane of hair.
Jess was surprised when the boy looked right at her and said hey, but she hid it well. This is when she started to act - same as always, become one of them.

She returned his warm smile and said "Hey" right back. It felt good to be talking to someone. "Why aren't you in school?" she accused, simply for something to say.
This surprised Jess, and she didn't like being surprised.
"Oh, I didn't know you could do that" she said, berating herself for looking stupid in front of this wizard. Maybe I could do that... she thought, but dismissed the idea, knowing Tim and Sarah really wanted her to go to Dumbwarts Hogwarts.

The way the boy was looking at her made Jessame Rose feel really uncomfortable. She refused to let him make her feel out of place. If she couldn't handle one person, how was she going to deal with a whole school full of older witches and wizards?

"How come you're homeschooled? You don't sound like you're from around here."
Luke was now out of comfort. "um i'm homeschooled because i never recieved a letter for hogwarts and i'm from austrilia" he said looking at the ground.
Jess thought she'd heard an Australian accent. She felt kind of bad that her question had obviously made him uncomfortable, but at least she wasn't the only one now. And she was just too curious to stop asking questions now. He was in Obsidian Harbour, and that meant he was a wizard, right? But he said he never got a letter from Hogwarts. What did that mean? They didn't want him? But surely there were other magic schools he could go to? Australia's way bigger than New Zealand. She had so many questions flying around her head, she had to stop and think before she actually said anything.

"I don't get why you'd come so close to.. that school (she couldn't bring herself to name it out loud) just to be homeschooled. Can't you do that in Oz?" she asked. She was intrigued now, and his discomfort only made her more interested, and more comfortable talking to him.
Luke just looked up and then back down. "i mean my parents didn't want me going to that school" he said.
Jess was even more intrigued by his seeming desire not to divulge too much information. "But they wanted you to come and be close to it?" she asked, trying to figure out what was going on with this cute, strange, intimidating boy whose name she didn't even know.
Luke looked down wishing he could sink through the pavement. "no um i came to be here in case anything happens to my cousin" he said.
Things suddenly fell into place for Jess. She thought out loud:
"Oh I see! So, your parents don't like Hogwarts but your cousin's going there, and you're here to keep an eye on him?"

Suddenly she had a thought, this guy might be able to give her some of the information she so badly wanted... she looked up at him and wished she could make him feel more comfortable. He was clearly not enjoying this, but she wanted him to talk.

"So what do they do there? I knew it couldn't be a good place... what do you think they're doing to your cousin?"
Jess noticed the boy relax visibly. She almost jumped out of her skin when he referred to the school as 'Dumbwarts.' Did I say that out loud or did he read my mind? she thought. Then she smiled, or maybe I just met someone who feels the same way I do, by chance!

"Okay," she shrugged and smiled. He was older than her but she was fairly certain she could run faster and scream louder than him if anything happened. She wasn't about to trust any freaky wizard straight away, but she did want to know more. "What's your name, anyway?"
Luke frowned. "Luke" he said as he led the way to a bench where people could see them but he was uncomfortable around people.
"Luke" Jessame Rose repeated the boy's name. She paused, waiting for him to ask for her name, but he didn't. Well, she wasn't going to tell him if he didn't ask. She followed him to a bench beside the cobbled street. There were a few people walking by, but not many. She wasn't sure if it was wise to talk about Dumbwarts out in the open like this, but she figured Luke would know more than her, and take them somewhere different if it was necessary.

She noticed him sit uncomfortably on the bench, and attempted to ease the atmosphere by sitting in a more comfortable fashion. She pulled her knees up and put her arms around them, sitting sideways on the bench so she was facing Luke.

"So tell me about Dumbwarts," she said, lowering her voice so people passing by could not easily overhear them. She liked the conspiratorial feeling she was getting.
Luke scotted back to give her more room. "nothing really to tell they just don't teach right to my view and all the books they hardly use magic at all" he said. "what's your name?" he asked
Jess was disappointed. His complaint with Dumbwarts was that they didn't use enough magic? She drew her legs closer and shuffled back a little - she was suddenly scared of Luke. What am I doing here? she thought in a panic. No-one knows where I am; no-one I trust can even get to this place... and I'm talking to a practically fully grown wizard! What have I gotten myself into?

She struggled to calm herself. There were still people wandering past. Surely these magic freaks weren't so psycho they'd stand by and watch a guy do anything horrible to a little girl... and Jess suddenly felt very little. Then she remembered what he'd said before, though, and lifted her chin.

"I'm Jessame Rose. If all they do at Dumbwarts is use books, why are you, or your parents anyway, worried about your cousin?"
Luke looked at her. "we're worried because what magic they do use with my cousin he's a person that can get hurt no matter what" he said.
Jess didn't trust this boy, but she decided if she wanted information from him she was going to have to be honest.
"I don't know anything about magic. I... I just found out this whole thing exists," she gestured at her surroundings. "What kind of magic can hurt a person? Do they do it on purpose at that.. Hogwarts? And how can you protect him if he's there and you're here? Do you have like, a crystal ball or something so you can see what's going on? What would you... " Jessame Rose stopped herself. "Sorry, too many questions. I just... don't understand any of this."
Luke looked at the ground. " there's bad magic and good and i don't know how to explain it i just hate the school" he said standing up and walking to a field with trees in and he climbed up.
Jessame Rose listened to Luke's answer, then watched as he stood up and walked over to some trees where he began to climb. She smiled to herself at that; she had thought people grew out of climbing trees when they became teenagers. Either Luke was younger than she thought or she was wrong about growing out of tree-climbing.

She stayed on the bench, thinking about what he had said. Good and bad? He must be deluded. Surely it's all bad... but then, he probably learns all kind of freaky stuff at home. Who knows what he believes. At least I know I'm not the only one to hate the school. Maybe... A plan began to form in JR's mind. Completely lost in thought, she stood up and walked away from the bench, and the tree where Luke was sitting. She wandered down the cobbled street, absently waving goodbye to Luke.

So, just like the real world there are divisions and different beliefs. I can use that... well, not me alone... if I can find someone to help me, I could bring this place down. Not just the school, either, all of it! I can stop people from having to feel as miserable as I am, ever again!
Jess almost didn't hear Luke call out to her, but the sound of his footsteps running up behind her brought her out of her thoughts. She turned and faced him. He had seemed so reluctant to talk before, maybe he had changed his mind.

"Oh sorry, I kinda got caught up in what I was thinking. I'm gonna be starting at Dumbwarts soon and there's just so much to think about. Who's your cousin? What year is he?"

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