Closed Books, books and more books...

Amory Raven

Mist + Fury
OOC First Name
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Too Young to Care
Amory found himself in the library after his lesson on History of Magic. He wanted to look more into the history of things and significant incidents such as The Salem Witch Trials. He wanted to know more about well anything related to the history of everything. Why was it he hadn't heard of magic before, well he could see the reasons, but still he was interested in the actual events leading up to how this world came to be.

So against his better judgement the Slytherin was now wandering between the shelves of books in the library, alone. Maybe the smartest thing would have been to ask someone for help, to ask someone to show him where to find everything instead of just aimlessly walking through every row trying to find books on the history of magic. Seriously how many books did one school need? Amory wasn't a huge fan of books, but for a cause he could read a few and right now he need to know about these things was the perfect motivator. He had been at it for half an hour when he finally found the correct aisle and began to hog as many books as he could with interesting titles before heading one of the seats next to a table.
Tori was in the library again because even though she didn't like studying, she actually did need to. She was planning on putting together a little study group game, but she was still yet to work out what elements she was going to add. She was grabbing books of all different types off of the book shelves hoping to put enough information together that she could make little cards with the answers on the back so that they could use them in the game as well as to study though she was going to readily admit she really wasn't sure what she was doing with all of this, she just hoped it would go well. As she carried her books from different subjects over to a table, she noted that a boy had the same idea because he was placing his books at the same table. "Oh, do you mind if we share, I can go somewhere else if not?" she hoped not because she didn't want to have to pick up the books she was dropping on the table again.
Amory was nearly startled by the voice next to him before looking up. The girl looked faintly familiar, given that they shared classes together and he was pretty sure he had seen her around his dorm mate Lumos. "No be my guest I suppose." He said gesturing to the other empty seat at the table. Perhaps he could even ask her about these things, hope that she knew anything more. "Do you happen to be familiar with the Salem witch trials?" He asked hesitantly, not sure whether the girl wanted to just sit in silence or if it was okay to talk.
Tori sits down, her books falling as she spreads them out on half of the table to give the boy space as well. She looks up at him when he asks her about the Salem witch trials and shrugs. "I know about as much as any modern witch, it's a pretty popular debate topic because sometimes muggles just don't get it right," she said, thinking about how the witches they'd put on trial weren't really witches at all and for the most part and actual witches had been full capable of protecting themselves against the muggles. "Why? Are you learning about it in History of Magic?" that made sense to her, because it was one of the classes she didn't have yet, but it also made the most sense for the topic to come up during that class, unless he was researching it for himself.
Amory listened to her, interesting she must know more than him then. Honestly it did not take a lot to know more than the boy about anything concerning magic. He leaned on his hands and stared to the far wall, thinking through his words. "Yeah, we are. I find the History of Magic to be quite interesting subject. There is so much they don't teach us in muggle schools, even about their world never mind this world." He hoped he didn't sound foolish, though he doubted it would in a place like this sound foolish to want to learn more. It was a school after all.

"Quite honestly it was the first time I heard about it in such detail, I think muggles, as you lot call them I suppose it now includes me too, have mostly swiped that part of history under the carpet." Who would blame them? Everyone seemed so good at forgetting every terrible thing they did and wanting to ignore it so it would go away, why not do the same to significant history events. Or he supposed it mustn't be that significant to the muggles then. Sure there had been an odd topic of discussion of it here, a movie or a show made out of it there, but never anything more in depth. He doubted he'd find much about it in the library near his orphanage either. "What about you, what books you got there?" Amory asked, curiously peeking at the few titles he could see.
"I don't have history of magic yet, I get that next semester, but that probably makes sense, I mean, there's a lot of horrible things that happen in history and only so much time to go over all of it, I think if they dedicated so much of their time to everything that happened, you wouldn't be able to learn it all come exam time," she said, with a shrug. She had never been to a muggle school, but both of her parents were muggleborn so she knew a little about it. She didn't really want to go to a muggle school either, she didn't see the point when she would have just lost access to friends she made immediately after having to go to Hogwarts not to mention she could have never invited anyone to her house. He was right to think there was a lot they didn't learn, probably the similar events in the magical world too, because there was probably a lot in history they didn't learn about.

As he asked about her books she holds up her Defence Against the Dark Arts book and a Potions book and grins, "Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts - I'm pulling out study questions to put on some cards to help me study, because I'm not very good at it and I want to be able to study without reading everything from a text book."
Amory watched the girl with keen interest. He found himself valuing her opinion, something he found himself doing more and more these days. Valuing the opinions of others. "Ah yes, I suppose it would be too much to go over the entire history of all that exists. In that department I suppose I am somewhat lucky then. To have had the possibility to go to muggle school and a magical one." He had never thought much of it, but both had their sides.

Smiling at the books he nodded. "Yes, Defence Against The Dark Arts is quite interesting, haven't had potions yet but I am expecting to be thoroughly impressed by it." He admitted. Honestly Amory had no doubt that there would be a ton of new things he had never even dreamed of using plants and water for. "That is a smart way of studying, making a game out of it, I mean." Everyone had their ways of learning and if this was hers the Slytherin was glad she'd come up with it. "I'm sorry to be rude, but what was your name again? Mine's Amory." He had a fain idea who she might be, he had spent countless nights listening one of his dorm mates talk all about a Gryffindor girl and she fit the description, but better safe than sorry.

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