
Clemence Poesy

Active Member
Rosewood with Veela Hair
Well Hey everyone my name is Clemence Fleur Poesy Delacour, But feel free to call me Clemence, or Fleur, either is fine.
Well i am French, i come from Paris and i cant wait to get started RPing and getting to know everyone.
Ciao for now.
Hello. ^^
I'm katie, and it's nice to meet you.
I'm from Minnesota, United States.
And I have two unsorted students, Yuki Okinawa and Darmorel Milner, so if you want to RP just pm them and I'll rp with you. xD
Hey Katie Its nice to meet someone finally! I am hoping to become a shopkeeper owning my own french restaurant in Hagsmeade so look out for me! I cant wait to get to know you. :)
:):):):) Hey Veronica, no problems, and no i am not taking after our friend from lc, i just like the colour. :p
This is sooo cool and huge aye?
Tu parles français? J'en ai pas vu beaucoup a date...
Anyways, nice to meet ya, Osiris is unsorted to, so if you want to RP or something or need a friend; he's there :)
Hello Clemence
welcome to the site
hope you have a great time here getting to know everyone.

Make sure you give the rules a good read through which can be found HERE

if you have any questions please pm our admins - not going to tell you how awesome they are coz no doubt Nick will do that himself =))

Nicolas King and Cecily Rambolt (admins) ;)

again welcome and have fun

Thanks everyone. Oh and its a bit confusing cause i speak spanish but my charrie is french
Hi Clemence, I'm Remus, But known as Nathan out of character haha.
Yeah well, I play the stern and strict (So I've been told) Professor Firn, always want to be on this guys good side hehe.

Nah but in seriousness, Welcome to the site, its a great community with awesome Role Play all the time, wait till you meet some of the awesome admins. You've had the privilege of meeting our Awesome Moderator, :p
Hi nathan. :) Its awesome this site and i love it so much more than m old RP website. :p
I'm Beth, one of the resident nutters on this site.
It's always nice to have new people on the site.
Have you had much roleplay experience before?
HNZ is the best roleplay site around and, well yeah, it's awesome.. and addictive.
Yeah i have had a WHOLE load of RP experience. I was once on this RP site and i got 580 posts and the other one i was on i got 1964 Posts. Hey thats Funny, you have 586 Posts now. Lol

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