Board Rules

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Board Rules
  1. Be respectful to all other members of this site; personal attacks will not be tolerated.
  2. Report inappropriate behaviour or actions to staff. Do not "Backseat Moderate".
  3. All discussion should be age-appropriate for somebody as young as 13 to participate in.
  4. Whenever possible, adhere to the board's Netiquette Policy.
  5. Be honest about who you are. If you don't want people to know about you or one of your accounts, don't mention anything. You may not misrepresent yourself to other users on the board by pretending to be multiple people, or people you are not.
  6. Advertisement of other forums/websites is prohibited.
  7. You may have as many accounts registered as you desire; however, each account should represent one character on the board.
  8. Usernames should adhere to the following:
    • Should generally be the first and last name of the character which the account represents
    • Should not include any numbers or symbols
    • Should not be the name of a canon character, or claim relation to a canon character (including using a canon surname) without permission from an administrator
    • Should not be the name of a character from any book, TV show, movie, or the name of a celebrity.
Profile Rules
  1. Signature images are restricted to a maximum file size of 400kb, and dimensions of 500px by 300px.
  2. Signatures should not exceed a height of 350px
  3. Avatar images should not exceed a file size of 100kb
  4. The "OOC First Name" field is only to be used for inputting your actual first name or a nickname you're known by. This field may not be used to mislead other users.

Roleplaying Rules
  1. All roleplays should be posted in the third-person and be in the past-tense. They should follow the guidelines provided in our Roleplaying Documentation.
  2. Roleplays must adhere to the physical and legal laws contained within the Harry Potter universe.
  3. Like discussion on the board, roleplays must remain appropriate for anybody as young as 13 to read or take part in. This means that the following are prohibited without approval from an administrator:
    • Excessive gore/violence
    • The use of illegal/illicit drugs
    • Underage use of alcohol
    • Sexual content (Vague allusions left to the reader's assumption may be used concerning adult characters)
    • Suicide and self-mutilation
  4. You may control your character and nobody else's. You may not determine another person's character's actions without their explicit permission. (To do so without permission is known as 'Godmodding')
  5. Your character should be a person with flaws. Your character should not be all-knowing or all-powerful. Student characters should know age appropriate magic , and adult characters should seem natural. Using characters without flaws is called 'powermodding' or 'passive godmodding.'
  6. Any topic marked as "closed" should only be participated in by invited roleplayers.
  7. Any plots which extend beyond the usual pattern of life for a wizard/witch character should receive admin approval. These include plots which contain major crime, death or serious illness, a character doing something which might make them 'famous,' non-student/staff characters on Hogwarts grounds, etc. When in doubt, PM an admin.
  8. Similarly, purebloods, special abilities, powers, and races and owning special or rare magical items/creatures must be approved by administrators.

These board rules will be enforced in accordance with our Punishments for Rule-breaking policy.
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