Closed Blossoming Flowers

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Iris van Houten

Whimsical | Quiet | Thoughtful | Inner Eye Asst.
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Gay (Rosalind)
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
Iris was ready for this first event with Rose as her official girlfriend. She still blushed as she remembered the yule ball, it had been amazing and had honestly felt a bit like a dream. Tonight they would actually be together and Iris was really looking forward to it. Emma had been happy for her and had only joked a little about them both having flower names. She also didn't seem to really mind that Iris was dating one of her roommates, thankfully. It probably helped that Emma and Rose weren't close. Iris hoped she could avoid Nicole tonight, though she felt a bit sad about that. Part of her wanted to share her news with the Slytherin, but she knew Nicole no longer considered her a friend. Iris adjusted her bun and looked around, forcing herself not to think about Nicole. She was here to have fun with Rose, not linger on things she couldn't change. She hoped the other girl would appear soon.
Rose was running a little late, and she felt upset. She couldn't believe she was making Iris wait. She rushed down the stairs, tripping a few times but managing to recover. She came bolting down the stairs, spotting her girlfriend quickly. Rose smiled, though it vanished at the look on Iris' face. Rose jogged over, reaching out to put her hands on Iris' arms. "Hey, I'm here, sorry, what's wrong?" Rose chattered, a bit breathless. "You look beautiful. Did someone say something to you? I'll kill them, I swear," Rose promised, looking around to see if there was anyone nearby acting suspicious. Rose would bash someone's head in if she had to.
Iris' smiled brightly as she saw Rose rushing over to her, though she was a bit confused by the expression on her face. When she asked Iris what was wrong, Iris blinked in confusion. "Wrong? Nothing is wrong." She said hesitantly. "I was just lost in thought for a bit." She gently touched Rose's hand. "I'm fine, no one bothered me." She said, wondering why Rose jumped straight to that conclusion. "No killing, please." She added, trying to turn it into a bit of a joke. "I'd rather dance."
Rose hesitated, searching Iris' face a moment before letting out a slow sigh and trying to relax. "Right, right," she smiled, and offered out her hand. "Dancing would be nice. I reserve the right to kiss you every time I think you look really pretty, though," Rose smirked then, leaning in a little. "By that rule, though, I might just end up kissing you all night instead," She teased.
Iris smiled slightly at Rose, though she was a bit concerned about her reaction. If Rose's first instinct when something might be wrong was to blame someone it might cause some problems later. But there was also a small part of her that thought it was sweet how protective Rose was of her. "I'm fine, I promise." She said softly. Then she laughed at Rose's words. "If that works the other way around too, we'll just be kissing each other all night." She said jokingly. She leaned in and kissed her softly, before grabbing her hand. "Let's go inside."
Rose hummed softly, smiling and leaning into the kiss. She almost whined when Iris pulled away. She pouted a moment, lacing their fingers together. Rose pretended to think about it a moment before leaning in to steal another kiss. "Hmm, we can," she teased gently, reaching up to brush her thumb over Iris' cheek. "But I vote tomorrow night, we curl up together by the fire in the student lounge." She offered, smiling impishly. "Lots of cuddling and kissing, maybe a bit of a nap."
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