Gwen Goodwin

🌸Two-Faced | Calculating | Model 🌸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (René)
Straight 10 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2043 (18)
The next person on Gwen's list was an older boy she didn't know that well. From asking around, she heard the boy was a Gryffindor and was part of the paper. She finally found him after asking a bunch of people if they had seen him, glad someone pointed him out to her. She smiled brightly, skipping over to the Hufflepuff. "Are you Charlie?" She asked, hoping she had the right person.

@Charlie Helkovaara
Charlie was lost in thought, considering what the valentines event would look like written in the paper, when a young girl approached him. He blinked and turned to her, nodding easily. "Yeah, that's me, can I help you?" He asked.
Gwen smiled at the boy and showed him her basket. "I got a rose for you!" She said brightly, glad she had managed to find the right person. "Here you go." She said, handing over the yellow flower.

Hey best buddy!

Happy Valentine's day! I love you bro! Thanks for making my life better

Charlie was surprised by her words but he couldn't help the smile. "Oh, really? Thanks!" He took the flower and glanced at the note, his smile widening at the words. "It's from my best friend," He told her, looking back up at her. "You look really cute by the way, did you dress up to deliver roses?" He asked, impressed by her dedication to it.
Gwen smiled as the boy told her about the rose and who it was from. "Oh, that's nice." She said, already adjusting the basket on her arm a bit so she could walk away. But then she grinned as the boy complimented her outfit. She was happy he noticed and did a little twirl. "I did! Thanks!"
Charlie smiled as the girl did a twirl, admiring her outfit. "Of course! It looks great. Have you found any photographers yet? I would definitely get a picture of that outfit! Or are you wearing it to the dance?" He asked, genuinely curious. She seemed like a nice girl. It never hurt to be friendly.
Charlie smiled as the girl did a twirl, admiring her outfit. "Of course! It looks great. Have you found any photographers yet? I would definitely get a picture of that outfit! Or are you wearing it to the dance?" He asked, genuinely curious. She seemed like a nice girl. It never hurt to be friendly.
Gwen grinned as the boy asked her about photographers, she felt a little like a celebrity. She shook her head. "No, not yet. You're with the paper, right?" She asked, her eyes glinting with possibility. "Are you writing about this event?" She asked casually. She then shook her head. "I'm not wearing this to the dance, I have a better dress for tonight." She said with a slight grin.
Charlie nodded at her question. "Yeah, I'm with the monthly, but I'm not covering the events," he admitted. He snapped his fingers as he remembered something, and dug into his bag. "I do have a camera though, if you wanted I could take a picture for you? I can get you a copy and offer one to whoever is covering the event?" He asked her, eventually pulling out the camera his dad had sent him ages ago and smiling at her. "Well, if whatever you're wearing to the dance is anywhere near as cute, I'm sure you'll be the belle of the ball," He laughed lightly.

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