Blood Status IS An Issue!

Alexia Zhefarovich

mediwitch • bow to no one • ambitious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Laurel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Alexia Nightray knew that being outside of the Nightray manor would be no good at all. She rarely went out of the manor and mostly, it would only be due to the elders' orders. After all, she never wanted to be on their bad side, and being in a Pureblood family, she knew that being on the good side of the head would always be a good thing. It meant that she and her twin would have the chance in being head of the family. It had been rumored that it would be her cousin Liam that would be the next head of the family, some thought that it would be Rivaille, but honestly, Alex thought that she was better than any of those older cousins of hers. She was one of the youngest at the moment, but that didn't mean she wasn't a very suitable candidate for being the next head of the family. In her part, everything would be better should she be the next head of the family. All those who were not at all a Pureblood that were trying to wiggle their way into their family would be quickly disposed of. Alex loathed those who were not pure in magical blood after all, she despised half-breeds, she hated muggle-borns and she wished death upon those who do not even have an ounce of magical blood in their veins. Muggles.

Thus, walking around in an area where she knew that there was a possibility of a muggle or half-breed lingering about was enough to send her in a very bad mood. It was winter in the lands of England where the grand manor of the Nightrays were located. Clad in a dress reaching her knees, a thick wool coat, a pair of gloves and high knee boots that suited her outfit, she walked by a park. She was only eleven years of age, much like most of the other children playing around in the snow, yet she was different from them. Her father, Sebastian, had always wanted to be the head of the family, and seeing that the possibility of being one had been growing less and less, he made sure that she and her twin had a large possibility of being chosen. And so, she was raised strictly to be prim and proper at all times. If only the elders did not wish for her to come outside, she would have never have done so. She had never seen the use of associating herself with these people after all. With poise on her steps, she walked towards one of the benches within the park and prayed to Merlin that no one would dare approach her.
Everything had changed for him in the past few days and no Apollo wasn't sure what he was supposed to make of his life anymore. Before he was just an ordinary kid without his parents, living with his adopted family, getting picked on by his older sister and setting up pranks around the house to get back at her. Nothing could have prepared him from getting a Hogwarts letter on his 11th birthday stating that he was going to be allowed to go to a magical school. The thought boggled him as well as it frightening him to the bone. What if he was given up? Sent back to the orphanage because his parents thought he was some kind of freak-show? The boy didn't know how he could live with being stuck in that place again, the place which had kept him trapped before when he was only five years old, looking out of the window and dreaming of the people which were going to come and save him from his almost living nightmare. They had, but now Apollo wasn't too sure that they were going to want to keep him around anymore because he was a magical person...a freak.

The park's fresh air was helping the young boy collect his thoughts a little better, breathing out heavily through his nose as he sucked in more air through his mouth. It would be safe to say that he was panicking somewhat about the entire situation, but for now he was somehow managing to remain calm and not hide away and start crying. Apollo knew he would soon find out what was going to happen to him as he was quite sure that things were not going to go back to the way they were before. There was just no way of that even happening now. There was snow on the ground at his feet and he had considered joining in with everyone else throwing it around with everyone else, but he was now just afraid that he was going to do something magical and scare everyone away. And so with a heavy heart and a bowed head he turned to leave, shoving his rather cold hands into his jumper pockets to try and keep them warm. The only problem was that he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and so walked straight into someone else. "I am so sorry!" Apollo managed to blurt out. "Are you hurt? I didn't mean it, honest."
Alexia just couldn't understand the thinking of muggles and half-breeds, in fact, she had no intention of understanding such trivial matters. Unless otherwise ordered to by her father and her grandparents, she had no liking of studying such filthy creatures. In all honesty, she didn't think that anyone less than a Pureblood was worth any of her attention, well, unless they were to associate themselves with muggles and half-breeds as equals. She hated them with every fiber of her being, she was thought to live that way after all. And she had grown accustomed to that. She wasn't like any of her cousins or even her sibling for that matter. In her own opinion she was the best choice for being the next head of the Nightray family even if she was a female but it seemed that most adults consider Liam and Rivaille as the perfect choices, but she perhaps knew better. She swore to herself that if one of those two were to be chosen, she would find some way to make their grandparents regret their choice and she could only snicker at the very thought of it.

Alexia's train of thoughts though were stopped as soon as a boy had walked straight into her and managed to make her fall to the ground. She took a deep breath and stood up quickly and straightened her clothing in the process. She took a look at herself and afterwards, glared at the boy. "How much of an idiot could you seriously be?!" she all but screamed at the poor boy. She was so mad at the boy which she immediately thought of as a muggle. It couldn't be blamed, she was walking in a muggle community, in a muggle park! "I knew muggles were idiots but I didn't that your species was that stupid to walk into another person that is far from invisible!" she hissed at the unknown boy. Normally, she would just ignore the filthy beings but today was just too much of a hassle for her. First, she was made to walk out of the confines of the manor and now a filthy muggle had bumped into her and though no skin of her made contact with the boy's, she absolutely loathed the idea of contact with his kind. She hoped though that this boy would have the brains and decency to just walk out and leave her alone or she seriously might not control her temper. She wasn't like Liam who tries his best to avoid violence after all, she would just want to wring his scrawny neck if she didn't leave him alone and her irritation was just too obvious on her features.

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