Blend Banner and an Animation[C]

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Aurora Merrythought

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Cherry Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
First of all i'd just like to say, your graphics are amazing seriously, I love them so much, secondly, I was wondering if you could make me one of your pwetty banners. 8->

Blend Form
Character's Name: Professor Aurora Merrythought
Name Of Celebrity: Zooey Deschanel
Images: Hmm. I think are some of the same photoshoot in the 'Aurora Merrythought' gallery i made for her, see what you can do with them.
Size: Nothing enourmous and nothing to small, i'd say about the same size as your's, maybe a tad bigger or smaller, see what fits everything. :X
Text: Can I have "Professor Aurora Merrythought" and any of the lyrics from Regina Spektor - The Call
Font: Little Lord Fontleroy | Peach Sundress
Color Scheme: Np preferences for this one, although could you make the text color so it stands out from the background?
Border: Yes, a black one please. ^_^
Other: Can you make her name in the peach sundress font and the lyrics in the little lord fontleroy font?

Animation Form
Character's Name: Professor Aurora Merrythought
Name of Celebrity: Zooey Deschanel
Images: There are avatars that I have for Aurora here.
Other: Can you make it so they keep on switching through? If you can that would be awesome.
Aww thank you ^_^
I'll get right on both the banner and animation :)

I'm actually have trouble working with the peach sun dress font for the name. Do you mind if I use a different font. If not I can try to figure it out...
Ok, you can try a different font. What's up with Peach Sundress anyhow? ;'(
Complete In Him
Peach Sundress is just really hard to see sometimes. But I tried to make it work with a few of them
So here we are
I can change anything if need be ^_^





On Numbers 1 + 4

Could you maybe change the font to "Complete In Him" and make it a little larger and then put at the bottom, but centre it?

The font of the name sorry :doh:
Wow thats so cool. ^_^ Ok now I'm gonna seem real fussy but could you just move the name on the second one, down a little further, just a ickle bit?

Thanks so much by the way. :p


((Second Attempt))



Is that ok? :unsure:

And how's that one?


EDIT: The coloured animation is a bit blurry now that I look at it. I'll see if I can fix that :)

I can't thank you enough. And yes the coloured one is a lil' bit blurry :)
The are so nice thank you so much. :glomp2: :hug:

Do you think I should maybe stick to my current avatar or use one of the animation ones?
An animation one, in my opinion. ;)
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