Hester MacGillivray

perky piper 💪 unstoppable! 🐸zoology student🐸
OOC First Name
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Curved 14 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2040 (22)
((Yellow, open after @Delilah Thorne ))

After a long day of marching around the school playing, Hester was exhausted. Her lungs ached, her arms were sore, and her legs felt worn out entirely. She was desperately looking forward to resting in the common room once she was done, but first there was one last delivery left on her list. One she had been putting off all day, trying not to think about. She was relieved that the rose was yellow, but it didn't make it any easier to think about the rose she had sent. It had been... almost stupidly daring putting herself out the way she did, and a big part of Hester wished she could take it back. But what was done was done, and she couldn't put off facing Delilah forever. So after asking around a bit she was told she could find the Ravenclaw in the courtyard. Tucking her pipes under her arm Hester started playing for the final time that day, MacGillivray kilt swishing around her knees as she approached the Ravenclaw, neat march stopping when she stood in front of Delilah with a sheepish grin. "Rose delivery for you!"
Delilah felt like she was trapped. There seemed to be no place on the entire school grounds that were free of roses and Valentine's. She had been shocked to see that the courtyard was empty as she was making her way back inside. It was later in the day so maybe she had missed the rush and things were finally settling down. With a sigh she sat on one of the benches and pulled out her book again. She had flipped it where she had left off and only made it a few lines before the courtyard was filled with an indescribable wailing sound. Her hands flew to cover her ears and she realized it was Hester playing bagpipes with a full Scottish get up. When the music finally stopped Delilah looked at her with utter bewilderment. There were much harsher words on the tip of her tongue and while she hadn't held back with others today, she didn't have the heart to do that to Hester. "Did everyone get that kind of show?" she aske warily as she slowly removed her hands from her ears, just in case the Gryffindor decided to play again.
Hester giggled at Delilah's comment, heart fluttering slightly as she flopped onto the bench next to the Ravenclaw. "Yep, it's been a long day..." She sighed, voice a little weaker than usual from all the exertion. "Hold on..." She reached into her basket, pulling out the yellow rose and its attached note, handing them over with the broadest grin she could manage. "Happy Valentines day..."

Dear Delilah,
Just know we can always talk if you need to. Happy Valentine's.
Delilah tensed as Hester joined her on the bench. She still didn't understand how easily she jumped into things, even if it was just sitting down. She smiled faintly as the other girl spoke and she noticed the slight strain in her voice, probably from shouting all over the school today. "Thanks." she said meekly as she took the rose and opened the note. At least this was a yellow and not any other color. She wasn't sure she could handle that kind of excitement again today. Delilah laughed drying as she read the message and crumpled it up. Like Brooke would ever just wanted to "talk"?
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Hester's eyes widened in surprise as Delilah crumpled up the note, glancing at her face a little hesitantly. "Not a good note?" She asked hesitantly, wondering what anyone could write with a rose that would be so upsetting Delilah would want to throw it away. Hester had never gotten many roses herself, but she didn't think they were capable of being that terrible.
Delilah felt a little bad when Hester asked if the note was bad. She sighed heavily and tried to uncrumple the paper the best she could, even rubbing it over her leg to smooth it out a bit more. "No." she said simply but realized she wasn't sure if she had actually answered the question. "Or not exactly. It's from Brooke." she added as if that was explanation enough and to her it kind of was. Brooke was always thinking three steps ahead and while sometimes Delilah admired her sense of control, she also hated always having to watch her tongue when it came to someone she considered a friend. "So, are you done for today or do you have to go run off and serenade someone else?"
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As soon as Delilah explained where the rose was from, she understood the other girl's reaction. "Ah." Hester nodded, giving Delilah a supportive look. She was still bitter from the end of her own friendship with Brooke, the Slytherin's nastiness having been the last straw, and she wasn't surprised Delilah was frustrated with her too. She was relieved for the change of subject, laughing as she shook her head and slumped in her seat. "Done for the day, thank god." Hester smiled. "I missed playing the pipes, but it's exhausting playing for that long. Especially at the same time as running round the school... I need a rest..."
Delilah was glad Hester didn't ask about Brooke or her reaction to the note. She was already starting to feel the guilt bubble up and she wasn't sure if she had enough room left inside for more emotions she needed to keep in check. She nodded along as Hester spoke so she knew she was listening. She wasn't really sure what to say. Her own musical experience had next to nothing in common with bagpipes, except that they both sounded like a dying animals in the hands of unexperienced players. "Yeah it can be exhausting." Delilah said finally as she remembered the year she had helped deliver roses. It became very obvious Hester had decided that she was going to rest here and Delilah wasn't sure how she felt about that. She had been desperate to be alone all day and she still wanted that, especially from Hester, who always made things feel so much louder than she thought possible. But she also wasn't sure if she would have wanted it to be anyone else.
Hester sighed heavily as she settled into sitting, her feet starting to throb with pain from the long day of walking. They looked nice, but her marching shoes weren't made to be worn for quite this long at once. She nodded in response to Delilah's comment, glancing at the Ravenclaw. "Oh yeah, you play violin, aye?" She asked, hoping she had remembered right. "Your arms must get real sore."
Delilah tried to focus on her breathing and her heartbeat, steady things that could ground her as Hester's presence continued to make her feel hyper aware of the rest of her body. But it didn't do much to help her since both were traitors and refused to keep time. "Um, yeah." she answered distractedly when Hester asked about her violin, nearly missing the question as she got lost in her own head. "I guess. But only when it's been a while since I've practiced." she explained a moment later as the thoughts slowly formed. It had been a while since she had played. She had plans to practice over the holiday but, life had had other plans. She could almost feel the ache in her shoulders now. "Does your...mouth get tired?" Delilah asked awkwardly as she tried to imagine playing the bagpipes herself. It wasn't until it was too late that she realized just how awkward her question was.

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