Blame It On The Sugar

Eduardo Orbon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
After all the students had left the Yule Ball, Eduardo, who had quite the evening left with a small group of professors who were equally as giddy from the sugary sweet punch as he was. The man had danced the night away with both Kennedy and Jon. Luckily he had been able to perform as lead for both of those encounters but now as he frolicked out of the castle he was much less concerned with these things and only wanted more punch even though it was empty, to his trepidation. The man fell behind the group until he clumsily ran up to Jon, took his hand and spun him like a ballerina and let the man's hand free so he could do the same for Kennedy. He giggled to himself before running off further towards the lawn where he promptly sat down and declared the spot in the name of the best professors ever! He laid his head down, uncertain if the others had followed but not entirely caring either. He pointed at the sky and said dramatically, "Look! It's so majestic! The stars, guys! The stars!"
With both the Yule Ball and the semester officially over with, Kennedy had been all too happy to continue the celebration with her newfound colleagues. She followed the gentlemen out to wherever Eduardo was leading them, giggling the entire way at the Astronomy professor's behavior. She didn't have the heart to tell him that she had spiked his punch with alcohol because he genuinely felt his spontaneous energy was due to sugar. He seemed too enthralled by the idea for Kennedy to burst his bubble, so she let him continue to think so, all the while agreeing with him wishing there was still more punch for them to drink.

But those thoughts fled her mind as he grabbed her hand and twirled her around, dancing to whatever beat was in his head. She hummed a little tune herself as she floated across the lawn and looked up to where Eduardo was pointing. Kennedy smiled, happy and lazy and in agreement with his comment. "I'm laying down right here," Kennedy declared as she plopped down on the grass and tilted her head back to look up at the skies. "If I wasn't so drunk on punch I think I could tell you what they said," she said. Then she threw her hands out to get their attention. "I can tell the future guys! Wait, just give me a second to figure it out," she said, squinting very hard up at the sky as if that would help.
It was no secret that Jon liked to keep his demeanor 'professional' when he was in the castle, regardless whether he was teaching or marking assignments in his office. Just as it wasn't a secret that he liked to have fun when he wasn't supposed to be professional. Those two sides of Jon rarely collided but on that particular night, with those particular circumstances, he allowed it to happen and hadn't even raised an eyebrow when he began to taste the familiar burn of alcohol in what would otherwise be his glass of punch. It was the end of the semester and the end of the night, the perfect opportunity for Jon to allow himself to get wasted if there ever was one. His fingers and face were numb, his eyes were glazed over and his speech was off kilter which was exactly the way he liked to be and why he only giggled when Eduardo spun him around before he walked out onto the great lawn with everyone. He stood confidently with his hands on his hips as he reached the spot where Eduardo and Kennedy had stopped. "The stars can tell the future?!" He said with his mouth hung open in a state of intoxicated surprise as he turned to look at the other two professors laying in the grass. When subjects like astronomy and divination were brought onto the table, Jon always felt inferior. Muggle studies wasn't the most interesting subject to teach neither was it the most interesting to bring up during drunk banter so he moved to sit next to Eduardo, waiting for either him or Kennedy to tell the future or say something as he also stared at the many stars that were in the sky because he was at a loss for words.
Eduardo guffawed at Jonathon and Kennedy both. How dare they be such silly billy goats? The stars couldn't tell the future they told the past because it took so long for the light to travel to their eyes that the stars they were seeing were burned up and gone. He put his head on the blonde's shoulder and asked in a loud whisper, "The stars... they can tell us history how do you see the future with them you weird beautiful seer?" His eyes grew wide as he looked at her with a little bit of admiration and perhaps a bit too much fear for any grown man but then again how many adult men felt this weird and twirly because of sugar? It was almost as if there was something more happening there. Eduardo forgot about muggle studies frequently because it was sort of a useless subject to him as he was half muggle himself and his father had been weirdly suspicious so they'd lived mostly like muggles excluding his education which was done at home. He took Jon's wrist and asked, "Kennedy teach me to read his hand?" He took the man's hand and inspected it close to his face and said to the hand and less to the person that it belonged, "Reveal your secrets, Jon." Eduardo laughed to himself before he looked back up at the stars, now holding Jon's hand to his chest without entirely realizing it.

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