Open Black Widow

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Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (17)
Savannah had decided for her last halloween, she'd dress as something good, but not something silly. She wanted to look nice, for people to think she looked nice. Forget the old costumes she'd had when she'd first joined the school, but a really nice costume that suited her. So she had found an old black dress and a hat, and decided to be a black widow, mourning a husband that she didn't actually have. She held her head high and loved how the dress fit and felt. no longer were all of her clothes, second or third hand, looking tired. Savannah liked how good this dress made her feel. She was moving through the hall, and went to get a drink, and to look out for someone to dance with.
Anisha was proud of her costume, she had worked really hard on it. The makeup especially had been a lot, though she had used magic to make it easier. Now, as she walked through the Great Hall holding her skirt, she wondered if she should have gone for a slightly less poofy gown. But there was something fun about it too. She surpressed the urge to spin around randomly. It felt a bit too immature for someone in the seventh year. Anisha passed someone who looked absolutely beautiful, and she stopped for a moment before realizing she was staring. "Dang Savannah, where's the runway?" She asked. "You look amazing."
Savannah felt very very pleased that the outfit she was wearing was getting the attention that it deserved. She liked it a lot and liked that people around her seemed to like it too. Savannah glanced round at the compliment and gave a little smirk, which then moved into much more of a smile. "Right," she agreed easily. "I wanted to make a final impression," she said with a smile. "You look nice too, much more of a costume than this really is,"
Leah had wanted to go all out for Halloween this year but after seeing Anisha getting ready she realized she wasn't the only one with that goal. But she still made her way to the great hall ready to enjoy her last Halloween feast. The thought hung heavily on her heart but she put on a bright smile as she tried to find her friends. When she spotted Savannah in a black dress her mind went blank for a moment and she considered approaching. Her feelings toward the other girl were confusing and avoiding her for most of last year hadn't cleared anything up. She should know better than to think it would but familiar patterns were hard to break. By the time she made up her mind and started to walk towards the Ravenclaw she watched Anisha join her first. But it was too late to turn around without looking like a bigger idiot so she kept going. "Hey...guys." she said awkwardly as she joined them. "Looks like we're all in the running for the costume contest." she joked.
Anisha smiled at the Ravenclaw, remembering vaguely how she had disliked her until last year. It seemed silly now, honestly. "Well, we kind of match. Maybe you killed me and went to my funeral dressed like that." She joked lightly. She glanced around, wondering where Dorian was. She wanted him to see her costume, though she wasn't sure if she really expected him to say anything nice. Instead, Leah joined, which was also nice. She smiled at her. "You look very nice, angelic." She said. "We can probably fit you into the story, maybe we should pretend we were a group all along." She joked.
Savannah gave a little smile, which didn't last very long, but that she did mean at the joke that Anisha gave. "I would absolutely dress nice for your funeral to take all the attention," she joked lightly with her. Leah had a nice costume, the wings looked pretty amazing, almost realistic. "You look nice, Leah," she complimented. "Maybe I should get devil horns and we can be the angel and demon on your shoulders," Savannah joked.
Leah smiled but couldn't quite find her words as Savannah complimented her. "Thanks." was all she could manage, glancing towards Anisha first. She laughed a little too hard when Savannah suggested changing up her costume. She cleared her throat and shrugged. "Devil horns would probably be more comfortable." she joked back as she adjusted the wings on her shoulders. "But I doubt group costumes usually need much explanation." she teased and nudged her roommate with her elbow.
Anisha rolled her eyes slightly at Savannah's joke. They were friends now, she was sure of it, but neither of them would really admit it. Probably. Anisha smiled as Leah and Savannah joked around too. It was nice, having friends. The thought was immediately followed by worry, would she see them after graduating Hogwarts? Leah probably, but Savannah was distant at the best of times. She pushed the thought away. "That's true, but then I saw a first year dressed as a door with some other people and I don't think ours is that much weirder."
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