Black Manor

"Pleasure meeting all of you.." Roswald smiled warmely before stepping asides letting the others mingel. He had slight memories of all of them accept Jac and Alex of course. She seemed pretty nice with Raziel, he had never meet her but by the looks of it she was very pleasant to be around.

He stepped back against the wall this time holding a glass of punch, he really wasn't into conversating as much. Just like his children, its a bit akward just to jump into a conversation. So he stand leaning against the wall humming to anearby music.
Kira was sitting at her home, unsure of what to do. She had been invited to a member of the Ministry's home, who had recently been appointed an Auror. She didn't know the man, but she knew very little Ministry workers. There was only Alfred, Andy and Brunheilde and she hadn't seen any of them in some time.

Finally deciding to go she went and changed into a semi-formal balck dress. Happy with her outfit she apperated to the address which she was given.

When she arrived there, she saw a lovely house, she knocked on the door, hoping someone heard her as there seemed to be quite a few people inside already. Maybe she was late, she hoped she wasn't imposing.
Raziel was listening to his guest talking amongst themselves when he heard the knock on the door and realized that all the house elves where busy and no one was at the door. So he parted from the group and headed to the door to let the guest in. Raziel looked at the young woman and knew who she was before she could say hello.

"Ah Miss Baxter come in and make yourself comfortable.' Raziel said smiling a little .
Kira started to get anxious when she could hear footsteps coming towards the door. When it opened she looked up and saw a tall man in front of her. When he welcomed her, she give a sigh, at least I wasn't turned away at the door she thought to herself.

When she saw the man she immediately knew him from around the Ministry, he seemed nice enough, even though they never talked. "Hello Mr. Black. Thanks for the invite." She said as she entered the house and closed the door behind her. "It's a lovely place you have." She complimented, she wished her's was half as nice.
Mallory shook Jac's hand as she smiled back."I have seen you in Silver Snake a few times, do you work there?"she asked her curiously.Just than a girl whom everyone knew as Alex came and asked her a question about a Qudditch game in her seventh year.Mallory grinned as she remembered" She sure did, was that you?? Alexendra Bones, Gryffindor??"she asked her with a smile.She remembered that game where she was hit by a Quaffel as she played as a seeker.That had been a nasty game and than she and Alex had become enemies trying to hurt each other in every game they had in Mallory's last year.
Jacqueline shook her head at Mallory. "No actually I own Borgins and Burke next door. " she said with a smile. At that moment there was a knock on the door. Jac frowned slightly as Raziel dropped her arm to go answer it. She reminded herself she was not a child and therefore should not pout. She turned back to the group trying to concentrate on what was being discussed. She did not look back at Raziel at the door fearing she would display a negitive emotion.
Alex nodded and offered Mallory her hand. "I believe you and your friend's nickname for me since that day was Super Mutt." She said with a grin. "I haven't seen you in ages. And your now owner of your own shop well you did always look like you just steped out of GQ." She said again smilng wide. She was not one to hold on to old grudges but she thought that the game would help her remember who she was.
Raziel began to frown as he heard how the converrsations has turned to but he did not show his emotions, that was what he was trained to do but also he realized that his guest have all became a little bit more irratable and that was due to the fact that they were all probably hungry. Just then one of Raziel's elfs approached him to tell him dinner was ready.

Raziel smiled as he dispatched his house elf to the kitchen and gave the order that they may take a night of rest after dinner was served. Raziel walked back over to where Jac was standing and once again took his place by her side. He then faced the room and spoke for all to hear. " Ladies and gentleman dinner is ready if you would all follow me I will show you to the dinning hall."

Raziel then lead the way and entered the great dining hall and there the room looked marvalous.


Raziel moved with jac to the head table and waited for everyone to find there seat.

((Sorry Jac if I have god Mod at all ;'( ))
Jacqueline's tension eased up as Raziel once again stood by her side. Jac smiled a dazzling smile up at him. Oddly enough, the lady Death Eater felt more relaxed in the company of the new auror than she did when she stood alone. Jac held her head high as she, at the lead of the group, strolled into the massive dinning hall. She turned to Raziel whose arm she once again held, "Oh! This is magnificent!" she exclaimed with delight. She continued walking untill she was at the head table, seated next to Raziel. She stood next to him as everyone followed them in.

((No problem!! Feel free to GodMod as long as its nothing bad! :D ))
"Yeah I guess it was, can't remember it."she said as she laughed with Alex."Thanks."she said as Alex complimented her."Are you working or ..?"she asked Alex to know what other young ladies prefered to do.

"Shall we go to the dinner hall?"she asked Alex.Mallory was glad to meet someone from her school days, although they had not been friends during school she and Alex could be great friends now.
(whats a GQ?)
Alex nodded. "Accidentel Magic Reversal squad. Because life happens and If I'm lucky I get to keep the squelched limbs and sell them at Borgen and Brukes." She joked. Alex never thought she would be running into someone from school. She saw that Jacqueline was giving people death looks when Razel had gone away. She didn't blame her. Had that dish been her's she would have been clinging to him like a suction cup. "Yeah I can say your my date." She joked again then walked with Mallory to the dining hall. She took one look at it and shook her head. "Ok I need to marry into the Black Family somehow, this is awesome!" She said looking around.

((A magazean.))
"Ministry?? Cool, you really need some good brains to get in there.I had brains, not studious but creative"she said as she laughed at Alex's joke of them being a couple."Hmm...Do you reckon Raziel having a younger brother??"she asked her with a grin as she settled on the dinning table."But you must be dating someone at present? What will you do of that gentleman?"she asked her hoping Alex wouldnt mind if Mallory went in private details.
Alex nodded. "I'm joking I would trade Mark for the world. He's too sweet for that. He the owner of the Muggle Market and fun once you get him to loosen up a little bit." She said with a sigh. She could be in love but then she had mistaken lust for love once. Never married though thank god. She didn't want to go thought what Morty did. What lead up to the divorce had destroyed him at first. "Ack I don't know about brains, Morty helped me while he was still in school and my friends filled in the rest. I am partcurly good at wordless spells though." She shrugging. Alex had to be good at wordless spells. What she had done before coming to New Zealand almost demanded she be good at it.
Raziel watched as the room slowly filled up with people, A house elve suddenly appeared next to him and Raziel gave the order for the guest to be served a beverage of there choice and for a menu to be handed out. Raziel would wait for everyone to find seats and then he would say a few words to the room then they would eat.

((Okay everyone you may sit anywhere with anyone you want, the head table is full though. I will be posting another reply in a couple of replies with the menu. As for a drink you may orderanything you like also feel free to rp house elves serving you and helping you with what you need. If you have friends that you want to join you please please have them join you everyone is welcome that is an adult character. After the meal there will be some dancing which will be fun.))
"Mark cool name, you must introduce us"she said with a giggle."Who is Morty, I think a nickname for someone, isnt it?"she asked Alex trying to remember if she knew any of Alex's friend from school as morty."Wordless spells are cool.What kind have you tried so far?"she asked her with curiosity. It was nice to chat with someone at random topics, she had been isolated from the wizarding wordl freom years but now she thought it was time to be back in the trend.
Kira smiled at Raziel once more as she closed the door behind her and moved on into the house. No sooner had she arrived that Raziel announced the dinner was ready. Kira give a sigh of relieve, realising that she must have arrived just in time.

She followed a few woman into the the dining hall. She was again amazed at the size and the beauty of the place. She sat down near a few people whom she did not recognise. She was quickly regretting coming to the party, she knew no one.

As she sat down a house elf appeared beside her, asking for a beverage request, not wanting to make a foul of herself on drink she decided to start of with a water. Once the house elf apperated he was back almost instinaously with her drink. Kira thanked it and took a small sip, looking around her at everyone enjoying themselves.
Mallory looked as someone came and sat beside her.She remebered to have seen her somewhere, maybe she was a shopkeeper."Hello, I am Mallory Malkin, Are you a shopkeeper?"she asked her with a smile.
Kira was startled when someone was actually talking to her, "Mm yes. I...uh...just bought Gambol and Japes recently. I'm Kira Baxter, nice to meet you." She said with a smile. "I take you own Madam Malkins Robe?" She asked. How many people could be called Malkin afterall? she thought to herself.
"Same here"she said smiling at Kira."Gambol and Japes, exciting.Yeah I own Madam Malkins.How long has it been since you purchased it since I havent seen you around?"she asked Kira.
Jacqueline sat down regally in her chair beside Raziel. She could tell he was waiting for everyone to sit so he could speak. She hoped that after he addressed his guests, they might speak. Jac smiled another dazzling smile up at Raziel as she waited to hold his attention.
Alex smiled wide. "Too many to rattle off right now but still I'm good at it. Morty's my brother. Remeber Mortimer Bones, Ravenclaw Prefect and major kill joy? Then agian he was in the fifth year when I first started to go to Hogwarts so he may have been as memorable as me." Alex said laughing. She turned to the other woman and smiled all the brighter. "Alex Bones, Accidentl Magic Reversal Sqwad for the Ministry." She said to the other shopkeeper. She ordered a goblin martini to start. There was not reason to go into the hard stuff just yet.
Kira thought for a moment, it had been so hectic, she wasn't sure, "No more than a month." She said with a smile. The woman beside Mallory introduced herslf and Kira smiled at her and said, "Nice to Alex. Kira Baxter. International Magical Office of Law Employee for the Ministry." She didn't want to show off that she had two jobs but she thought she would return the type of job title, it was always good to meet more people in the Ministry.
Roswald follow inside the great dining hall taking a seat near the back. He wanted to leave and may soon take it, but he didn't want to be rude. Everyone around him where enjoying themself. Why did he have to be the party pooper. He glance down towards the elf only asking for sparkling water as he sit back into his chair gazing about.
Alex smiled wide. "Nice to meet you too. I would love to own a shop. In fact I'm talking to the person in charge of the Magical Manangery to see if I can't take it over." She said hoping she didn't think her copy cat. She loved animals and felt bad about what happened to the people who owned the place before her. Alex's eyes fell upon a man sitting all by himself. She got up and walked over. "Want to join us? It's starting to feel like girls day out over there." She said with a bright as sunshine smile on her face.

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