Birthday disaster

Saffron Crewe

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Saffron woke the morning of Ermengarde's birthday, 18 of December, which is disaster for her. Not just because she's going to take her out for her birthday and buy her a gift, Its because this is the time Ermengarde will receive her letter from that stupid freaking school that invite Saffron when she turned eleven. She saw the letter as she walked down at the stairs, mails have arrived, Saffron took them all and read from who they are.

She saw Hogwarts New Zealand at the brown envelope, her eyes was angel-like-eyes and went into devil-red-like-eyes. Saffron sighed angrily at this and stormed off back at her room to change and went outside at the snowed covered streets of the city where they live in. Holding the letter on her hand, she looked inside it, when she first got her's, she never opened it and doesn't know what was in it.

But it took her a minute to decide and decided not to open it, Saffron has enough of this freakish things that is happening to them, she can't handle anymore. Once at the center of the city, she saw a bake shop and thought to buy a cake and some donuts for breakfast for Ermengarde when she woke up. It was as if day dreaming, Saffron crossed the street without waiting for the cars to stop. She thought she was going to be hit, all of a sudden her thoughts change.
It was a hot summer day about the time when Luis felt like exploring his cousin's area of residents at the time. A kid, no a college student no older than nineteen had his hand on the wheel and the other one jamming to west side story. "Maria Maria...she reminds me of a west sidestory. Growing up in Spanish Harlem she living her life just like a movie star..." the radio of the rented converttble blasted loud enough for the neighborhood to hear. Some stop to stare at the one causing such an ear sore but Luis kept going. He loved music, he loved the rhythm and the lyrics. He loved music a whole lot since his grandfather had been born to be a singer. Yet it wasn't his passion, music was just there whenever he felt down and beaten. He also used music when he recorder some aspects of his life. His camcord always at hand when he needed to record something that seem to catch an interest.

That just wasn't enough though, Luis also loved baseball. Playing for the university in Puerto Rico, Luis wanted to go pro, his status at the moment was minor league. He wished it change, his mother told him to have patient. Patient just wasn't enough for him when it came to baseball. He love it to damn much, he dreamt about it at night, during the day, anytime and anywhere he thought about baseball. It was his dream and anyone who knew Luis knew what he wanted.

In a daze he thought about baseball while he drove down the small town. He had tune everything around him and hadn't been paying much attention. He saw the brownish flecks of hair flee in the nick of time before he hit the person. What an idiot?! How could he been day dreaming while driving! Luis stop the car cussing silently. He stayed a minute longer inside to compose himself well. Enough being an idiot he got out of the car, parking the rental by the sidewalk. "I'm so so so sorry about that! I didn't see you coming, my head wasn't screw on right this morning..." he tried his best to apologize to the young girl. He would've felt bad if he had hurt her in that way.
Blood drop down on her legs from her head as the loud sound from the car that was going to hit Saffron was the only thing she could ever hear. Not even the people screaming for her wasn't heard by her, Saffron's closed eyes made her immobilized, not wanting to run or save herself. She then opened her eyes once she heard an apologetic voice going down from the car, Saffron wants to shout at the guy who almost hit her but she couldn't as part of it was her fault.

People was starring at them, making sure she was fine before she said "I'm fine people, I didn't die." Once her announcement was heard, the citizens walked away from the scene, some were saying she was rude but some says thanked god she wasn't hurt. Saffron then turned to her hitter, "Nice car. It got almost stained by blood." She sarcastically remark at the guy and crossed her arms. "People this days are reckless ... Don't worry, I won't press charges against you." Saffron sigh.

Well, you got alive for your sister's birthday anyways she thought to herself, Saffron can't think of anyone except her sister. Her sister that might be going to that stupid school, that was her promise to her parents, for Ermengarde finish wizarding school. As long as she can keep her likes, photography that is, she will let Ermengarde study at Hogwarts. "Anyways, I must be going, I have to get a birthday cake for my sister." Her English accent was above her voice, it sometimes makes her smile or laugh but this time it didn't.

Saffron half-smiled at the guy and walked away across from the other side of the street where the bake shop was, she was thinking to buy Ermengarde a simple cake that can get to her budget.
Luis felt like an ass, something he wasn't use to feeling since his mother taught him well how to respect a woman. This was just an accident a mishap on his part for not paying attention. The way she responded with the blood almost on his car, made him responde back regardless if she were fleeing away from his sight. "Look I know I wasn't looking and just for that I was wondering if I could buy your sister cake? Least to show you how sorry I am for the almost accident that could've happen..." everyone who had crowded the young attractive woman were quickly moving away from the scenes. Some were giving the man bad looks.

Luis hung his head down in shame. Grrrr, should've totally waited for Jonathan to come before he cruised. Now he has to stay here all morning trying to make up for his almost collision with a cute number over here. To bad he blew his chance getting to know her if she rejected him completely. "Please?" he used his charm to get her to give in. Pretty please?! His mind scream in the back of his mind.
Saffron sigh as the guy pushed further his apology but she knows how she can accept his apology. "Did you ever went to a kids party?" She asked smiling deviously, Ermengarde is turning eleven and she knows some kids in their block are coming, Saffron have invited them. "I'll strike you a deal. How about you help me with my sister's party and I will forgive you?" The deal wasn't that bad actually, she just needed some help as she's the only one running the party and not only one person can handle some pre-teenager kids.

She knows he won't take the deal, so, she rolled her eyes and continue walking at the bake shop. Saffron doesn't have time for this and she's running late, she still have to pick some food at the pizza place and some party items as well. Being a witch strike to her mind because she always see her parents apparate and uses the fireplace to go somewhere fast. Shaking her head slightly to get the thought off her head, Saffron opened the doors to the shop and quickly scanned for some cute and affordable cakes. Saffron saw a Hannah Montana rectangular shape cake, Ermengarde likes Hannah Montana very much and the cake will be liked.
Tis was the weirdest way for making up not hitting her. And since he's not much of an ass like his old friends back in Puerto Rico, he decided to say yeah why not. It would've came out easy if she hadn't darted away. Luis went after the girl inside a fancy bakery shop. He could smell the sweet scent of icing, cake mix, dough just about everything that made a bakery shop so delicious. Way different than San Juan still the same smell of food made his stomach rumble. He wasn't a fan of cake, cake but a big fan of cookies, it smell like cookies. "Its nice in here, is that what you want?" he saw the girl looking at the Hannah Montana cake. Not someone he like but its for her sister. "I'll buy it, take you home and help you out with the party. I will not say no for an answer..." Luis said smiling like a stupid idiot, but he's so confidence. Girls home made him feel like that and because baseball made him feel that way.
The guy had followed her and thought her would complain about her deal to him awhile ago but her insisted and will come and help her for the party. Nevertheless, she will not accept the guy buying the cake for Ermengarde, Saffron should be the one who will buy her own sister's cake and everything. "No. I will not make you buy anything for me nor for my sister ... I don't even know you that well for you to buy the cake." Saffron explained to him and crossed her arms in front of her chest still her back onto him.

For some reason, she's getting irritated, if the guy isn't stupid to not pay attention in the road, he will not be here with her. Saffron looked at her watch, she only got one hour left to finish this shopping trip, the teenager decided to face him and sigh. "Okay, you can buy the cake." She finally told him and turned at the lady at the counter to take the Hannah Montana cake out. After a long argument with the guy and her stubbornness released, came her migraine after, Saffron has been having migraines since she turned eleven.

Things came floating up and break or crashing, a bowl of filled m&m's broke without anyone touching it. It came to her senses that she can't still control her own magic however she is nineteen now. "Go. Stupid migraine." She told to herself as she hold onto the guy's hand tightly, Saffron just needed someone to hold as she prepare for the pain. Once the cake was back at the counter again but now on a box, she waited for the guy to pay and they can get the hell out of here.
Luis made himself look like a creep when she said she didn't know him that well enough to buy a cake. It did sounded sort of weird, however for his argument of this weird story he just obligated himself to do something nice after such a close mishaps. "well you can get to know me? My names Luis Alvarez and I'm from Puerto Rico. I like eating pizza and home cooked meal made by my mother. I don't like the color grey always though it was a horrible color. I am strangely allergic to string beans, I eat them and I blow up. I attend College but I may be drafted to the major leagues baseball in America. And you are?" he said coming off as mister funny man. Luis happen to know when you came off this way, it just leads to more conversation when the person didn't want to, especially when the person kept saying no your not going to buy my sister cake. Soon she gave up saying no, Luis winked. "wise choice.." he smirked almost sneaking in his bottom lip.

He wanted to ask more about New Zealand, than her hands just sort of mets his quickly to realize what just happen. Luis held it for a few seconds, he let it go. He didn't want to seem like an ass but why would he be holding her hand to soon? Or he imagine it all. Paying for the cake, he looked it over. It was good and ready for them to take. "What happen in there? Why you seem like you were about to fall or something?" he asked the girl, it felt weird but it did just happen. Are girls that easy to get over here? If so, his lucky vacation. No string attach fun if she wanted, but again he reminded himself he's not an ass. Jerk sometimes, but not completely what you would call a pig. Oh and yeah he didn't sleep around like that too, his mother constant reminded 'to play it safe' made hard to do it anyway.
Saffron looked at the guy, bewilder, as he introduce himself to her that fast without even knowing her. People this days are pretty kind to introduce themselves to strangers but in return, Saffron held her right hand at the guy who was named Luis Alvarez. "I'm Saffron Crewe, professional photographer for Nylon magazine and I'm originally from England and I didn't attend College just some little school about photography. I have phobia on fire and you don't want to know why." She told him giggling as well. Once her migraine was coming off and the pain was reducing, she stood up straight and smiled at him.

"Its nothing, I'm always having this headaches, I'm over work sometimes and I can't stop working." Why would a Crewe be working when her parents left a great fortune for her and Ermengarde? The thing about Saffron is that she is an independent woman, she doesn't want to ask people to do this and that. Saffron is also a quick learner of stuffs that other people can't do. "We should go, the pizza will be deliver at the apartment and the party starts anytime soon." She told Luis and took the large cake from the counter.

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