Birthday Cake

Wyatt Finch

that funny feeling
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
Wyatt had not seen much of his friends since the discovery of their relationship but it was Asaiah's birthday and Wyatt was obligated to push his feelings to the side and have an event amongst them for him. He was not much of a planner so he had gotten assistance from the Hufflepuff girl, Tesla, who spent a fair amount of her time with Asaiah to help too. Together they had put up streamers and balloons - all things that she had suggested where Wyatt would've just said chicken wings were only necessary. He had helped and talked with her while Marisol was meant to keep their friend distracted and busy - something he could've assumed would be easy for her. Just before things were to begin the boy had brought up a chocolate cake that had Happy Birthday Asaiah inscribed on it in white icing over chocolate icing. There was a small table with other foods piled on it as well as drinks while underneath there were a few boxes of presents underneath. All they need now do was wait for Marisol to bring Asaiah up to the North tower, something that would seem fairly inconspicuous seeing as it was a popular makeout spot as much as the thought disgusted the boy.
Tess had a smile on her face as she prepped things around the North tower, although she didn't understand the location that the two Gryffindors had suggested unless they planned to stargaze. The thought was cool but a much cooler thought would be a secret Quidditch game. Still the girl kept that thought to herself as she kept herself busy making the room all the nicer and look more celebratory for her Slytherin friend. She wanted this birthday to be as good as it absolutely could be with Asaiah having had a tough year and this was the best she could do from that end. She had thought of perhaps writing Jennifer to see if there was something extra special they could do but didn't want to pry where she wasn't wanted especially at such a delicate time and so Tess was just glad to get things started. Once the cake had arrived with the grumpy Gryffindor, they worked together to put candles on the cake and she lit them with the tip of her wand - glad that she had gotten the candles that were charmed to burn extremely slowly as they had only a vague window of time that they knew Asaiah should be by. Especially as it was really only going to be a small group of them. The thought made her even a little more sad for the boy who she thought should be surrounded by people all the time. At least he would be surrounded by friends, she thought, as she looked around the room which was decorated to her standards while she talked to the Gryffindor about nothing in particular.
Marisol and her friends didn't often celebrate their birthdays in big ways, something her mom was still slightly sad about since Marisol couldn't have a quinceañera due to being away at a wizarding school, not that Marisol had wanted one anyway. But seventeen was a big age for wizards so it was not something they were going to let Asaiah ignore. It was almost going to be a year since he'd lost his family so she hoped this celebration would remind her boyfriend that he was still surrounded by people who loved him and would be there for him when he needed it. She was glad Wyatt had not skipped out on this despite him avoiding them which she still felt unnecessary, and had taken initiative to set up for the celebration. Though she was secretly a lot happier he had enlisted the help of Asaiah's Hufflepuff friend because despite Wyatt's best efforts, Marisol trusted the girl would take the care to make this as nice as possible for the Slytherin. She knew Wyatt could at the very least handle the food for the celebration. Marisol's role was a lot simpler in getting Asaiah to the tower, which wasn't hard or suspicious to do since they were dating. Currently she led the Slytherin by the hand up to the tower room, hoping Wyatt and Tess had the good sense to keep quiet so they wouldn't blow their cover if Asaiah heard them while they were approaching.
Asaiah didn't feel like celebrating his seventeenth birthday much when he woke up that morning. He didn't care that seventeen was a special age for wizard other than the fact that he was finally allowed to use magic outside of school without getting a warning from the Ministry of Magic. It had taken the sixth year awhile before he finally got out of bed and dressed as he had debated with himself whether or not Marisol would care if he would just stay in the common room and read a book rather than going to the Great Hall to meet her there for lunch, but after agreeing with himself that he did not want his girlfriend to get mad at him for not showing up the whole morning without saying something thought that perhaps it was best to make an appearance and sit down with his best friend, and hopefully his pal as well. He had already missed his morning classes but didn't think much about it as his motivation to do well at school seemed to be getting less and less with each passing day. Asaiah was surprised to see that, once he had met up with Marisol, they weren't going to the Great Hall but instead went up the grand staircase. He smiled weakly at her when she took his head and without saying something the whole way followed her to wherever she was leading them to. She hadn't exactly been clear with him as to why she was leading them to the tower - he had figured out where they were going on their way there - but could only hope that it was for something fun which they could not do in front of their friend.
In silence Wyatt waited for his two best friends to show up with his wand at the ready so that confetti poppers would go with a flick of his wrist once Asaiah had arrived. It had, also, been Tess' idea while Wyatt had wanted to set off fireworks because he thought the explosion would be much cooler but had been swayed because of the risk it posed of getting the group into trouble. He still was a little peeved that they couldn't do something destructive because he knew that would be a lot cooler than confetti. Still he'd let the Hufflepuff take the lead on all things decorative and planning and done what she'd told him. He often needed people to tell him what to do when it came to the social aspect or else he might just hide and waste away alone. It was what he'd done a lot over the past few years but didn't want that for his best bud so the teenager was hopeful this would be a good experience for the Slytherin they all had in common.

The waiting time wasn't exceptionally long, gladly, because waiting in silence was a little awkward with just the two of them and when two familiar faces entered the room Wyatt shouted, "Happy Birthday" in unison with the girl beside him. He flicked his wand and confetti came from the poppers. It was to be quite the celebration for the boy who Wyatt hoped would be okay with their doing something nice for his seventeenth birthday.
Marisol was worried Asaiah would want to turn back as they made their way up but thankfully he didn't protest as she led up him. Once she walked in first she saw Wyatt and Tess standing there and smiled at them quickly before fully pulling Asaiah into the room, turning to him to say, "Happy birthday!" along with the other two. Marisol pulled her wand out from her pocket and shot out some confetti from the tip of her wand like discussed and then smiled at the Slytherin. She leaned in to give him a quick chaste kiss on the lips and then pulled back to smile at him. "I know you didn't want to do anything today but we had to celebrate your seventeenth! It's just us, nothing too big," she reassured him brightly.
When Tess saw Asaiah and Marisol enter she said, "Happy Birthday!" Gleefully she had her wand, along with the others blow the confetti poppers up. She hoped that it wasn't a little too much but she knew she had to try to make the night as fun as they possibly could for the Slytherin. "If you hate it blame me," she suggested with a smile, hopeful that he wouldn't hate it because it was going to be low-key but a fun night anyway. She was just glad that they had somehow been able to do this undisturbed. The tower was a popular place to be, after all.
Asaiah jumped a little when the confetti went off and looked around the room to see his friends standing there and smiling at him. He smiled back at them fondly when they wished him a happy birthday and then walked up to his Hufflepuff friend to give her a hug. ''I love it,'' Asaiah told her before hugging his best pal as well, though hugged him a little longer because he was just glad that his bro had shown up as they hadn't seen much of him lately. Even though he had told Marisol that he did not want to celebrate his birthday in any way possible just to keep himself from getting emotional in front of his friends, the sixth year really appreciated the effort they had put into it. ''Thanks, guys.'' Asaiah looked back at all three of them and smiled once more. He was glad that it was just the three of them, they were his closest friends so celebrating it with only them would be nice.

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