
Cato was glad to see Marisol smiled again. Those two girls worth none of Marisol's time. They're both stuck up fools who knows nothing about the real world. In all the sudden, Cato had a stroke of whip cream on his cheek and the gil was giggling. He wiped his whip cream with his index finger and taste it "Sweet" he replied to Marisol's question. Cato had fun with her, she wasn't just a pretty face but she can really entertain others, that seemed to be her nature. "Would you... Consider in... Idon'tknowgoingouttolunchwithmeperhapsIcansetupapicnicoRsomethingthatyoulike" Cato started mumbling and saying things fastly. He was nervous in asking the girl out on a date, he didn't even mention the word date in that heck of a sentence.
Marisol actually laughed when Cato took the whipped cream and ate it, saying it tasted sweet. "I want some!" she said laughing, and dipped her finger in the packet to take some. Just as she was eating it off her finger Cato began speaking, at first really slow as he was trying to gather his thoughts, and then all at once to the point where she couldn't figure out what he was saying. She only caught a little bit of what he said but not all of it and she didn't want to assume wrong so just to be sure she said, "Umm - what?" She laughed a little nervously and said, "Can you repeat that?" She wanted to know if what she heard was right or not and didn't want to get her hopes up.
Heck was Cato nervous in asking if the girl wanted to go out to lunch with him. He was actually asking the girl to go on a date. But since he only met her once he didn't want to make it seem like he does that to every girls "Well before I repeat myself you should know that I don't do this a lot. And I've never done this to any girl who I've only met once, but you're... You're fun to be around with" He gathered all his confidence before asking her out. "It will be such an honor to me... If you would perhaps... Want to... Consider in going out on a date with me" He blushed as he looked at the beautiful girl in the eyes. "You don't have to answer it now, and if you belong to a lucky man then you can forget about this offer" Cato wasn't the kind of man who would want to rush any women. Of course he was curious to death in knowing whether or not Marisol wanted to go out with him but he would rather wait than making her feel uncomfortable.
Now that Cato had repeated himself, Marisol couldn't help but smile brightly at him. It was definitely unexpected but a happy surprise. The teenager felt butterflies in her stomach as he explained that this was not something he usually did and she wondered what had possessed him to think she was worthy of this special treatment then. It was a little intimidating, especially since she had never done anything like this herself, but he was such a nice person there would be no harm in saying yes. Marisol bit her lip and nodded her head saying, "Yes, I would love to," unable to contain her grin. Then she remembered the full moon week was coming up so she said, "But after this week would definitely be preferable please!"

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