Big News

Art Rook

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Art was in his green house taking down some notes on a new plant he was trying to breed, a mix between a rose and belladonna. If he could get it right it would look just like a rose and be as deadly as belladonna. Art knew that he really shouldn't be trying to make something like that, but for some reason he had taken on the project. With a sigh Art set down his pen and parchment and looked at his creation, it was coming along well. Art stood up and began walking around the rows and rows of plants, he loved it here. Somewhere in between thoughts of working and wondering what else he had to do Art's thoughts drifted towards Julie. He knew that he had only known Julie for a little bit, but he knew that he loved her, it was amazing.
Julie stretched her arm out to Art; there was a problem with that. Art wasn't there. He was probably in his greenhouse. Julie stretched and got out of bed. She walked over to her bag and put on her house coat and slippers. She walked down the stairs, out the house and outside to the greenhouse. Quietly opening the door, she creeped over to Art and hugged him from behind; she had to the start the day off good, even if she was going to tell Art some amazing news.
Art was just about to get back to his plants when he felt familiar arms wrap around him. A smile appeared on Arts face as he turned around and wrapped his arms around Julie, "Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?" he asked bending down to kiss her forehead. Art loved the feeling he got when he was around Julie, it was like nothing could go wrong. However it felt weird having someone else in his green house after years of it being his escape from the muggle world, but he didn't mind.
Julie smiled, returning his kiss with her quick kiss on his lips. " I slept amazing handsome, how about yourself?" She asked him, still smiling. The news she had to tell him was amazing, just simply amazing. Julie wondered if Art could tell if she was jumpy; Julie normally got jumpy when she was excited or nervous.
Art was happy that she had slept well, he had been worried about that. "I slept great knowing I was next to you" he said playfully. Art could tell Julie was a bit jumpy, maybe she had something on her mind? "Hey are you okay? You seem a little... Off" Art said in a worried voice. If something was wrong he wanted to know about it so he could help.
Julie smiled, laughed and turned to face Art. She took her hands in his and playfully swung them around. " This is something that I haven't said in forever, seventeen years to be exact but, I'm.. pregnant." She said smiling looking at him, awaiting his reaction.
Art's mouth fell open in shock at Julie's words, pregnant?! At first all Art could feel was shock, but then it settled in that he was going to be a daddy again and a smile spread across his face as he filled with joy. "Are you serious?! Your pregnant?" Art asked wanting to make sure he had heard her right. Art's hand instantly went to Julie's stomach, this was simply amazing.
Julie smiled, " Yes, I'm serious!" She laughed looking at Art. She was so excited, she was just beaming. "I'm about three months along right now." Julie said. She took both of Art's hands and placed it on her swollen stomach. " See, there's not that huge of a bump, but it's pertruding." She smiled. " I'm sure that were expecting twins because of the belly size, three months and it's bigger than usual." She nodded, Julie would know, having seven kids grow in that stomach.
Art couldn't believe it, their baby was in their. Part him and part Julie, he didn't know why he was so amazed, he had had kids before, but he was. Art was surprised he hadn't noticed the bump before, usually he noticed everything about Julie. Then Julie mentioned twins. Twins. "T-twins?" he asked. Art scooped up Julie in his arms bridal style and spun her around before planting a kill on her lips, "You have no idea how happy I'm am right now" he whispered in her ear.
Julie laughed. " Oh, I said three months, I really ment five months." She said fixing her mistake. " Twins, I'm pretty sure, the bumps bigger than it would be for a regular baby at this time." She laughed. Julie giggled when Art picked her up and spun her around. " You and I have to be the happiest people on the earth right now." She looked at him. " I can't believe it either, at first I thought that I was gaining weight, but then I decided that I should wait and see, sure enough the bump grew and I knew what that ment, a baby.. or twins in this case." She said resting her hand on her stomach. There was a couple layers seperating her, Art and these twins. Not to mention a few months until their born.
Art set Julie down again and knelt down placing his hands on her swollen belly, in four months they would be parents. He couldn't believe it, "Our babies... wow" he said amazed. Just then an idea popped into Art's head. From where he was kneeling Art picked a flower from a pot and pulled out his wand. With a few simple words the flower had turned into an engagement ring. Art grabbed Julie's left hand and held it in his own, "Julie Finnigan, will you do me the honer of becoming my wife?" he asked looking up into her eyes.[/url]
Julie smiled. " Yes, in only four months." She said taking her hands over his. Julie looked at what Art was doing. She could hear her heart beating from outside her chest. She could tell what he was doing. Julie was so happy that she began to cry; but she still nodded. " Of course I will." She beamed happily. " Of course." She said repeating the words to herself.
Art listened as the most musical words in the world came out of Julie's mouth. They were going to get married, and have twins, today had to be the best of his life. Art slipped the flower ring on Julie's finger before standing up and wrapping her into a hug, but not to tightly. He stared into her eyes lovingly before pressing his lips onto hers. After he pulled away he grinned at her, "Were getting married... and having babies" he said trying to confirm to to himself more then anything.
Julie watched as Art slipped the ring onto her finger. It seemed like a simple procedure, yet it meant so much to both of them. She hugged him back, showing the bond that they both had for one another. Julie kissed him back, excited as ever for the upcoming events. " Yes, but should we have the wedding before or after these two." She said rubbing her stomach.
Art thought about Julie's question, before or after? "Well maybe before. My families really old fashioned" Art said thinking of how disapproving they had been when his cousin had gotten pregnant and had her baby out of marriage, they had almost taken her off the family tree. Or course Art didn't care much about that now that he was out on his own, but his family did mean allot to him, and he wanted them to like his finance.
Julie nodded. " Sounds great." She smiled assuringly at Art. She couldn't have chosen a better man for herself. " Do you think that we should move in?" She asked looking at him. Of course they would need to soon. " Your house or mine?" She laughed. " Or unless we buy another house?" Julie asked him. It was up to Art, Julie didn't mind doing either.
Art nodded when Julie asked if they should move in together, Art knew he wanted to, he wanted to be their for her while she was pregnant, helping out with every little thing. "Well, I think a new house would be a good idea, a big house, big enough for me, you, Ashton, and the twins, and of course your kids if they ever want to visit" Art said thinking it over. "I've got some money saved up from over the years," he added with a smile. Art's life was falling into place as they spoke.
" Alright, a new house it is." Julie said. Julie liked the new idea of a brand new house. " There's plenty of money in my bank account from being a daddy's girl all those years." She laughed. " Where shall we move too?" She asked. " Oh so many questions to deal with now." She sighed sitting down on a stool that was near her. Julie looked around at Art's flowers. All of this new flower creations, they were absolutley amazing. " You must have an amazing drawing hand to create all of these amazing flowers." She said looking at him.
Art smiled when Julie agreed to a new house, a new house to a beginning of a new life, it was perfect. He laughed when Julie commented on how many things they had to think about, "Well you obviously love it where its warm, and I don't blame you" Art walked around so he was standing behind Julie. He began giving her a shoulder massage because he remembered how much Apple's back had hurt when she was pregnant, and that was just with one baby. Art leaned forward so his mouth was next to Julie's ear, "How about, France, or Spain" he whispered. He would love to travel to the romance countries with Julie. He laughed a little when she said he must have a good drawing hand, "You could say that" he replied modestly.
Julie felt Art's hands on her shoulders, it felt amazing. She could feel the strong parts of his hands, but also the tension leaving her. " Oh, France sounds lovely. " She giggled. " But they get snow, for about the winter months." She nodded. " What do you think of a really hot, warm place like Barbados?" Julie asked Art. " I would love to see some of your drawings some time, that is if you don't mind." She said. " My daughter, had quite a hand for drawing, once I looked through her book and she got upset because I saw the drawings, somethings I will never understand." She laughed and shook her head.
Art smiled when Julie mentioned Barbados, "I think it sounds heavenly as long as your there" Art said quietly. Art became a bit flustered when she asked to see his drawings sometime, he had never shown them to anyone before and became a bit nervous at the thought, "No I don't mind" he replied having to remember that. Art listened as she talked about her daughter who could draw very well, "Well maybe I'll have to meet her and get a few pointers" Art suggested.
Julie could picture the perfect house in Barbados, it was just an apparation away. " Can we actually go live there?" She asked him. Julie looked at Art; she raised her hand to touch his. " It's ok if you don't want me to see them." She said smiling up at him. " I don't have a problem with that." She nodded. " She would love to show you some of her paintings, you can hopefully meet her soon." She nodded
Art laughed softy when Julie asked if they could actually live in Barbados, "We can live where ever you wish, although I do like the idea of Barbados myself" Art replied imagining a house in the tropics with his wife and his children playing around in the backyard. Art shook his head when Julie said she didn't need to see them, "No I want you to see them, I'm just nervous because no one's ever seen them before" he assured her. Art smiled when Julie said he could meet her kids soon, "I hope so, we'll have to tell them about their new siblings too" Art added excitedly.
Julie smiled. " I've been there before, your going to love it." She nodded. " It's a perfect paradise, trust me." She nodded at him again. "Alright, now I'm excited to see these drawings." She smiled at Art. " Oh yes, for sure." She nodded rubbing her stomach. Julie figured that this was the best day of her whole entire life, she was so happy to be sharing it with Art, the love of her life.
Art nodded when Julie said he would love Barbados, he was sure he would. Art wrapped his arms around Julie from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder, "I can't wait to meet your kids, the way you talk about them makes them sound so great" Art commented. He knew Julie was an amazing mom so there was no doubt that she would have great kids.

(( gah lame >.< ))

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