Closed Big Cat Perks

Arianna Zhefarovich

potioneer • to answered dreams • charming
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 17 Inch Rigid Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2018 (32)
Arianna sighed as she relaxed on the living room floor with Sergei. Well, Sergei who was currently a big black cat resting right beside her while she ran her fingers through his fur. It had been at least an hour since the pair of them managed to get Preston and Stefan to bed, the latter being a lot harder than the former. It was during these times of peace and quiet that Arianna could hardly believe that she was actually here, in New Zealand. It had been months since she had moved - which had been of great surprise to her dear cousin Liam. After having been deprived of birthright for a little over a decade, the former Gryffindor had found it quite difficult to leave Nightray manor after she had gotten together with her former lover and husband, Jeremiah Raven. Because of that, she and Jeremiah had raised their twin girls in Nightray manor. After she and Jeremiah had a falling out and eventually separated, which was right about when she and Sergei had gotten together, it had taken a while but she had eventually told Liam that she would be moving to New Zealand. It had been a rather difficult process, especially taking into account the stubbornness of her own twin daughters. The thought of the twin hellions made Arianna sigh in the otherwise silent room. "My daughters hate me." It was such an out-of the-blue statement. Especially considering that the twins have been in Hogwarts for about two months now but just thinking about how the last school break went was unpleasant. "They like you than they like me," she muttered as she continued to run her fingers through Sergei's fur. It really was bad though that the twins almost prefer Sergei's company considering that she was their mother but they had always preferred their father too. And it really didn't help when Jeremiah left Nightray manor. And it especially didn't help when she had moved to New Zealand, forcing them to stay there too with only the weekends to spend in the manor with their half-siblings. It was such a headache that she whenever she would be holding Stefan - her son with Sergei - she was sincerely wishing that he wouldn't hate her too! And now here she was, suddenly blurting out the randomest things to her lover. Merlin, she was probably going bonkers.
Sergei Zhefarovich was in his animagus form, curled up while his girlfriend was leaning against him. He enjoyed being like this, ferocious and dangerous. The only downside was that to get the strength to shift, he had to eat meat and it sucked. He used to be a vegetarian before his animagus training. When Sergei heard Arianna say that her daughters hated her, he shifted his front paw a little bit, but he couldn't speak while in this form though. Sergei had a low growl to give a small reply, but decided that he likely needed to actually speak. So, he shifted back, and noticed that her hand was still on his hair, which was a dark brown now. He used his hand to removed it from his hand and link it with his. "They only like me because I can turn into a big cat. There is no other reason why," Sergei informed Arianna softly. He didn't really know why they hated her, but that was likely because she actually disciplined them whereas Jeremiah likely did not. "They are young now. When they get older, they will understand. Just give them a little time," Sergei urged.
Arianna would have to admit that she loved to lounge about while her boyfriend was in his animagus form. While she knew that his animagus was a dangerous and carnivorous animal, well, she couldn't help but just see her boyfriend as big, cuddly and fluffy. She probably wouldn't say that though ... much. So she had to pout just a little when he shifted back into a human, which sort of made sense considering they very well couldn't have a conversation if he was a big cat. She'd be too distracted, never mind that he could only answer in growls and snarls and roars and maybe purrs. He was a cat after all ... a big, big cat. As Sergei linked their hands however, Arianna couldn't help but think that this was definitely nice as well. "Well, then, maybe I should turn into a big cat too," she said with a soft huff. She probably wouldn't turn into a big cat, she doubted it was in her personality. Well, that and she was abysmal at Transfiguration. The woman sighed as she knew that her boyfriend was probably right, or at least she was hoping that he was right. It was difficult to have her daughters hating her, even more difficult since she couldn't figure out either if they accepted Stefan. Arianna had thought that the girls wouldn't mind having a little brother, they were quite good with Tiziano after all, but with their apparent dislike for her after her separation with Jeremiah and getting together with Sergei, well, she didn't know anymore. Aside from that her worries of the relationship between herself and her daughters and the relationship of her daughters with Stefan, she was also worried about her relationship with Stefan when he grows older. Granted that it wouldn't be for a while, she couldn't help but think of the what if he comes to hate her too? What if Preston also hates her? Merlin, how bad could she get with children? Would it affect her relationship with Sergei badly? "I'm a little worried is all," she said softly. A complete understatement. "Thank you. I love you," she said with a small smile as she gave his hand a small squeeze.
Sergei chuckled as she mentioned that she should turn into a big cat as well. "Arianna, that takes years of training. And you shouldn't put yourself through that, just so your kids will get over their little issue," Sergei shrugged his shoulders, since he was a little harsher on kids than he should have been. He was pretty stern, which was how he raised Preston to be. That was why his son was more accepting than Arianna's children. Though Preston didn't really have a 'fun' parent. One was nurturing, and the other one was strict. He was positive that eventually, Arianna's kids would come around. They just needed time. "I know. I don't want to have to buy their love for the two of us, but that might be the case. I'm very reluctant to spoil kids though. The world has enough brats." Sergei sighed as he thought of those kids that were getting their way. He gave her hand a small squeeze as well. "Love you too, Arianna."
Arianna had sort of figured that she would practically be unable to become an animagus but hearing Sergei actually say it did not make her feel any better. After all, how could she expect to transform when she could barely manage inanimate to inanimate transfigurations. It wasn't that she couldn't do it, it was just that it took a lot of concentration for her to actually manage any sort of transfiguration. Potions and Charms, she was better at, more of the former than the latter though. "I know. It doesn't help that I'm useless at Transfiguration either," she said with a sigh as she leaned more on her boyfriend, placing her head on his shoulder. "I just want them to at least like me too, even though I know they'd prefer that Jeremiah had full custody of them," she said just barely above a whisper. She had known that the twins preferred Jeremiah, it had been no secret as the pair of them grew up. She - Mummy - was frequently the one providing discipline after their pranks and troublemaking tendencies, their dad couldn't stand their puppy dog eyes all that well. That and it had been their father that had spent a lot of time with them growing up as Arianna herself had been busy with both her work in the Nightray company and as a potions master. After some trouble with embezzlement, it took some time to get the company stable once more and by then, the twins were almost at Hogwarts age and she and her ex-husband had already suffered a major falling out. And then Sergei had come along and now they had a kid and Arianna was just trying really, really, really hard not to mess up all over again that she had even taken time off from the company. "They are a handful of brats, aren't they?" she asked, not really expecting an answer. She knew all too well what Artemisa and Felicita were like. They were hellions, especially to people they didn't like, and unfortunately she was right at the top of their list right now. "It means a lot to me that you're willing to put up with them." And it really did. It had to be a headache dealing with her twin girls. She knew. She had headaches dealing with them and she loved them to bits. Arianna herself barely knew how to rein them in which made her question herself a number of times if she was even fit to be a parent. Sergei was doing a better job at handling parenting after all, even if he did have an advantage of being a big cat. Hell, even freaking Jeremiah was doing a better job than her.
Sergei had to admit, he felt bad for Arianna, with how her kids, her little brats, were treating her. He knew that in due time, they would need to come to her, especially when puberty hit. That wasn't something girls often went to their dad about when the monthly cycle started. Similar to a full moon, which was why Sergei always thought the first werewolf had to be a woman. It made more sense that way. "One day, they will come to their senses, and need their mother too. You are sort of the more constant woman in their life, from what I assume with Jeremiah and his legion of kids." Sergei shook his head, knowing that some people in his family could not judge Jeremiah. Sergei could, since he only had the one kid from a previously failed marriage. "After all, what dad would want to take his girls out to go buy pads and tampons? That is kind of why I am glad that I have boys. Not that I wouldn't want daughters, but I would be in a bad place if I didn't have a woman to tell me what to buy." Sergei gestured with his hand as he spoke, since he didn't want to move Arianna's head off of his shoulder. The Scitorari member sighed as he reached over and placed his hand on Arianna's leg. He knew not to move his hand, since he was sure that was how Stefan was born into the world. Preston took a while to understand, and Sergei had to talk about the birds and the bees with him, as if that wasn't awkward enough. Sergei took his hand off of her leg and wrapped it around her back, where his hand rested on her waist. "The twins are nothing compared to some of the kids in my family. As long as they don't try to kill anyone." Sergei smirked a little, though he couldn't say he wouldn't be proud of amused if they did. "I put up with them because I love you, and I am apart of your life, as you are in mine. In fact," Sergei paused, as his other hand reached into his robes, and pulled out a ring he had hidden for a while, "we can elope and really piss off your daughters too. I'm sure they would love me becoming their new step-daddy."
Arianna hoped that Sergei was right. She didn't really know if and when they would open up to her once more and if they would ever need her. Her parents had been killed when she was young and had practically been raised in a hospital until she had reached the age of sixteen of which she had returned to Nightray manor. She had known of many times she had wanted her parents, her mother especially, and she had wanted a close relationship with her daughters which had not happened. She still hoped though. The woman snorted though at the mention of her ex-husband. "Legion. Now that's one way to describe it. Merlin, I don't even know if I want to know how many kids he has at this point," she said with a roll of her eyes. Last she heard, he had five, including their daughter. And those were the ones she knew of. She was also pretty sure there were more. She was trying to stifle a laugh though at the image of both Jeremiah and Sergei with Misa and Feli buying pads and tampons. Now that would be a sight she'd be willing to pay to see. "With my luck with them, who knows, maybe they'll go on to one of their aunties instead," she commented rather offhandedly as she watched Sergei's hand settle on her leg. It wasn't really a farfetched scenario either. The twins were rather close with Ai and with their apparent hatred for her right now, she wouldn't be surprised if they approached the woman for help in some matters either. The woman repressed a shudder at the thought of her children being like the kids in her boyfriend's family. "Please, don't give them any ideas. They'd probably end up trying just to prove they could get away with it," Arianna said with a sigh, and really, the twins killing someone was a horrifying thought in the sense that if they got it into their heads, she wasn't sure if they really wouldn't take it that far. Arianna smiled as Sergei told her that he loved her, she never tired of hearing that. He made her feel wanted and loved and sometimes it still brought tears to her eyes that she was actually happy with him. Her eyes widened however when she saw the ring that he pulled out that his words were barely registering in her mind with how loud her heart was beating. She removed her head from his shoulders and sat straighter as she stared and her eyes watered. Her lips moved but no voice was coming out as she could feel a lump in her throat as she struggled to even breathe properly, struggle to form words. She had to blink several times to make sure that the ring was still there and she wasn't imagining this. Once it was actually sinking in, her head turned to look at Sergei so fast that she was surprise she didn't have a whiplash and she pounced on him. Her arms came around his neck and she didn't care if he'd manage to handle her weight suddenly thrown on him. "Yes, yes, yes!" she said rather quickly as she couldn't believe the happiness that was flowing out of her. "I love you oh my Merlin I can't believe this, yes!" she said with a laugh.
Sergei chuckled as she described it as legion, the same as him. Then again, he did have a relative named Legion as well. And sometimes, he acted like he had several different personalities, but Sergei knew that was just his moods from time to time. Not that Sergei got too involved with that side anyway. It was a little hard to keep up with his family so he didn't really bother too much unless he needed to. Though, Sergei nodded when she informed him that they might go along with their aunt instead of their dad for that. Or him for that matter. That was one reason why he was glad that he had a son, or rather, sons now. Sergei only chuckled as she said not to give them any ideas. That was something that he wouldn't do anytime soon. Now, he was just waiting on her acceptance, or her to say no, which he doubted anyway. Though, he did not expect her to actually pounce on him. He fell on his back from her weight, and then exclaiming yes several times, and then the proclamation of love. Sergei made sure that the ring was still in his palm, and chuckled, "Arianna, you sound happy for some reason." Sergei teased, as he sat up a bit. "You kind of need to put the ring on before I lose it."

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