Bi-Weekly Update!

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Gooooood day to you all! Welcome to another bi-weekly update, we have so much going on right now, some really great stuff, this is an exciting time for HNZ, so I'm going to stop rambling, because goodness knows I can and just jump right on in!

Sorting is Open
:frantics: Sorting! The moment all you guys have been waiting for. Sorting has been opened, as well as transfer applications. You'll have plenty of time to get sorted and to get those applications in, so don't worry if you're too busy within the first few days, you'll have time. If you are looking to get sorted, be transferred or looking to read the sorting announcement you can find it Here, and you can post your reactions to being sorted here. If you have no one to sort, maybe you should make someone to sort :r join us in all the fun that sorting is!

Holiday Areas
The holiday areas have been opened, so this means that students who couldn't previously post in these various areas can now do so. So, get to posting! These areas won't remain open forever so you should be quick to get things started and post away. There are plenty of areas to post in, plenty of places for students to cause chaos. Why not go visit the sweet shop, or the book store, or get a butterbeer with some friends at the Hogs Head or the Leaky Cauldron or even visit Borely Mansion, I hear the dark presence gets bored :r

As per usual the lovely people on the Yearbook staff have been working tirelessly away making the yearbook and it is done! You can take a look at it Here. Show us your love, tell us how amazing it is, Accio! takes a lot of time and a lot of effort so any and all appreciation for it is welcome. Special thanks to the lovely Kaitlyn who put it all together and works without complaint on the Yearbook. You can check out all the other Yearbooks Here, see all the work that has been put in by various Accio staff members over the years. The results for the IC Superlatives can also be found within this IC year's Yearbook. Feel free to tell us your reactions either here in this BWU or right Here! Thanks to everyone who participated! Without participation from you lot, the superlatives can't happen, so again a huge thanks.

Applications Are Closed
As you may have noticed, sorting has opened, and sorting for HNZ is a crazy, fun, and interesting time, but it is a lot of work, especially for the Admin, so for this reason, most other applications have been closed for the time being. So, you'll just have to wait until Applications have been reopened before you can apply for anything. We thank you for your patience during this time.

End of Y23
Y23 has officially ended and we're in the transition period to Y24, with sorting and that open. Group promotions have taken place and exams and classes have been rounded up. Feel free to carry on with RPs set in Y23, but first years should be reminded that they should only post in topics in Y24, so any topic posted after the 23rd of August 2015. If you want to read the full end of year announcement, you can find it here. The house cup went to Gryffindor, in case you weren't able to tell by the lovely gryffindor colours and the crest currently make the board look lovely and festive. Promotions have occurred! As you can tell if you have any students currently in the school your students have been promoted to their new year group and so that'll mean when the time comes registering for classes, students may need to buy the required books and stuff. Prefects and head people promotions obviously come later, and as of right now students have also be given their allowance. So happy spending!

Character Spotlight
The month of August's character spotlight is Claire's character, Stella Lagowski. Stella is a really fantastic character and Claire deserves all of our congratulations. You read the announcement for it and also Claire's answers to the questionnaire right here. The staff selects the characters for the spotlight whose biographies stand out, so keep working on your bios and you might just be spotlighted.

Professor Applications
While most of the other applications have been closed there are a number of positions up for grabs in Hogwarts. We are always hugely thankful to people who choose to become Professors, the role that you play is vital to the running of HNZ and so if you are interested in becoming a professor you can apply. Be aware of the sort of commitment which is asked of you if you do receive the role, it should not be taken lightly. For a full list of the positions up for grabs take a look here. We are grateful for anyone who applies for any of the positions and grateful to all of our current professors for the work that they do and have done.
Current professors should take a look at this topic here, read, respond, discuss, in-act.

Damon Williams, after six years of dating Clarisse Richards, has decided to overcome his anxiety with regards to their relationship and pop the question - but will she say yes?</LI>

[li]The Sorting Ceremony
Folks are getting sorted, come watch them be sorted!

[li]Uncorked Cataclysm
Smells like mischief..

[li]Emotional Seesaw
Just get back together already.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li] Head People and Prefect promotions :frantics:
[li] Y24 beginning!
[li] More Sorting madness
[li] Shopping Craziness (be prepared Ollivanders)
And that's all from me folks. As ever, any questions/comments/concerns, can be posted in this topic. Have an awesome day!

- Emzies
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Accio! looks amazing! You all did an amazing job on it. ^_^

I love this time on HNZ! Can't wait to see what these new firsties do.

Thanks for posting, Emzies!
Stellan Myser said:
Stefan Archer said:
[ul][li]Emotional Seesaw
Just get back together already.[/li][/ul]
No :r
He's being mean. :glare: So nope..

Thanks for the updates Emzies!! :D

Accio looks fantastic!! Great job guys!! :party:
Thanks for the update Emzies :) I'll take a look at all of those plots!
Us new firsties will make sure to have interesting plots in the upcoming year :p
If anyone with a Professor character could go here and read this I would really appreciate it! :)
Professor Justin Cliffeton said:
If anyone with a Professor character could go here and read this I would really appreciate it! :)
I'd also like to remind anyone with a professor character that there is another topic to reply to in the professor's area as well. Please log on to your professor character and read it. :)
Professor applications will be closing very, very soon. If you were thinking of applying, you should and you should soon. ;)

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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