Bi-Weekly Update

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Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
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Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
Hey everyone, sorry about the slight tardiness over the newest update. We have a lot in store for you! After all, we do have a lot going on! And, we have a lot more that is coming soon as well. It is a busy time of the year.
Omg omg omg, graduation! Remember when your current seventh years were newly sorted? I sure do, and almost tearing up at my little kids all grown up. Anyway, graduation is up and running so you need to get over there and start RPing your final moments in HNZ before you are moved to the members group. Don't worry, you have a little bit of time since you need to be moved to the graduates group first, then the members or whatever you need! The forum to the graduation ceremony is here.
Exams, OWLs and NEWTs
Exams have been posted, and remember, those of you taking the OWL and NEWTs have to the end of the week opposed to tomorrow. Remember to get those exams in! Earn the final grades that you need! I should probably get on that myself. XD
Professors: Grades Up to Date
Remember professors, you have been a great help. Also, you need to make sure that your grading is up to date! Everyone needs to have their grades in asap after the exams are done, sans the fifth and seventh years, since they need to finish their OWL and NEWT.
Quidditch: The End
Quidditch is done! Slytherin managed to climb to the top and win! Poor Hufflepuff was dead last with barely any points. How did you all like the games? Were they exciting, horrible, what? I think the system is so much better than before. Thank you, Nick! To dicuss Quidditch further, please come here.

Superlatives: Wrapping Up
Superlatives are wrapping up anytime now, and the counts will be in. Be looking for them in the coming of days! Anyone else wagering on Nick winning the most awesome award again? I sure am, and people know that I absolutely hate losing.
Applications: Closed
Applications are closed, oh no! If you had some idea for a plot or wanted a part-veela, you are going to have to wait! It is break time, and with super fun stuff on its way, the Admins need a break to handle the applications they have right now, and to clean things up before making way for more exciting things. For those of you that put in applications, be sure to keep an eye for a response! You can keep up with it via [member]application information link.[member] Keep in mind, the account needs to be in your account tracker for it to work!
Minister for Magic Elections: Candidates
For those of you that have applied to become a candidate for the Ministry for Magic, keep an eye on your PM box. The administrators are contacting those that applied any day now, and the site will know soon enough who has been chosen via an official announcement! Anyone else as excited as me? I sure hope so! Everyone else that does not have a candidate or did not apply, please join us regardless for the excitement! After all, a new Minister affects you too!​
[ul]Just one? Wow, I know there are more out there!
[li]RHI V.8.
RHI strikes again! It seems to be just as vicious as ever! Come here to see if your character is mentioned![/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Group Promotions</LI>
[li]MoM Elections
[li]Superlative Results
[/li][/ul]So, any comments, concerns, anything, you know the drill!

~ Kaitlyn
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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