Bi-Weekly Update

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Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
Yeah this is a little late, I know. I'm probably the slowest person ever with class work and whatever. But we got some amazing updates for you!Quidditch: What In the World?!
Over in just a few days? Not even a few, but like, two? What happened there? Well, I can tell you, Ravenclaw and Slytherin both got lucky in their respective games. :r Though yay Ravenclaw! Even though my members didn't get to play. Rivalries were met and fought out, literally, in the Slytherin versus Gryffindor game. If you want to read the games, just come here. There isn't much to read, but hey, it is all interesting, I assure you.
And thanks to Cyndi, the current standings are:
1st: Slytherin: 2-0; 330 points
2nd: Ravenclaw: 2-0; 300 points
3rd: Gryffindor: 0-2; 30 points
4th: Hufflepuff: 0-2; 10 points

Will Slytherin have the Quidditch Cup, again?

Lessons: Review Week
All lesson sixes are posted in every classroom, so those that need to make up lessons should do so now. Next week is the big exams! Well, how hard can they be with the lesson archives right there for the peeking? :r Then again, it is highly advised to go by how the student would handle exams. xD

Costume Contest Winners
We got the winners for the Halloween Feast costumes! And here they are!
Best Costume: Serenity Dion as Cleopatra
Muggle-Inspired: Tabitha Theirin as a Knight
Magically Enhanced: Sage Ottavi as an angel
Best Couples/Group Costume: Professor Ciro Raven and Professor Abbigale Jinxx as Mr Darcy and Emma
Most Creative Costume: Roise Reilly as a fairy
Silliest Costume: Arianna Nightray as Sushi

Professors: Keep Those Lessons Marked!
Just a reminder to get all caught up in marking! We appreciate your time, and we are really thankful for the marks that we are getting for Slytherin, since we are, you know, the best. :r

April Fool's!
Looks like we only have one OOC update this time around, how odd! Anyway, a poltergeist that had a hatred for those that loved order came by and made everything slanted for a while, before turning all images upside down! Unfortunately, I didn't take any screenshots, so if you have any, please upload them and post them here! You can read about it here. There was another, lengthy prank. Those that loved the OOC section and chatting were forced to use the IRC for a few days, to refocus the community. Of course, that was all a hoax too! You can read more about it here.

Oh, got some good RPs for you guys! Hope you enjoy reading them as much as I do![ul][li]Durmstrang Blues
Both Alissa and Yevheniy are eluded by sleep, and by sheer chance meet in the most random of circumstances in an empty classroom. Getting off to a rocky start of bickering and fighting, the pair soon find themselves shocked and braced in more romantic past times. Will the two completely different Durmstrang students come out of this as something more than strangers? And how will the pair ever survive with Alissa's controlling twin brother Alexei looming over them? Find out more as the plot unravels!</LI>
[li]You Betrayed Me
Bryce and Rosie have it out after he benched her during the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor match. Was it a misunderstanding or something more that fueled the anger between the two adolescences?
Other RPs in this Plot:
Chad gets the talk of his life after attacking a Gryffindor student. Punishment dealt with by the oh-so-lovable Professor Styx, who knows just where to attack.
Other RPs in this Plot:[/li][/ul]

[ul][li]Upcoming changes?!
[li]A large IC event!
[li]Yule Ball!
[li]And, more Quidditch! :woot:
<LI>[li]HNZ's Birthday![/li][/ul]Have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to post them here!

~ Kaitlyn
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Awesome updates!
Thanks Kaitlyn! :hug:
Thanks for the great updates Kaitlyn! ^_^
Great update kaitlyn.
Now can someone please nock slytherin our of first place for something it is turning into a whitewash or rather greenwash. (My eyes are on you ravenclaw quidditch team)

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Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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