Bi-Weekly Update

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hey, just your friendly neighborhood admin here (anyone who gets the reference without having to look it up gets a glomp from me ;) ). Take a seat and allow me to welcome you to another bi-weekly update!

Catch up week

Now that week 6 is over, it is that crazy time in the semester when slackers like myself make a mad effort to earn some housepoints and,more importantly, a decent grade for their student(s). xD I know I'll be busy with lessons this week. Will you? :p

Professors, if you haven't been putting grades in as you go along, now is the time to get some grading done. Please don't leave it for the last minute, and if you require some assistance, feel free to let one of the members of the site staff know. :)

Yearbook Reminder

I'm sure those of you with seventh years recall receiving a PM from the yearbook editor at the beginning of the year. Do you remember such a pm? Did you reply? If your answer is no to either of these questions: GET TO IT! ^_^

Also, all other students, and staff members should be sure to post their pictures. Let's see if this can be the year when we have the fewest 'not pictured' names on the bottom of the pages. :r

Costume Contest
Thank you to all of the participants in the Halloween Feast's Costume Contest. After a discussion, winners have been chosen. Winners will be awarded housepoints for their creativity and participation!

And the winners are:

Best Costume: Muggle-Inspired: Albie Vermeulen as an Astronaut
Best Costume: Magically Enhanced: Alan Witts with his walking stick
Best Couples/Group Costume: Miyuki Echizen as Sailor Moon (with Ryoma Echizen as Tuxedo Mask)
Most Creative Costume: Rosie Reilly & Bryce Chamberlin as Mr. and Mrs. Pac Man
Silliest Costume: Liam Kale as a Mini-Chauffeur

...and Best Costume: Overall: Killua Freecs as a Skull Lord

Congratulations!!! :D


Applications are currently open and Nick and I seem to be doing a decent job at getting responses back to people. :) Also, an [member]application for the Makutu Dinette[member] has opened up. If you've ever seen your character as the owner of a diner, feel free to apply!

Gradebook Help Section

Have you ever scratched your head about one of the links on the gradebook page? Well, hopefully you won't have to after today. Thanks to Nick, an awesome help section has been added to the gradebook. It will explain to you the specific gradebook areas that your character has access to -whether it be professor access, HoH access or student access.

Check it out [member]HERE[member].

OOC Supers

As the culmination of the site's birthday, [member]OOC superlatives[member] were revealed last week! Congratulations to those of you who were nominated! And, congratulations to the winners!

If you haven't already, check out the results and collect your banners!!

Sadly, no plots were highlighted this fortnight. :( If you've read a plot or been involved in one that deserves highlighting, let us know.

[ul][li]Yule Ball! :frantics:</LI>
[li] Exams!
[li] Holiday plottage
<LI>[li] A character spotlight? :o [/li][/ul]

That's all I have for this fortnight! Come back in another two weeks for some more news and announcements! :)

(On behalf of the Site Staff)
omgzzzzz my slytherin character is the winner of the magically costume contest, haha!
Thanks for the updates Cyndi! :hug:
:woot: :frantics: Kil won the costume contest!!!! :party:
^_^ Thanks for the update Cyndi!!! ^_^ :hug:

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If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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