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Henry Dunstan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring
Well I have an idea for a plot that takes place during the TWT. Basically Henry meets this girl from HNZ and they become best friends, but Henry ends up falling big time for her. Unfortunately for him she is completely unaware and doesn't feel the same way. It would be even cooler if she were already seeing someone cause then there could be a little tension between him and the bf. So I was thinking the girl could be in either her 5th or 6th year?

also if theres anyone from Beauxbatons or HNZ who just wants to be his friend that would be awesome too! =]

links to his bio and cd are in the siggy so you can see what Henry's like
I have someone who could fit as she is interested in a guy and she is completely oblivious when it comes to boys liking her. She would only realise that they liked her when they told her. Only thing is, she's in Durmstrang and not HNZ. If you're ok with a Durmstrang then she's up for it, otherwise never mind. :D Her name's Zascha Bresilley if you want to look her up.
she sounds perfect, but the ting is i was hoping to get someone from HNZ cause i have this little idea that he chases after her and transfers to NZ for his last year of school. sorry :(
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