Closed Between Two Homes

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Lilith was both excited to be back in Valtimo and sad because in her first year at Hogwarts the castle had become a home. Her heart was both calling for the familiarity and safety of her family and screaming to get back to the other side of the world. Much like everything else in her life currently it was a mixture of emotions. She wasn't quite sure which one was home, maybe both of them were but in different ways.

As she took step in her family home, the familiar smell filling her senses, the small pitter patter of paws running along the hallway to greet her and the chatter of her siblings somewhere in the house she turned to her parents, seeking for those faces she had known all her life. Only neither of them were the one she was truly looking for, no that one was among the stars now. "I have so much to tell you, i am sorry for the minimal letters, but I can explain and hopefully you can understand my focus was mostly on all that was going on within those walls." Lilith spoke apologetically, her mothers warm smile was quick to set parts of her at ease.
Audrey was happy to see her firstborn back home. She herself remembered her first year of school, it had been a whirlwind. While she completely understood, especially knowing her daughter, why Lilith had not been writing home as much as she would have liked, as a mother she still found herself worried. There was a look of confusion in those eyes she had burned to memory from the first day she laid eyes on them.

Wrapping one arm around Lilith she gave her a smile guiding them towards the kitchen. "How about I make us some tea and you can tell me all about it, yeah? Does that sound alright?" Last they had seen each other was during Lilith's visit during Christmas break. Then there had been those two friends of hers that Audrey had quite liked, the twins that reminded her of her and her brother in ways. "How about, you go with the twins?" Audrey directed her words to her husband who just nodded as per usual.
It was so familiar and easy, to watch her parents communicate. Lilith found herself realizing just how much she had missed this side of her life, this home. She gave an eager nod to her mother and proceeded to watch her movements as she made the tea. "You know, I made some friends. No actually I made quite a few, but I also sometimes felt very lonely and I missed the dogs, of course, but I also see, Vega I am not sure something feels off." Lilith used the nickname, calling for her attention. She had a lot on her mind and felt like maybe her mother out of everyone under this roof would be able to shed some light into the situation. "I love school, I love every one of my lessons, well mostly, Defence Against the Dark Arts kind of freaks me out at times you know. Like it is just absurd to think that someone could be capable of doing such things, but I suppose that is where the Defence part of the subject comes in, yeah?" It was funny how easy it was to talk to Vega about these things, but she supposed it was also partly because her grandmother wasn't available and mum was the closest thing to it right now. "But you see the issue is, I sometimes find it difficult to concentrate and I just you know slip into my own head. It isn't the worst of course but I am afraid it'll affect my studies? I don't want to mess up mum, I really do not want to disappoint." Of course Lilith knew she wouldn't disappoint her parents, probably, hopefully, but the fear was there most of the time. she wanted to prove them, herself too, that she could do it, she could manage it on her own.
Audrey wasn't too surprised that Lilith couldn't wait until she was done with the tea to start telling her what was on her mind. She had figured from the conflict in those green eyes that her girl was bursting at the seams to tell someone. Hiding a smile Audrey focused on the tea making as she listened to every detail. She let out a light laugh at Lili's explanation about DADA, oh yes she herself had liked the lessons in that subject, but they could be rather harsh wake up to reality for a child. Though it was important they knew what they'd be facing in the magical world both at best and at worst. It had been a while she herself had been into anything magical, they had made the choice to not live on that part of the world, instead she teaches at a muggle school, much so frowned upon by her parents, but that wasn't much of her concern.

Her movements came to an abrupt stop when Lilith's words proved that perhaps her motherly intuition and worry had not been in vain, it seemed she had been struggling somewhat too. "Ah, maybe you should seek out a nurse at the school during your next semester?" Audrey wasn't a professional, but she had seen the way her daughter slipped away with little to nothing she could do to bring her mind back to the present. She had taken Lilith to see a counselor and they had sent her forward, testing and testing until coming to a conclusion. Lilith had insisted she could handle it, but Audrey always worried and now she thought perhaps it was time her daughter saw someone who could help her. "There's no shame in asking for help, you know. It is a strength no notice when you need it and to ask for it, even more to accept it. You are brave Lilith, bright too. I understand why Meeri called you Moon or Luna, perhaps Luna should have been your name, you are such a light to be around. You guide those around you, but you are too independent my love. I cannot help you from this side of the world, but I also see how you love the school so i do not want to take it away from you, but perhaps you could seek out someone? Talk to them and figure out together how to move forward?" Lilith had always been her own person, she had always been strong willed and independent. Sometimes too much so even.
Lilith listened to her mum's words, perhaps she was right. There were those at the school who could help her surely, right? She could at least try and seek someone out. Her fidgeting hands came to a halt at Vegas words and mention of her grandmother. Tears welled up in her previously dry eyes. Luna and Moon, it had been so long since one had referred to her with either of those names. They echoes the safety, familiarity she missed very much. Her mothers words echoed in the space between them as Lilith did her best to mull them over. She really thought Lili was all of that? "I-, perhaps you are right. I just wanted to I don't know prove to myself I could do it on my own?" Lilith spoke quietly, wiping away the tears that had escaped. Meeri too had always said that it was not a sign of weakness to ask for help when needed, but she just wanted to be independent. "I miss her and I missed you mum." She said at last giving her mum a hug, one she hadn't realized she had needed. "Now may i have some tea?" She asked jokingly, fully aware that her mothers attention was not on those cups on the counter, nor the water boiling in the kettle. There was a feel of something hairy against her leg and Lilith didn't need to look down to know who it was, it was Meeri, their Mudi brushing against her leg. Lilith kneeled down and accepted a few kisses, giving plenty of her own all over the dogs face. Definitely what she had missed the most. "You know, maybe I could get some sort of a pet for school before next year starts?" There was a glint of mischief in her eyes as she looked at Vega, who in turn just blinked at her.

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